Friday, March 24, 2006


ok, i cant upload pics for some reason... it just doesnt happen... dunno why, plus connection is wonky man...damn annoying... when connection is down, all 3 of us here have the same wall paper on our screens...the rather common one la...the one with a lil 'i' on a piece of paper n says 'The page cannot be displayed"...

anyway, ill blog what i can, sometimes its so cock, i actually thot of doing in word doc then when it finally works ill copy-paste... so i wont have to bother re-typing...

anyway, here sch ahs started for abt a wk now... we pack food of cos... saves me hell lotsa money man...speaking of which i have '$0 expenditure' today!! we pack sandwich which is dman yummy... here we buy the cheapest bread possible, its the usualy square ones we get but its half the thickness n abt 3/4 the size... tiny n thin man... but heck its 0.30euro per pack of 20slices... so we have stuff like formaggio(cheese) n its real stuff lor, not kraft slices.. we got the 1 big triangle piece... 'asiago' eat to eat, not very strong... then we have rocket.. or rucola veggies in our sandwich too... n of cos, i have some ham or something...

then we get cheapest crackers n spread nutella-gao... yummy...
n i just found out my 2 friends here, lynn has NEVER HAD nutella n goober ever...!!!!!!(ok she says she thinks she probably had it without knowing or bluffed her mum to get when she was young or something la)...then jx a lil better, had nutella before but NOT GOOBER! aiyo... im almost died laughing wheni found out... i mean, 'u fellas not childhood ah?!?!?!!?'...i mean, these things r like....'bovril'! the childhood kinda thing...
we of cos went on n on abt childhood food... thing slike 'san-ja' or 'hawflakes', n the chocolate wafer in the pink/purple wrapper...sometimes in orange n dark brown too... n erm, rabbit sweets, barley sweets... etc...
but alls good now, they have been liberater... esp lynn of cos.. they dont have goober here so too bad for her... but she embraced the nutella world with wide wide arms man! new love...
then again, i rem during wll session where i brought goober n bread to eat n dance... n kim was liberated n introduced to the goober world too...

okok, lets do a POLL!!
if ure reading this far, pls cont n leave a comment abt GOOBER! (im jsut gonna assume that lynn is the only one who didnt have nutella since young...)
whether is totally "DUH" to have goober, or like 'simi goober.....'
(goober : the peanut butter n grape jam swirl in a glass jar...with 2 grapes infront with smiloey faces n all... (now with strawberry! n chocolate? too)...
aiyo! so fun!! leave comment k!!


Blogger janey hia said...

wei... poll leh...
i was dman excited doing this poll la! then i check n not a single one responded.... y?? too cool to poll about goober ah...

2:18 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

so here i am , really wondering whether goober is a childhood thing... or maybe just my childhood....

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA aiyoh neighbour so poor thing lah u!!!! ookokok i'll do the poll wahaha!!! yes yes i totally know goober!!! and totally ate it last time also! the grape one is damn yummy! but erm apparently i'm not as big a fan as u lah wahaha since i don't really like peanut butter in the first place.... so i am so not the person to poll but yes!!! ppl hurry take part since neighbour has been providing u 'punks' (according to her hahaha) with endless hrs of entertainment all the way from milan man! ahhahaha!


3:53 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

thanks annabellie...! to all u punks.. dont read my blog already la!

4:56 AM  

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