Thursday, May 04, 2006

another day in the kitchen...

ok, this we are extremely proud off! we actually made home-made jiaozi man! i mean, we even does it in spore?!??! n it was so gd, jx made hte classic statement 'why do people eat out?'...!

well, we didnt set aside a time or even planned prior to it that we were gonna make jiaozi. we knew we had extra hamburger patty mince beef n thot we'd jsut amke some beef balls... then jx jsut thot, eh! make jiao zi la! then i was like, u think so easy ah... must make skin n all leh... so he said, we jsut make some random dough, flatten it then try lor no harm ma... then i got more interested n ok, so i took some flour, added a pinch of salt(idont know y,but i seem to see it happen all the time) n added water, knead knead a bit...(which i learn from pasta making in the farm) then boiled water , n tested 1 rolled out piece.... n hey! not bad man! quite real! wah! okok, so we got our beef, rolled out another skin, wrapped it n threw it into the water... n when it was done n we tried... our eyes just lighted up so damn brightly! (u ahve no idea how excited i was at that point of time) so project jiao zi it is!!!
i got more flour, made more dough, rolled more skin...(i had to use a my balsamic vinegar bottle as a rollin pin by the way).... then i had to work on sucha small table... n when i was almost done, i smashed my rolling pin(vinegar bottle)... accidentally knocked it over.... SIAN.... had to clean up, no more vinegar!! thats the worst part! jsut what r we gonna pour over our finely sliced ginger?!?!??! then heng heng there was a tiny cup (esspresso cup, told u tiny) of vinegar left that was used for cooking lynn's veggie liao... HENG AH!! if not can u image, all the effor to make jiao zi n NO VINEGAR! oh well, me smashing the rolling pin was jsut another classic jane but was a lil spirit dampener too.. jx n lynn was.. erm... rather quiet... but when we were done making(cos no mroe rolling pin so we started wrapping) n cooked it n ate it , everyone was all happy again! the mince beef was fatty so it was oozing wth jup man! gd stuff man.... i tried to wrap at pro-like as i can.. but erm... not that i ever had to wrap any of these, but not bad la huh, gd effort....

till my next kitchen adventure.....


Blogger evancheerio said...

may i say that the photos are all so nice! can all make it to the menu of restuarants!

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job, jane!.....soon u can help me in the kitchen when u r back!!!!

1:47 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

wz : for the pictures, u gotta ask jx man.. he''s the master behind it, i just cook n eat n smiale n be extremely happy... :)

philip chek chek :
yes i sure will!! must teach me all ur thai cooking secrets k! so exciting!

7:42 PM  

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