Thursday, April 13, 2006

im back!

hey folks! im back n able to blog again!
goodness i ahve so much to tell! ok, for one, lets start with my cpmputer saga...
last monday, out of blue my com died, got the infamour 'blue screen' from toshiba.. then sent for servicing... ok... then heard itll take 7-10 days remember? so kept calling the service centre to ask n check etc... then ok, there was this nice dude who cld speak english so ok... he helped me rush the repair... what happened was my hard disk they had to wait for parts to reach the service centre then fix my com... anyway, so i lost all my data ( lucky not much since i reformmated jsut b4 i got here BUT i lost all my music, videos n stuff... damn it...)... then finally i cld collect it today! so very excitedly went to get it, then despite tell them not to reformat the com cos i didnt back up the data they had to cos the hard disk was gone.. so ok, nvm... reformat, lost everything... ok
then when i got back n wanted to use it, guess what? my windows xp n everything text appears is in italian!!!!! argh!!!! stupid peps know! i cant died! so it was extremyl difficult to change lang etc cos for 1, all instructions r in italian... then nvm, italian windows... ok....
then the latest i found out, these italains folks, either out of pure stupidity again, or out of kindness... they changed the lettering n buttons on my keyboard to make it like the italian version... so i have euro symbol on my keyboard, pounds too, my space bar shrank etc....
ok italain keyboard.... nvm... guess what??? the buttons dont work as they shld!! when i wanna key in the new stuff based on the new keyboard lettering, it doesn work! what i press/enter is what my previous keyboard does.. so now i hav eto type based on memory as to where what WAS....n now i havr ramdom new n smoooth buttons on my keyboard...
wa i can die i tell u.. these italians prob think they were how sweet to do me sucha favour etc. by changing my keyboard... but guess what suckers, it suck!!!!!
u tell me, how else can it go wrong...
so i really wanan get this fixed the right way BUT tmr i suspect is a public holiday, its a thur b4 gd friday, so we have no sch till next tues, but not sure if everyone aint working or jsut students... i hope they r all working tmr! tho they r very lazy... n they r outside milan man... otta travel like siao...if i leave it with the drop off centre... dunno when ill ever get my com back man...

friends, im damn typing n falling asleep, but im still typing cos i need my hair to dry.. nothing abt sleeping with wet hair then get headache la etc...but somehow if i sleep with wet hair, \the mext day confimr bad hair day.... anyway kiiao here n there kind....

ok, think ill jsut go sleep now.... im seriosuly falling asleep here, dunno what im typing abt man.. really about my blog n the computer or the ramdon stuff in my dreams....

anyway, im gonnna sleep cos my eyes really cant open liao....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

janey! did you remember to apply for hall?!

anyway reminder: see you in paris may 21st ya! so exciting!!!

ps i cannot remember my username and password.. dang!


1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahhaa neighbour!!! u are too funny lah, these things seriously only happen to u!!! but then u have more stories to tell after tt so erm it's all good? missed u n ur lousy spelling n incoherent sentences man shit hurry update loads k hehehe! and now u can blame ur spelling mistakes on the funky keyboard!!! wahahahhaa blessing in disguise! ;)


2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


p.s. i totally lost my cameo pin. dropped it on a bus. sob.

12:41 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

naj: thanks! i knew abt that too while trying to figure out my italian friend here... but now its british.. so not tooo bad... heh

mdm wong:yea i did!ill just take my room again, n not care whoever that is gonna come...oh! n i have grand plans to buy my own hotplate mext sem n make fresh espresso n cook pasta everyday...!!n yes 21st in paris!!remind ot get train tix k..heh

anna:well,with my new british keyboard.. i guess i cant balme it AS much.. heh. i was watching oc season3 e 1-2..n i so miss watching these stuff with all u fellas in my room n how we bitch n speculate.... :(

gilly:HIIIII!!!! I MISS U TOO MAN... n all u fellas too of cos...which cameo pin u talkin abt?

5:10 AM  

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