Wednesday, May 02, 2007


im finally home, after shifting back on labour day. oh the irony.
ive somehwat reclaimed whats rightfully mine, tho i do feel quite bad abt it. sorry mel! n ive decided to TRY n be gd n stay home, ok for longer blocks of time, at least. ive been eating like mad, suppers n more suppers, n breakfast (its amazing, this will power to get outta bed for food) n lots n lots of sleep. 14hrs of sleep without a care in the world is simply, siok. i feel like my cat when i sleep that much. stretching in bed under the nice cold sheets (lets picture a rainy day k) n a wide wide smile of absolute bliss only to head straight to lala-land right after... dont pass go, dont collect 200 n right into dreamworld.SO i pass my days with excessive sleeping n eating, no brownie pts for guessing thats my holiday fat is back with revengence. lost most of it during the last stretch of term time, n since i can absolutely get by without eating much when im depressed doing work, n be super greedy when im happy (n im HOW happy now right?) i better find something to occupy my time before i turn into xing fei fei.
just had breakfast, n i think im gonna watch tv to sleep (ok nap) till my lunch appointment :)


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