Saturday, May 20, 2006


well, i was home alone again, well was busy half generating 2-d drawings n half ironing k! not bad ah, quite productive... then i kinda rewarded myself by whippin up a yummy sandwich.. here somehow i can eat tonnes of it... but ill still need my usual dose of pasta/noodles la.. heh

so today's lunch-dinner(if we have 'brunch' y isnt there a 'luncher' or 'dinnuch'? think cos they just sound bad so the english language decided to simply do away with it... u think?)
ok, sandwich: bread topped with mozazrella(dont ask me how to spell tho i see it everyday), drizzled some extra virgin oilve oil.. then topped-toppped with bacon-tomato-basil-garlic... then topped-topped-topped with poached egg.... then topped-topped-topped-topped with wasabi-whitewine cheese sauce(tho lemon cheese sauce wld have been better but no lemon!)....well, i think i jsut wanted to keep myself busy by cooking... if u ask me, its over done la this damn sandwich... ahha... to prep this meal i needed to fry the bacon n friends, then boil water to poach the eggs, then make the cheese sauce.... so many things!

well, as i said, it was overdone, it wld have been better with jsut 3x 'topped'... n full stop. without the cheese sauce ,i cld have tasted more of my bacon n friends.... my mozarella was barely noticable... ('ill make it up to u for my next meal i promise...')... or without the bacon nf riends but with the cheese sauce with the egg... then i can taste more of the cheese sauce...
so, overall, tho this was a extremely hearty sandwich meal, im stuff... n frankly, a little chuak-tio... too much la...

well, overall it didnt taste bad, all the indiv ingredients tasted pretty gd jsut when ALL came tog, overpowering... so ok, 1 of my not so successfull meals... the other one which is still elaving me slightly scared was the pasta i made for lynn for pack for lunch... it has made me even more weary of having pasta overcooked. i always liked my pasta al dente, 'to the teeth' of somehting, basically it means, jsut cooked, jsut nice.but i know jx n lynn likes it softer than i do, for me id rather have slightly undercooked than overcooked... so when boiling pasta for lynn, i made special effort to cook it longer, but what happened was i thought i switched of the fire... but i didnt cos i turned it to the opposite side of 'off' which left me with small fire not no fire... damn, dyslexsicity again! so then the pasta was soggy... n a lil slimy... eeeekss... i so wanted to toss it man (out of pride of cos), but when i tasted it, it was fine sjut that the pasta texture was off... so i tried to let it dry off the slime... it was better after awhile la... so well, i sincerely asked myself, 'will i still eat it instead of tossing it?(cos is a waste ma) n i said yea i wld... its not THAT bad... so ok, if ill eat it, then ok, lynn can eat it too.. :) well, she probably didnt dare to complaint, n she didnt come home lao-saiing.. so ok then! but ill always remember to watch the direction of the damn knob!(so many times i kana...)

1 hell of a sandwich


Blogger lynn said...

To add, Jane specially made for me packed lunch of tofu, pesto and tomato pasta for school in the middle of the night though she wasn't going to school the next day. Plus got a smiley note from under the door telling me its in the fridge in the morning when I got up. Super delicious. Happily showing off in school.
Anyway woman, continue to wait for your present okay. My workshop so busy you know. "Slowly, but surely" (Jane's favourite quote), it will come.

3:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its called high tea girl.....


12:10 AM  

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