Saturday, April 22, 2006

trip to toshiba service centre

more to complaint man... im now outside milan, travelled out to the service centre to hopefully get back an us-english keyboard so i can type without trying to recall the original keys... so im out, got to the centre n basically, they prob swopped my keyboard n well, the best they can gimme now is a british keyboard.... goodness, never in my life did i know there were so many kinds! well british is as close as it gets i guess, alil diff but OK, beats the italian version...
then to get back, i have to catch a train to p,garibaldi, but guess what? the next train is in 2plus hrs! so ok, i take the train to sesto then a metro, then another train to get home, but guess what AGAIN? its delayed for an hr!!! oh goodness, i asked some youngsters what was the announcement n thats what i got.. hai, so thye said i cld take a bus to monza then a train to milan then another train to home, so they showed me that way n when i saw hte schedule, i had to wait also so i decided to wait for that 1hr late train n go to sesto where at least i know how to get home...this is italy for u man.... hai....

so since i had my lappie with me i thot id jsut sit somewhere n blog abt this.... of cos, its un wordpad... hai
my computer is still italian, gotta wait for my package from spore with all the toshiba cd roms to fixed that..

i can just die man... like can it get worst than this? okok, i think i better not asked such questions, here, it definately can get alot worst...
like jsut now, i asked this black african dude if this was the right train, he was nice n helped me asked the conductor n yeps, i was on the right train... ok, so i went to get a seat... then the next thing i know, he came n sat opposite me in the damn empty train! nevermind that, then the worst bit, he started grabbing his damn balls!!!! i was like F*^*"!!!!!! ok, so maybe it itched alil n needed a lil tug, but no man, he kept going on n on, so i immediately booted myself out of that seat n went to another where there was a lady on the other side... SCARRY LA!!! wah lau, then in 5mins, he walked pass me n got down the train (i think), he was looking at my direction but i jsut ignored him n didnt even dare look in his direction... i was so glad he got off... yucks! im still scarred man... here, everytime i see these blacks, i try not to get to close to them, they r scary pple, the last time, this asshole ripped me off at duomo... plus today, no way im gonna give them a redeeming chance to even prove that not all is gonna so catch my train now, ciao!
ok, to cont from me 'catching my train'... i went back ti the station n asked for exactly what time the trains gonna come, guess what yet again!! no train going into milan anymore! i dont know wat happened, but all trains has stopped... the only way was to take a bus to monza station (the previous plan).. so i quickly walked back cos i vaguely rem a bus a 650pm.. reached there, n i have missed that bus, gotta take the next which thankfully wasnt too far off... n there at the stop,was a man whom i checked whether im at the right bus stop taking the right bus.. n thankfully again, it was... he was going to the station too, so he told me where to get down n asked me to follw him cos we gotta walk to the station some 5mins away, so now im at the station, i got my ticket n waiting for the train at 801pm...the man looked a lil scary with his sunglasses, but after the bus he changed to his specs which made him look less scary... so then he showed me where the train track was n asked if i wanted coffee cos gotta wait, but i got scared, n said no thanks... here ah, i concluded u never can quite tell when pple r really nice or scheming!.. so now, i hope i can get home soon... luckily it doesnt get dark as fast as in spore, its 742pm now, n its say... like 6pm kinda brightness in spore? so not too bad....
yet another adventurous day of travelling....
this dude, reading the notice board, is hte man whom i follwed to get to the station...


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