Saturday, May 20, 2006


well, i was home alone again, well was busy half generating 2-d drawings n half ironing k! not bad ah, quite productive... then i kinda rewarded myself by whippin up a yummy sandwich.. here somehow i can eat tonnes of it... but ill still need my usual dose of pasta/noodles la.. heh

so today's lunch-dinner(if we have 'brunch' y isnt there a 'luncher' or 'dinnuch'? think cos they just sound bad so the english language decided to simply do away with it... u think?)
ok, sandwich: bread topped with mozazrella(dont ask me how to spell tho i see it everyday), drizzled some extra virgin oilve oil.. then topped-toppped with bacon-tomato-basil-garlic... then topped-topped-topped with poached egg.... then topped-topped-topped-topped with wasabi-whitewine cheese sauce(tho lemon cheese sauce wld have been better but no lemon!)....well, i think i jsut wanted to keep myself busy by cooking... if u ask me, its over done la this damn sandwich... ahha... to prep this meal i needed to fry the bacon n friends, then boil water to poach the eggs, then make the cheese sauce.... so many things!

well, as i said, it was overdone, it wld have been better with jsut 3x 'topped'... n full stop. without the cheese sauce ,i cld have tasted more of my bacon n friends.... my mozarella was barely noticable... ('ill make it up to u for my next meal i promise...')... or without the bacon nf riends but with the cheese sauce with the egg... then i can taste more of the cheese sauce...
so, overall, tho this was a extremely hearty sandwich meal, im stuff... n frankly, a little chuak-tio... too much la...

well, overall it didnt taste bad, all the indiv ingredients tasted pretty gd jsut when ALL came tog, overpowering... so ok, 1 of my not so successfull meals... the other one which is still elaving me slightly scared was the pasta i made for lynn for pack for lunch... it has made me even more weary of having pasta overcooked. i always liked my pasta al dente, 'to the teeth' of somehting, basically it means, jsut cooked, jsut nice.but i know jx n lynn likes it softer than i do, for me id rather have slightly undercooked than overcooked... so when boiling pasta for lynn, i made special effort to cook it longer, but what happened was i thought i switched of the fire... but i didnt cos i turned it to the opposite side of 'off' which left me with small fire not no fire... damn, dyslexsicity again! so then the pasta was soggy... n a lil slimy... eeeekss... i so wanted to toss it man (out of pride of cos), but when i tasted it, it was fine sjut that the pasta texture was off... so i tried to let it dry off the slime... it was better after awhile la... so well, i sincerely asked myself, 'will i still eat it instead of tossing it?(cos is a waste ma) n i said yea i wld... its not THAT bad... so ok, if ill eat it, then ok, lynn can eat it too.. :) well, she probably didnt dare to complaint, n she didnt come home lao-saiing.. so ok then! but ill always remember to watch the direction of the damn knob!(so many times i kana...)

1 hell of a sandwich

Friday, May 19, 2006

lagi more crackers.... n a desert

ok, today is thursay, ihave no lessons n refuse to make my way to sch jsut so i have stable connection... so i slept in (ok, not that bad la, 10plus i got up liao k) n slowly got up and wash up(i rush every other mrng cos i snooze snooze snooze then rush liek siao after that cos here the trains leaves ON TIME (nothing else does), n my 2 friends r damn on the dot kind, 5mins to the allocated leaving-house time they r standing at the door waiting for stressed u tell me! jx n lynn: i will cont to TRY not to make u fellas wait... :)
anyway, back to my story,i slowly got up, switch on my lappy n listen to some ambient/chillout music while i wash up... then walk in the house while changing (dont have to worry that ill scare jx or lynn,not they scare me but i scare them really....). then i slowly chops fruits n eat la, use some internet la, then started to do my design stuf,f then got stuck, alamak, so i got up n made crackers... :) i think i jsut had to get it out of my mind.. i thot of using carrots for my next crackers project cos the night b4, jx left the container of carrots at the door cos it was well... rotting n extremely foul smelling apparently... so we saved the heng-sai few carrots n this mrng i wacked one for my crackers!
here we go again....

basil-butter with tomato

my poor basil plant was dying so i wanted to make them feel useful before they leave this world in utter foulness... 'u did gd basil-leys... u may leave this world feeling proud fr my poop...'

carrot+rosemary(freshly plucked) with somked cheese

well, i steamed the carrots so i can mash it up... n the smoked cheese, it kinda taste like bacon, n not very expensive (based on erasmus standard) so i think we'll be getting more of this stuff! yum!

ok this is another desert thign that i did 2-3days back....

after the tiramisu project, i found out how to use thw whipping cream n all... n new ingredient that i can use ma...

honey lemon cream with strawberries and cereal-butter chunks

the cereal-butter thing i learn from making cheesecake, jsut bash the cereal cookie(or digestives), add melted butter n leave it in the fridge to harden! its dman siok man, its hte butter i tell u....for this, its better to leave it int he fridge overnight so the next day tis nice n cold n the strawberry flavour will ooze into the cream ... :)

well, all these picture were taken by the AWAKEN OLYMPUS! well i really wanted to take a pic of the crackers, but jx n lynn all not ard so i cldnt borrow their cams, i tried my nokia but this time, that chap really did pull thru for me, so i decided to jsut give olumpus a shot n see it if worked n it did!! damn heng man! ive yet to service it, i made a trip down yesterday, looked up the place printed the map n all, went there n found that it was a residential place! i got the exact adress, but what was wrong? it was in 'opera milano' not milano-milano'... opera is some small town outside milano.... can die or not u tell me... then when i check on how to get htere,i got to take some regional train out of milan then take a bus to opera cos no train goes there... now im hoping hoping hoping that olympus has awaken for real n it START paying me back for all the glorious shots lost!

so anywa, all these shots were janeyhia original! of cos i learn from jx la... heh

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

crackers...n a pancake

well, somehow i find it very fun n interesting n ok, yummy to make spreads for crackers... the last time was avocado, n this time i made 2 more!

ok, just so u fellas know, i took these pic myself so thats y they dont look as good as the ones we used to put up. dont have the jx standard... but oh well, jsut for me to keep a record of my food n a 3min entertainment read for u fellas... i say this is gd enough... :)

chocolate(nutella)+yoghurt+orange zest with raisins
this one wasnt too bad, cant go wrong la basically... heh

yoghurt+basil+grated cheese+sundried tomato with tomato+garlic
this one was nice with the tomatoes.. refreshing...

this pancake was made by lynn for my bday (to all those who forgot my bday, doom on u.....) well lets jsut say it the most animated cake ive gotten over the last 22 yrs.... well, my bday here wasnt very exciting, had to go over to my grp mates palce to DO PROJECT can... then worked the whole night 4am? oh well, but lynn arranged for aperitivo with some fellas fr our living quarters n sch so that was nice... btw, aperitivo here means u pay for a cocktail(6-8euros?) n get buffet ! stuff like pasta, rice, ham, cheese pizzas etcetcetc depends n where u go to get what food....

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

proof that im STILL a student...

well if u rememeber about my workshop that i had last wk, we were suppose to redesign an old furniture of sagsa (1920s-30s) to make it nice n up-to-date so to speak,yet still retain its characcter etc... kinda like the volkswagen beetle thing... so this is my design... well it was grp work, but the erasmus power managed to prove that we aint baggage when we come to work man! Lynn n jx's were also chosen among their grp mates... ERASMUS POWER i say!

well, dont bother clicking at the pics to get a better look at at, the resolution is crap cos i didnt bother abt it.. jsut print screen fr my presentation...

the lefty is the old fart, while the chap on the right is the new design. we have 2 designs for them in the end. long story . my grp mates wanted to add-value to the chair n (after a even longer story) ,its wheels, so mobility etcetcetcetctetceetcetcte.... then my design had only 3 legs so the wheel wldnt fit so after going round the biggest tree, we came back to this chair, made 4 legs n pom 2 wheels... personally, i dont like the dman wheels, i mean come on la, this is a office furniture company , they want chair with wheels they can do a better job anyday than for us to squeeze into our damn chair... ok, just some more pics on the 4legged-2wheel chair...

this is the original 3 legged one without any damn wheels... i in the end managed to get them to understand tat it doesn make sense to tell sagsa 'hey, we have a nicer chair (which we all agreed) but cos we wanna include flexibility/mobility , u get 1 that is a tad uglier.. sorry ah!). so ok, we added in our presentation that we have another one.. :) dont get me wrong, my mates r nice pple, n understanding n reasonable... they spoke n discussed in english, that for me, is more than what i can ask for already...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

just trying to find something to do other work... ok, for now at least...

ok, this is some rice desert thing that i tried...muller ma... its sweet... its creamy,grainy n comes with coffee sauce? liquid? i dunno what to call it la... well, i wouldnt buy it again if u asked me, it tasted a lil fako.. n so.... premade n instant kind taste... well i didnt die eating, just that i wont have it again... doesnt look very gd huh... like sticky sticky n gooey gooey.. but it was kinda like that la.... anywya, here they have lotsa puddings, sold together with the yoghurt section... ive yet to try one... maybe i will later when i go to the supermkt...

ok next up, my school deco... well, its this thing where the tc screens display all the students work from various departments, be it, product,fashion,interior,communication etc... n thot they did it pretty well too...

this is what i call clever aircon/fan/ventilation ... saw it at the sagsa office where i had my workshop...there is thhis plastic tube that runs on the top.. n on it has some lil holes where cool air/wind comes from to cool the place, plus since now weather is still cool n nice, its really like an aircon... i suspect there is a fan leading to the outside to spin n generate wind in the tube, then it dissipates indoors...

Friday, May 12, 2006

long day man....

well, this wk, thanks to workshop, ive actually been going to sch for 4 consecutive days n 1 more to go tmr! its just gross man...
well the workshop, is ok la.. not particularly interesting but dman draining la... for the past 3 days i gotta get up damn early cos my workshop is an hr away so travel like mad... then for the entire day we'll be discussing etc till late! i ended almost at 8pm today man... n was so damn it brain drained, think my brain seriosuly had a gd workout to the max man... plus i was dman sian too.. so then the only think i was looking forawrd to was to cook when i get back... it was awesome man... jx came back jsut after me so we had a 1.5hr dinner man.. siok to the max, had tuna-lao gan ma pasta... then pasta with some bottled vongole tomate sauce (which wasnt very gd..lucky it was damn small a bot), then we had the highlight of the meal man, prawns! we made steam prawns again, with light sauce n white wine... then the rest of it we coated with some flour, fried, then made some super tangy sauce of orange juice,tomato sauce,lemon n onion... by the time we were done with dinner it was 10... but here, at 8pm, its still bright, like spore 6plus ... so u dont fell like its late at all...

oh well,cant wait for this wk to end man...its a LONG week.....

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

ok, another milan fair stuff....

ok, this was one of the VERY FEW things that i enjoyed at the milan fair...
this lamp( hanabi) is extremely clever i must say... it simply beautiful la, it way it wokrs. those who came for the fair at tortona(tor-somehting la) wld pprobably have seen it n im sure prob enjoyed it as well....
the table (polar) was also quite fascinating, gd to entertain pple with ..... n intrigueing to look at till u get it... then ure like ...'oh..... i studied that stuff in physics!'

my 1st day at workshop... n some work

ok, so we're having a week of workshop, so everyday from mondya to friday, 9am-maybe 5-6pm? n in this wk we produce a product.we are attached to a company n help them design stuff n in return we get 5 credits.heh, life as a student.

well, in typical janeyhia's fashion, lynn n then jx checked for me what compnay i was allocated... then i didnt even check what time n where it was held n assumed that it was in sch just like everyone else... but since jx wanted to DOUBLE check his classrm n time, we went earlier... at 830am, so even if it startd at 8, not too bad, jsut 30mins late the italian way....

then at 830 i checked n saw that 'hey! mine aint in sch man! idiot... gotta travel out to the company itself... so damn i had to go back to the station, take a train n change to a metro n walk like siao n arrived at 920am, jsut 20mins late... well, tho i wasnt the latest, say abt 7other pple who came after me fr a class of say 30? so yea, everything was in italian as usual... but we (kate n i, an irish girl who is in the same italian class as me,so her italian also like mine.. which is cannot make it for sure) asked the dude n he jsut told us in 5mins roughly what it was abt etc....

then ok, in the company, had a perculator there so we helped ourselves to lavazza coffee(heng have ah, if not for sure ill fall off the damn chair trying to seemed interested in words i dont understand), then there was booze too! bottles n bottles of it i tell u, vodka la, whisky la... (maybe being a designer not that bad ah, got reason to drink ma, 'oh i need some inspiration...')

so ok, then had to form grps n once again, this is the bit where u hate being erasmus. we just waited there for someone to ask us cos we dont wanna force pple to take us erasmus, who cant speak italian(to them to get us in their grp is probably like 'wah lau, tio erasmus ah, suay shit la...' we didnt wanna ask anyone, then cos they will either have to be a bitch n erm, act blur n turn away or, be kind n suck it n take us in... so we jsut waited for someone to 'hai.. ok la , jsut take the damn erasmus la' us....

ok, so we r suppose to redesign old chairs of their, like some 1930s things, its like the volkswagen n their beetle... n tmr we r visiting their factory to see how they doo steel bending n manufac their stuff....

work load... not yet la... but soon im sure.. heh

Monday, May 08, 2006

chocolate and bananas

ok, then today was brieftly chatting to rj n he mentioned that he had some banana chocolate that he was eating, n it got me interested.. so i asked questions abt it etc... n started thinking n wrting down what could i do with banana n chocolate! (that kinda made rj my muse). i mean, banana n chocolate if sure winner combi n everyone knows that but how often do we make use of it?!??! (unless we eat out maybe?)

well after much thot n seeing that i cant bake a cake here or anything n not that i have all the ingredients, i made a simple banana n nutella spread with crackers that was pretty good comfort food man... esp when lynn was going insane sewing some bag for her project....
its really simple n u fellas shld try it!

what u need...
1 banana
bit of milk

jsut smash up a banana... put into a tiny tiny tiny pan, like the size for an egg? (im sure many pple r like, 'wah lau where to find...'ok nevermind, the thing is, find a way to soften the nutella (esp if u took it out of the fridge) so heating it helps but DONT BURN IT for goodness sake! over the stove be very careful if not the microwave might do the job... didnt try so dont know, aiya! u find ur own way la!
so, nice flow-y nutella, then jsut stir in the banana, then jsut add some milk to give it a nice smooth consistency n grab ur crackers n dip n enjoy! or like what i did, i layed crackers on a chopping board (cos i dont have big plates, the biggest can only hold 4 crackers) n topped each cracker with some spread so i can stop dipping/topping n jsut eat in peace without the mess...
well, i wont n dont know how to tell u exactly how much of each ingredient to add, i say u jsut use ur brain n taste buds n whip it up according to what u like.... its an interesting process n very fun i must add...
i tried with some cornflakes, n even cococrunch.... but either cos the brand we get is not kellogs n some cheapo brand that aint as gd, or its simply jsut not as siok as the crackers....

there aint any pic cos jx was out again n i also pai seh to trouble him la, well, when i can n if i do it again then maybe u'll get a picture... if not do urself n see first hand!


avocado spread with raisins on crackers

well, i did this on saturday, felt like doing somehting with avocado tho i dont usually eat that stuff so asked lynn to get me some n its finally soft n ripe.. so i was quite excited abt trying!
well, i did 2 version, 1 sweet, another savoury...

as for the sweet one, i added yoghurt n sugar... didnt have condensed or evaporated milk which might be better, but yoghurt did fine too... then i jsut topped it with some raisins n later, strawberries...which i thot was better cos the strawberries here r not sour n more flavourful.. those we get in spore r jsut somehow not as nice....sorry folks! there is only 1 pic cos jx was on his way out when i troubled him to take a pic of it...jsut waiting for the damn damn package from spore(ok, now milan customs) to arrive so i can get my olympus fixed!

for the savoury one(pic ill add next time k), i added lemon zest,tiny bit of milk,pepper n grated cheese... n topped it with a piece anchovy or of cheese... the anchovies were much better than the cheese , to me la, cos it was salty so it was nice with the avocado, i cldnt taste much of the cheese, maybe cos the cracker was 'extra virgin olive herb crackers' n together with the avocado, cant taste much, then again, with a stronger cheese, it probably would have been brilliant .hah.

till my next avocado experiment...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

fried battered fish and steam prawns...

yay! today we had our very FIRST REAL FISH! we went to the open market this mrng, cos lynn told us htat there was one near our sch n sold cheap seafood etc... so jx n i, being highly deprived of it, decided to get up way early (ok, to me) in search of cheap seafood. i tell u, its purely mind (n tummy) over eyes in getting up man this mrng man, i wanted to die... goodness...
anyway, i did get up, n wasnt at all late k! so we went to the market, found seafood, not THAT cheap la, but cheaper than ipercoop... n its real, not the frozen dunno since when kind.. so we got a lil, n got ourselves a fish, carp (cheapest) jsut to trytry...
so we wacked to fish for dinner.... first time in our lives(jx n i) in fish cleaning man! wah, like freakin national geographic i tell u! ok, scaling the fish, other than it being a lil tricky, it was pretty much what we expected, jsut that we had scales flying everywhere.. then came to the cleaning of insides man... well, jx had the honour of cleaning the fish, i jsut stood next to him n told him (or rather, discussed with him) what to do next with the fish etc... heh...
then he cut the belly n when he opened it we , very well synchronised, went 'wahhh,......' i never saw so much of the insides of a fish man! then the first thing he pulled out, he was like,
jx: eh! maybe this is fish roe man....
me:' really meh....'
then he pulled more... then
jx:'ok, nopes, its too long, intestine i think...'
then he , well... dug somemore.... n
jx:'eh! really got roe leh!'
me:' WAH!' jx:'lets keep!', me:'ok!'
ok cont... then we jsut kept digging till got nothing else, then thankgoodness the kapo me sometimes watch aunty clean fish 'yuck-yucks-yucks' all the way, but i rem her pulling out some gills... well, it looked fan like... so we dug till we found it... heh...then ok! clean sui sui liao!
then slid abit, add some salt then fry! ok we have no wok, n our pan the the kind i use to fry pancakes at home, so we used the big pot to fry . it was still too small la, then jx held the tail n flip here flip there till well... the tail came off... then half the fishy's face, then the side fins too... then soon we had 'battered' fish... heh... not tempura la... then we didnt quite know when exactly is the fish cooked, so we did the ultimate test... eat n try lor... well, when we finally thot it was done, we took it out, fried the roe which was not bad (jx taught me how to eat...) then from aunty silo's fish recipe, i made some sauce from light soya suace,some water n red chilli(jx's stash of chilli padi) n poured over n wack man! the fish was reallly fresh! other than it being battered (which wasnt that bad anyway, guess cos its our first fish in 2.5months), the damn carp had tonnes of tiny tiny bones... but well, we eat it super clean n now fish is definately worth getting up for... :)
then after the fish, we decided to try if the prawns were fresh... so we decided to steam it... but only after we have cleaned up the murder scene in the sink really well so lynn could make her hot chocolate in peace....
so we got 6 prawns, added light sauce n white wine (we dont have hua tiao jiu la... white wine will have to do..) n steamed it for abt 4-5mins ,in the meantime jx was telling me how very fresh prawns r really bouncy, n how i was telling him that chinese restaurants use bicarbonate soda n sugar solution to make it crunchy etc... soon, it was time.... we tried the prawns.... well, for me, i tried the jup first of cos... most impt ma... then jx, had the 1st prawn... he said, 'good its fresh'(or something like that), then i tried , 'WAH, TOING TOING WAN MAN!' pple, i tell u, the prawns were like in chinese restaurants, no kiddin... tho i think the jup aint quite there, maybe the cheap light sauce didnt do it, or maybe its the wine or both, but it still was GD.... i in return, taught jx how to eat prawn head!

OH! okok, qn time... at the head of the prawn, there was this orange gooey thing, is that prawn roe? or just, jsut prawn insides? i was rather sure somehoe in my history with prawns i was told its roe, but jx said he keeps shrimps n they ahve a belly with roe in it... so we made a bet n loser pays for hte next fish... so help! WHERE IS THE PRAWN ROE STORED???

ok, now, lynn told us (after hearing from our neighbours) that the open mkt that we went to comes to our neighbourhood every sat....* jsut image me stabbing myself now n dragging the knife across my chest*...
so now, jx n i have plans to get our fishy no 2 TMR! yay! our plan is to try n fry it like some indonesian style, with sauce n all... heh if its beautifully done, u'll see it soon tmr mrng, yet another mind over eyelids matter n fishy here we come!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

another day in the kitchen...

ok, this we are extremely proud off! we actually made home-made jiaozi man! i mean, we even does it in spore?!??! n it was so gd, jx made hte classic statement 'why do people eat out?'...!

well, we didnt set aside a time or even planned prior to it that we were gonna make jiaozi. we knew we had extra hamburger patty mince beef n thot we'd jsut amke some beef balls... then jx jsut thot, eh! make jiao zi la! then i was like, u think so easy ah... must make skin n all leh... so he said, we jsut make some random dough, flatten it then try lor no harm ma... then i got more interested n ok, so i took some flour, added a pinch of salt(idont know y,but i seem to see it happen all the time) n added water, knead knead a bit...(which i learn from pasta making in the farm) then boiled water , n tested 1 rolled out piece.... n hey! not bad man! quite real! wah! okok, so we got our beef, rolled out another skin, wrapped it n threw it into the water... n when it was done n we tried... our eyes just lighted up so damn brightly! (u ahve no idea how excited i was at that point of time) so project jiao zi it is!!!
i got more flour, made more dough, rolled more skin...(i had to use a my balsamic vinegar bottle as a rollin pin by the way).... then i had to work on sucha small table... n when i was almost done, i smashed my rolling pin(vinegar bottle)... accidentally knocked it over.... SIAN.... had to clean up, no more vinegar!! thats the worst part! jsut what r we gonna pour over our finely sliced ginger?!?!??! then heng heng there was a tiny cup (esspresso cup, told u tiny) of vinegar left that was used for cooking lynn's veggie liao... HENG AH!! if not can u image, all the effor to make jiao zi n NO VINEGAR! oh well, me smashing the rolling pin was jsut another classic jane but was a lil spirit dampener too.. jx n lynn was.. erm... rather quiet... but when we were done making(cos no mroe rolling pin so we started wrapping) n cooked it n ate it , everyone was all happy again! the mince beef was fatty so it was oozing wth jup man! gd stuff man.... i tried to wrap at pro-like as i can.. but erm... not that i ever had to wrap any of these, but not bad la huh, gd effort....

till my next kitchen adventure.....


thanks ah... :)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

real design stuff....pls help hor....

wah, i feel more loved now... after my sad goober incident... thanks to all those who commented! keep it coming man....
ok, ill add comments on some of ur more comments at the end of this post in blue k, those that r more general kind... but ill still reply some of u thru the 'comments' k! THANKSTHANKS!

ok, so i got this project... n wanted to get feedback on it... so after much entertainment n 'past-time' activity ive been providing with this blog, pls help me out k... jsut post a comment on it, like it, dont like it, stupid jane again in her cock world, well, things like 'jane i miss u!' will do too if ure really commentless....
(ps: if u dont have a blog then jsut post a 'anonymous' n u can leave a name at the end, just so i know who loves me n who doesnt)

ok so here it goes...
my grp is thinking of designing a tiny lil plate (hopefully jsut slightly larger than the size of a coaster?) which can serve as a hotplate (to keep ur coffee warm, toast bread,n even cook maggie mee) then u can just flip it over n it works as a cooler (keep ur coke can cold all the way!) and this will be USB-connected to ur laptop. the idea is that, sometimes, we r so busy working at the computer that we dont have time to eat so we snack on nonsense like potato chips,biscuits...(all too familiar?) but with this, u can possibly have cambell soup without running in n out of the kitchen to see whether its done,or have dabao beehoon soup that doesnt turn cold as u eat 1 mouthful n type 300words then have a 2nd mouthful ...
how? what u think? useful? or just another usb gadget that barely saves the world....?

ok, now im ALOT less optimistic abt u fellas commenting after my veryvery sad goober poll...

MY REPLY to some comments :
technical stuff :
im making use of this thermoelectric system called the peltier. it is in built that it'll get a hot n cold thing. im still trying to understand it better ,plus i SO LUCKILY found this company n this dude is totally helpful! to help me design a peltier for my prdt without charge! will let u fellas know how it goes k!

general stuff:
abt the mess,i was thinking since its USB connected, i can do it far enough to not dirty have stuff splatting all over yet dont need to walk to the kitchen? hmmm, but this needs some thinking too... thanks!

i did find something else to cook....

this is the 2nd time im typing this post, stupid blogspot

anyway, we made hamburgers and potato patties today! we finally found cheap mince meat from a grocery shop near our place, plus we were craving for some gd burger yet refuse to pay 10-12s$ for macs/BK.... well, i might add that our beef patties tasted darn gd! its was seriously oozing with beef patty jup! of cos we made our patties really fat n thick , i hate thin limp ones man... waste time...
in addition we did potato patties too! cos lynn doesnt eat meat... we started off by trying to make hashrowns, but we had no idea how to... so we jsut guess n think think... n well, the end product wasnt hash but heck, it tasted pretty gd! very addictive..... it was coated with cracker-crumbs b4 frying, even if the potato patty sucked, the fried crackers made it all nice... :)

im sorry i dont ahve pics, my nokia, tho trusty at most times, they wldnt have done any justice to our patties n burgers... so we;ll save it for next time, plus we ate so fast, i totally forgot abt u fellas! (to rem to take a pic ) well, im sure we'll be making more of those patties... so till next time k.. next time....

design stuff! finally!.... MILAN FAIR

this is probably EXTREMELY OUTDATED already, i mean the fair was in early april.... but i didnt bother taking pictures then cos heck, if i wanted to see beautiful pics of prdts, websites ahve them all... n none REALLY made me sit up n wow... think im jsut jaded by all these trying to 'qie' one another's product kinda thing... oh well....
since i didnt blog anyting on the milan fair, n to all those who's wondering what its like... here it is, i happen to come across a site that has tonnes of pics...
it looks more fun n 'happening' then it really is... no harm checking it out la huh... i mean, 'its THE milan fair'... but it happens every

Monday, May 01, 2006

my sunday...

its sunday today... ok, monday now rather, since its 2am here..
as u folks know, or shld have guessed by now, i dont do THAT much design stuff here, i mean, i only have 2 modules! ok so, i gotta find stuff to do to entertain myself man... other than reading foodblogs (i actaully hate reading, but this, i do... of cos must have pictures la...)n checking mails etc... i still have quite a handful of time man... n thats jsut abt the how im actually able to sustain this blog for this long... quite proud of myself man... :)
but the moment internet is down n i cant do much, into the kitchen i go! to cook of cos... today's menu... no1 :made mushroom cheese baked pasta. not that i actually know how to or got some recipe, i jsut thinnk n try to remember what baked pasta is like n think-think-try-try-taste-taste- n think-try-taste again..n again... heh... well, wasnt too bad, jsut a tad too creamy... lucky i ahve friends who aint too fussy n eat the food i make,i like to cook/bake etc, but i dont particularly like to eat what i cook... probably cos ive had my share of it while anyway, i wanted to try baked pasta cos of the tiramisu! well while finding the right cream, came across cucina-cream, meant for cooking i suppose, which lead me to think that hey, i might be able to use it someday here... then i saw mushroom cream! then hey! thats definately useful... so i thinkthink n decided, baked pasta it shall be! i mean, cream pasta we also know how to make.... so had to try somehting else....

no2 :chicken n melon in lemon-wasabi mayo sandwich spread. well since we needed to clear the chicken in the fridge , i decided to make chicken sandwich spread today too! well, wanna make it the dat b4 so that i can leave overnight for the flavours to mix n all...i boiled n shredded chicken.... mixed in mayo, lemon zest, wasabi n chopped tiny bits of melon,salt,pepper n extra virgin olive oil... i wasnt tooo sure of hte melon tho, but heck, decided to try... i mean if u think abt it, ive had melon in mayo with prawn or somehting la... but basically, melon n mayo isnt too wrong.... so try lor... well, this far, the spread taste pretty gd to me... a tinge of spiciness fr the wasabi, bits of juicy melon that makes the mayo less gao-wei n the end taste i get the lemon bit... not bad combi id say! so go try! my plan is to toast bread (real BREAD, not the square gardenia kind ah pls!), get some salad-chye, wack the chicken spread, n TRY to poach an egg to add onto my sandwich! i love runny eggs... n yolks... n runny yolks r jsut the best... yumyum! ok now im thinking if the runny yolk will go well with my spread... it becomes too... gao... hmmm... gotta think abt it... but im dying to try n poach an egg! cos i jsut read somewhere in some foodblog on how to poach eggs! but poaches eggs r best on eggs benedict... oooooo i love that stuff man... coffee bean does it pretty well, extremely yummy... but they only have it for bfast tho... n together with a nice cuppa coffee to start the lazy day... how siok...
the only thing is, ive made my lunch for tmr already, ive got 1 less cooking to do tmr! lets hope i can think of something... heh

cooking is sucha interesting process, u gotta think n imagine what to add n what will taste nice n recall the ncie stuff uve had the pleasure of eating n try to recreate it(jx tried to recreate some instant noodles today, some ramen thing... apparently quite close...). its like doing design i guess, solving problems n all (like fixing food that has gone wrong heh..) but this one, u get instant results, on the spot. design is a much longer process... which then probably explains y i enjoy cooking more, i mean, my concentration span how short u tell me..... n between cooking n baking, i think cooking has a more interractive process, in the sense that, u gotta think n taste etc, n go by ur gut. baking is totally opposite, u gotte follow instruction to boot or it can turn out terribly wrong! but baking, when it comes it right, jsut makes me smile.... like'yes! i got it!' n making deserts n all is always sucha happy thing.... :)