Tuesday, May 09, 2006

my 1st day at workshop... n some work

ok, so we're having a week of workshop, so everyday from mondya to friday, 9am-maybe 5-6pm? n in this wk we produce a product.we are attached to a company n help them design stuff n in return we get 5 credits.heh, life as a student.

well, in typical janeyhia's fashion, lynn n then jx checked for me what compnay i was allocated... then i didnt even check what time n where it was held n assumed that it was in sch just like everyone else... but since jx wanted to DOUBLE check his classrm n time, we went earlier... at 830am, so even if it startd at 8, not too bad, jsut 30mins late the italian way....

then at 830 i checked n saw that 'hey! mine aint in sch man! idiot... gotta travel out to the company itself... so damn i had to go back to the station, take a train n change to a metro n walk like siao n arrived at 920am, jsut 20mins late... well, tho i wasnt the latest, say abt 7other pple who came after me fr a class of say 30? so yea, everything was in italian as usual... but we (kate n i, an irish girl who is in the same italian class as me,so her italian also like mine.. which is cannot make it for sure) asked the dude n he jsut told us in 5mins roughly what it was abt etc....

then ok, in the company, had a perculator there so we helped ourselves to lavazza coffee(heng have ah, if not for sure ill fall off the damn chair trying to seemed interested in words i dont understand), then there was booze too! bottles n bottles of it i tell u, vodka la, whisky la... (maybe being a designer not that bad ah, got reason to drink ma, 'oh i need some inspiration...')

so ok, then had to form grps n once again, this is the bit where u hate being erasmus. we just waited there for someone to ask us cos we dont wanna force pple to take us erasmus, who cant speak italian(to them to get us in their grp is probably like 'wah lau, tio erasmus ah, suay shit la...' we didnt wanna ask anyone, then cos they will either have to be a bitch n erm, act blur n turn away or, be kind n suck it n take us in... so we jsut waited for someone to 'hai.. ok la , jsut take the damn erasmus la' us....

ok, so we r suppose to redesign old chairs of their, like some 1930s things, its like the volkswagen n their beetle... n tmr we r visiting their factory to see how they doo steel bending n manufac their stuff....

work load... not yet la... but soon im sure.. heh


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