Tuesday, May 02, 2006

real design stuff....pls help hor....

wah, i feel more loved now... after my sad goober incident... thanks to all those who commented! keep it coming man....
ok, ill add comments on some of ur more comments at the end of this post in blue k, those that r more general kind... but ill still reply some of u thru the 'comments' k! THANKSTHANKS!

ok, so i got this project... n wanted to get feedback on it... so after much entertainment n 'past-time' activity ive been providing with this blog, pls help me out k... jsut post a comment on it, like it, dont like it, stupid jane again in her cock world, well, things like 'jane i miss u!' will do too if ure really commentless....
(ps: if u dont have a blog then jsut post a 'anonymous' n u can leave a name at the end, just so i know who loves me n who doesnt)

ok so here it goes...
my grp is thinking of designing a tiny lil plate (hopefully jsut slightly larger than the size of a coaster?) which can serve as a hotplate (to keep ur coffee warm, toast bread,n even cook maggie mee) then u can just flip it over n it works as a cooler (keep ur coke can cold all the way!) and this will be USB-connected to ur laptop. the idea is that, sometimes, we r so busy working at the computer that we dont have time to eat so we snack on nonsense like potato chips,biscuits...(all too familiar?) but with this, u can possibly have cambell soup without running in n out of the kitchen to see whether its done,or have dabao beehoon soup that doesnt turn cold as u eat 1 mouthful n type 300words then have a 2nd mouthful ...
how? what u think? useful? or just another usb gadget that barely saves the world....?

ok, now im ALOT less optimistic abt u fellas commenting after my veryvery sad goober poll...

MY REPLY to some comments :
technical stuff :
im making use of this thermoelectric system called the peltier. it is in built that it'll get a hot n cold thing. im still trying to understand it better ,plus i SO LUCKILY found this company n this dude is totally helpful! to help me design a peltier for my prdt without charge! will let u fellas know how it goes k!

general stuff:
abt the mess,i was thinking since its USB connected, i can do it far enough to not dirty have stuff splatting all over yet dont need to walk to the kitchen? hmmm, but this needs some thinking too... thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm not too sure about the technical stuff in making that work but it sounds interesting to me.

i'm thinking that it might be a little messy since if you wanna cook stuff right next to your laptop so perhaps if its just for warming up food, it'd work better.

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

neighbour!!! i don't wanna be a spoiler heh but i thk the usb warmer thing is in existence already? unless i completely misunderstood what u were saying lah haha... but this one is like a cup warmer thing?? it's available on this site, u go check it out k! :)


but then again yours is like extra funky, both hot AND cold! so tt's even more ahem innovative heh!!

and yah hello all u punks hurry comment k!! janeyhia was highly upset at the lack of comments on the goober poll hehe! ;) don't be shyyyyyyyy la wahahha!


11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh girl ah.. to make it cold and hot.. might require some gadgetry... so the coaster might not really be that small... esp for the cold part cos you need refrigerants and stuff. just me money's worth.


1:04 AM  
Blogger evancheerio said...

i tink that's pretty interesting.. yup .. worried abt the technical stuff also. If you really cook what if it splatters what'll to your laptop? dangerous leh..

3:38 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

anna: yes there r cup warmers n chiller, but none with both, n none can cook... heh... thanks for the site! i see u were very busy surfing again!

wj:oh okok!! thanks! i was getting worried that it might too think n bulky n ugly then i might as well stop now... heh

7:46 PM  

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