Friday, May 11, 2007

day 2 tokyo

so i started the day myself. managed to find my way to ginza, which is really near by the way. then at ginza i was absolutely clueless n cldnt find any sort of bearing to even get started. so with my most 'jing-chum' face, i approached some guy. i realise i always approach guys. but i think it works, heightens the 'jing chum-ness'.
u see, b4 i left i made special effort to get the wall papaer tokyo guide, so they shows all teh coolest places to go, eat, shop, see, stay. n with a map, i thot yay! lemme go dig tokyo man! sadly, most of my day was spent in the 'cool' areas, but never near the cool shops. i mean, the book tells me 'shibuya' or meguro or ginza. but when i really looked at the map, bloody meguro is this whole area ( same as ginza n shibuya..) n nakameguro is nothing is a different thing. so i walked n walked but never quite found anything. but its ok. here n there i get abiiiiiiiit. for lunch, if its a hole-in-the-wall kinda shop, no pictures, no english words - im coming in. i had big plans to go n anyhow point. but while trying to study at least a bit, trying to decifer bits of seemingly chinese characters (seemingly, cos really if it wasnt, i wldnt know) to help aid the choice. but the old man wanted to take my order n didnt look tooo patient, so i just said 'ramen'. n i got gyoza too. time in ajisen ramen n other jap eateries paid off man. after that i walked pass some pretty pastry shop n got myself 2 macaroon. (just tried them n too sweet! still cant compare to laduree in paris).

anyway, so along the way i found a couple of vintage shops, but things were obviously way too expensive, n this lil shop that sold insane things like a chocolate bar, but its a calculator. i went mad in that stall. i ahve a new found respect for these japos. they r sooooooooo clever it leaves me floored.OH! n i managed to find ito-ya. which is this stationary shop that has 8 levels. no shit. had a blast there. went ard, floor by floor slowly studying what each gadget does n nodding away saying to myself 'yes indeed these pple r super clever'. u know those eraser that comes in a pen-like holder n u click the top for 'more' eraser when it gets too short? ok i saw one that was super cute n tiny. so i grabbed. then i walk somemore n saw another eraser, but this time thin like a penknife, n u slide the rectangular thin eraser out. ok, very smart. then i saw another eraser. which came in this dispenser that was WAY bigger n things looked alot more complicated. after studying it, its a 'battery operated eraser'. which u plug in n it will work like how electric toothbrushes work, i suppose. i was like 'wah lau. like that also have ...'. so yes, they do have their share of erm, ridiculous things.

soon mum joined me after ending early n so she joined me, also, for long walks of nothing much-ness. here n there, in n out of the trains (like LOTs of trains, in a million colours) n we finally went to shibuya for dinner. which was yakitori in a almost chi-chi place. tiny, no pictures no english. to we played charades with the waiter n finally got our food. soon after he tried to make conversation with his limited n super acentde english. when told we're from spore, he very excitedly said something that went 'ah! ma-rai-on!' obviously we were clueless ( but tried to look totally not it) n then he continue to gesture. picture him gesturing with his hands to show like he's puking/or something gushing out from his mouth... got what 'ma-rai-on' is? then he went on gesture laser beam eyes.... haha. too funny. our dinner ended off with cherry blossom ice cream followed by more walking n train rides to get back to our hotel.

once again, im sorry but pics will come later k.
tmr will be disneysea. we were told there is this huge difference between disneyland n disneysea. that is, disneysea sells alcohol, while in disneyland its like 'oh god forbid!'. so of cos we're happy, n i bet so r the japs.
ok till tmr.


Blogger Low said...

Wah lao... xian mu ..... =/

Have fun!

12:47 AM  

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