Saturday, May 06, 2006

fried battered fish and steam prawns...

yay! today we had our very FIRST REAL FISH! we went to the open market this mrng, cos lynn told us htat there was one near our sch n sold cheap seafood etc... so jx n i, being highly deprived of it, decided to get up way early (ok, to me) in search of cheap seafood. i tell u, its purely mind (n tummy) over eyes in getting up man this mrng man, i wanted to die... goodness...
anyway, i did get up, n wasnt at all late k! so we went to the market, found seafood, not THAT cheap la, but cheaper than ipercoop... n its real, not the frozen dunno since when kind.. so we got a lil, n got ourselves a fish, carp (cheapest) jsut to trytry...
so we wacked to fish for dinner.... first time in our lives(jx n i) in fish cleaning man! wah, like freakin national geographic i tell u! ok, scaling the fish, other than it being a lil tricky, it was pretty much what we expected, jsut that we had scales flying everywhere.. then came to the cleaning of insides man... well, jx had the honour of cleaning the fish, i jsut stood next to him n told him (or rather, discussed with him) what to do next with the fish etc... heh...
then he cut the belly n when he opened it we , very well synchronised, went 'wahhh,......' i never saw so much of the insides of a fish man! then the first thing he pulled out, he was like,
jx: eh! maybe this is fish roe man....
me:' really meh....'
then he pulled more... then
jx:'ok, nopes, its too long, intestine i think...'
then he , well... dug somemore.... n
jx:'eh! really got roe leh!'
me:' WAH!' jx:'lets keep!', me:'ok!'
ok cont... then we jsut kept digging till got nothing else, then thankgoodness the kapo me sometimes watch aunty clean fish 'yuck-yucks-yucks' all the way, but i rem her pulling out some gills... well, it looked fan like... so we dug till we found it... heh...then ok! clean sui sui liao!
then slid abit, add some salt then fry! ok we have no wok, n our pan the the kind i use to fry pancakes at home, so we used the big pot to fry . it was still too small la, then jx held the tail n flip here flip there till well... the tail came off... then half the fishy's face, then the side fins too... then soon we had 'battered' fish... heh... not tempura la... then we didnt quite know when exactly is the fish cooked, so we did the ultimate test... eat n try lor... well, when we finally thot it was done, we took it out, fried the roe which was not bad (jx taught me how to eat...) then from aunty silo's fish recipe, i made some sauce from light soya suace,some water n red chilli(jx's stash of chilli padi) n poured over n wack man! the fish was reallly fresh! other than it being battered (which wasnt that bad anyway, guess cos its our first fish in 2.5months), the damn carp had tonnes of tiny tiny bones... but well, we eat it super clean n now fish is definately worth getting up for... :)
then after the fish, we decided to try if the prawns were fresh... so we decided to steam it... but only after we have cleaned up the murder scene in the sink really well so lynn could make her hot chocolate in peace....
so we got 6 prawns, added light sauce n white wine (we dont have hua tiao jiu la... white wine will have to do..) n steamed it for abt 4-5mins ,in the meantime jx was telling me how very fresh prawns r really bouncy, n how i was telling him that chinese restaurants use bicarbonate soda n sugar solution to make it crunchy etc... soon, it was time.... we tried the prawns.... well, for me, i tried the jup first of cos... most impt ma... then jx, had the 1st prawn... he said, 'good its fresh'(or something like that), then i tried , 'WAH, TOING TOING WAN MAN!' pple, i tell u, the prawns were like in chinese restaurants, no kiddin... tho i think the jup aint quite there, maybe the cheap light sauce didnt do it, or maybe its the wine or both, but it still was GD.... i in return, taught jx how to eat prawn head!

OH! okok, qn time... at the head of the prawn, there was this orange gooey thing, is that prawn roe? or just, jsut prawn insides? i was rather sure somehoe in my history with prawns i was told its roe, but jx said he keeps shrimps n they ahve a belly with roe in it... so we made a bet n loser pays for hte next fish... so help! WHERE IS THE PRAWN ROE STORED???

ok, now, lynn told us (after hearing from our neighbours) that the open mkt that we went to comes to our neighbourhood every sat....* jsut image me stabbing myself now n dragging the knife across my chest*...
so now, jx n i have plans to get our fishy no 2 TMR! yay! our plan is to try n fry it like some indonesian style, with sauce n all... heh if its beautifully done, u'll see it soon tmr mrng, yet another mind over eyelids matter n fishy here we come!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG neighbour!!!! after like 2 months of reading ur blog i FINALLY realised what in the world u mean by 'jup'!!! wahahahah too funny for forever i was like huh simi!! does she mean jus?! like juice?! why does she always spell it wrongly?! i even thought it was cos of ur funky keyboard! too funny hehehee!! then it just hit me today tt it's like 'zhap' la! hilarioussssssss!!!

and wahhhh the jiao zi photo lookss damn pro good job jx heh! more stuff to cook for us when u get back neighbour yayyyyy!!! :D

9:58 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

anna: haha!! ya la, its the juice! okok... next time i spell as zhap k! jsut for u...oh! i just got a mag with sarah jessica parker infront for jsut .50euro!! ill get more mags k! but only thing is heavy la...

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The female holds the fertilised eggs in a brood chamber under the abdomen glued onto hairs on the pleopods. (the legs)

4:18 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

jz: ok so where is that again? is it near the end of the head (nearest,connecting to the body?) QUICK REPLY!

1:45 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

jz: OH...!!!the legs... ok , jsut saw...thanks!

2:18 AM  

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