Monday, May 01, 2006

my sunday...

its sunday today... ok, monday now rather, since its 2am here..
as u folks know, or shld have guessed by now, i dont do THAT much design stuff here, i mean, i only have 2 modules! ok so, i gotta find stuff to do to entertain myself man... other than reading foodblogs (i actaully hate reading, but this, i do... of cos must have pictures la...)n checking mails etc... i still have quite a handful of time man... n thats jsut abt the how im actually able to sustain this blog for this long... quite proud of myself man... :)
but the moment internet is down n i cant do much, into the kitchen i go! to cook of cos... today's menu... no1 :made mushroom cheese baked pasta. not that i actually know how to or got some recipe, i jsut thinnk n try to remember what baked pasta is like n think-think-try-try-taste-taste- n think-try-taste again..n again... heh... well, wasnt too bad, jsut a tad too creamy... lucky i ahve friends who aint too fussy n eat the food i make,i like to cook/bake etc, but i dont particularly like to eat what i cook... probably cos ive had my share of it while anyway, i wanted to try baked pasta cos of the tiramisu! well while finding the right cream, came across cucina-cream, meant for cooking i suppose, which lead me to think that hey, i might be able to use it someday here... then i saw mushroom cream! then hey! thats definately useful... so i thinkthink n decided, baked pasta it shall be! i mean, cream pasta we also know how to make.... so had to try somehting else....

no2 :chicken n melon in lemon-wasabi mayo sandwich spread. well since we needed to clear the chicken in the fridge , i decided to make chicken sandwich spread today too! well, wanna make it the dat b4 so that i can leave overnight for the flavours to mix n all...i boiled n shredded chicken.... mixed in mayo, lemon zest, wasabi n chopped tiny bits of melon,salt,pepper n extra virgin olive oil... i wasnt tooo sure of hte melon tho, but heck, decided to try... i mean if u think abt it, ive had melon in mayo with prawn or somehting la... but basically, melon n mayo isnt too wrong.... so try lor... well, this far, the spread taste pretty gd to me... a tinge of spiciness fr the wasabi, bits of juicy melon that makes the mayo less gao-wei n the end taste i get the lemon bit... not bad combi id say! so go try! my plan is to toast bread (real BREAD, not the square gardenia kind ah pls!), get some salad-chye, wack the chicken spread, n TRY to poach an egg to add onto my sandwich! i love runny eggs... n yolks... n runny yolks r jsut the best... yumyum! ok now im thinking if the runny yolk will go well with my spread... it becomes too... gao... hmmm... gotta think abt it... but im dying to try n poach an egg! cos i jsut read somewhere in some foodblog on how to poach eggs! but poaches eggs r best on eggs benedict... oooooo i love that stuff man... coffee bean does it pretty well, extremely yummy... but they only have it for bfast tho... n together with a nice cuppa coffee to start the lazy day... how siok...
the only thing is, ive made my lunch for tmr already, ive got 1 less cooking to do tmr! lets hope i can think of something... heh

cooking is sucha interesting process, u gotta think n imagine what to add n what will taste nice n recall the ncie stuff uve had the pleasure of eating n try to recreate it(jx tried to recreate some instant noodles today, some ramen thing... apparently quite close...). its like doing design i guess, solving problems n all (like fixing food that has gone wrong heh..) but this one, u get instant results, on the spot. design is a much longer process... which then probably explains y i enjoy cooking more, i mean, my concentration span how short u tell me..... n between cooking n baking, i think cooking has a more interractive process, in the sense that, u gotta think n taste etc, n go by ur gut. baking is totally opposite, u gotte follow instruction to boot or it can turn out terribly wrong! but baking, when it comes it right, jsut makes me smile.... like'yes! i got it!' n making deserts n all is always sucha happy thing.... :)


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