Monday, May 08, 2006

chocolate and bananas

ok, then today was brieftly chatting to rj n he mentioned that he had some banana chocolate that he was eating, n it got me interested.. so i asked questions abt it etc... n started thinking n wrting down what could i do with banana n chocolate! (that kinda made rj my muse). i mean, banana n chocolate if sure winner combi n everyone knows that but how often do we make use of it?!??! (unless we eat out maybe?)

well after much thot n seeing that i cant bake a cake here or anything n not that i have all the ingredients, i made a simple banana n nutella spread with crackers that was pretty good comfort food man... esp when lynn was going insane sewing some bag for her project....
its really simple n u fellas shld try it!

what u need...
1 banana
bit of milk

jsut smash up a banana... put into a tiny tiny tiny pan, like the size for an egg? (im sure many pple r like, 'wah lau where to find...'ok nevermind, the thing is, find a way to soften the nutella (esp if u took it out of the fridge) so heating it helps but DONT BURN IT for goodness sake! over the stove be very careful if not the microwave might do the job... didnt try so dont know, aiya! u find ur own way la!
so, nice flow-y nutella, then jsut stir in the banana, then jsut add some milk to give it a nice smooth consistency n grab ur crackers n dip n enjoy! or like what i did, i layed crackers on a chopping board (cos i dont have big plates, the biggest can only hold 4 crackers) n topped each cracker with some spread so i can stop dipping/topping n jsut eat in peace without the mess...
well, i wont n dont know how to tell u exactly how much of each ingredient to add, i say u jsut use ur brain n taste buds n whip it up according to what u like.... its an interesting process n very fun i must add...
i tried with some cornflakes, n even cococrunch.... but either cos the brand we get is not kellogs n some cheapo brand that aint as gd, or its simply jsut not as siok as the crackers....

there aint any pic cos jx was out again n i also pai seh to trouble him la, well, when i can n if i do it again then maybe u'll get a picture... if not do urself n see first hand!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, that sounds good. i normally eat bananas and peanut butter sandwiches, easy to prepare and pretty darn nice as well.

12:29 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

sam: OH YES! chocolate n peanut butter... i like that too man.. tried peanut butter milkshakes? i tell u, its damn gd....
damn i dont have peanut butter here, but it gives me something to think abt... thanks!

1:42 AM  

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