Saturday, March 25, 2006

more food....

kinder small cake. i dunno what it says la, ripped the pack...told u fellas there were tonnes of kinder stuff right, ok not tonnes but more than in spore at least... had the hippo one in rome, now this cake thing, i wldnt buy it but lynn wanted to try so oh well..only only like kinder stuff with hazelnut... heh

verdict: nothing worth buying again... its coffee flavour cake with coffee cream... n its DRY... sporeans peps, nothing to lose on this....

just a lil close up... wanted to show its dryness... but using nokia la, i mean, its damn early in the mrng, my 2 friends r sleeping, (jx is sleeping 3feet from the kitchen) so i didnt wanna wake jx n bring my camera n take pics......ok, not that i didnt already since i was taking things out of the cupboard n cutting fruit n boiling water n doing dishes... haiya, SOMEHOW i thot nokia ws more silent... tho now, i dont think theres much of a diff...heh

its MALT yoghurt now... im currently having breakfast for champions as i type away.. 1 banana, 1 small pear,corn flakes,raisins, 2 'hazelnut' snaps (only cos i took it out to take pics for u peps), n malt yoghurt ! im eaitng alot more fruit here.... n shit alot more too... i just had an orange earlier on...
malt yoghurt : if i concentrate, there a tiny lil but of holicks n a tiny lil bit of coffee... if i dont think, n chapalang in my breakfast for champions, cant taste malt...
will i buy again? i think neh... ill still go back to my dependable vanilla n hazelnut.
tho now i try to get LOW FAT, but it sucks la, only got berry n plain flavour. so i get plain, n drizzle some maple syrup over it! yay... then i get maple yoghurt... so clever ah!

cong! as in, thats our home grown cong... we've been wanting to get them so we can cook... like dark-sauce,ginger n cong with some meat.. but italians dont eat cong... then one day while i had to prepare onions, i asked jx whether still can be eaten cos it was sprouting... then he was like 'CONG!' i was like OHMAN! ure right! so we decided to TRY n grow it, n guess what, its growing! yay.... but cong is expensive man.... i takes 1 damn onion to get 1 freakin sprout!
(Qn : can we still eating sprouting potatoes n onions? advice!)

ah! the cadbury hazelnut snaps! we got it of cos...esp since anna n tracy had a hard time figuring out whether they were chocolate coated potato chips or jsut chocolate.
now i tell u....
just chocolate... n about the hazelnut... when i ate.. i went 'simi hazelnut...' i thot very hard abt it while eating, to see if there were even tiny traces of hazelnut... but neh....those specks on the chocolate, were crunchy, like coco pops crunchy... not nut-bits crunchy..... gimmicks i tell u!! damn it...

this is our sundried tomato spread! u see 'coop' that the commmunist brand ive been talking about...this one, very yummy too... very

ok this is our packed food for 1st day of sch! potato salad, pan fried eggplant(my new fav...) n pasta.. i tell u, cos we knew we were gonna have a damn long day, from 9am to 8pm....n didnt wanna spend money on sad n expensive italian food so we packed like no tmr! pasta jsut suck when it cold la... oh, didnt add, but there was a sandwich to go too... n a orange... n....
just so u know, we never packed food lke that ANYMORE... jsut a sandwich n a fruit..
it was damn paiseh to carrya rd la (i carried so i know,but we later split it up n carried out own), esp when we put all into 1 plastic bag(tho not the market kind) but man.... the only thing could 'qie' (beat) our bag of food was if i carried the metal tins that cld stack up n held together nicely with handle n all..if i EVER do that, pls slap me

we went to the greek girls place for traditional greek food..a first for me.. there were 2 spanish girls living there too. (ps : they said camper aint THAT cheap there, abt 90-120euro? at least la... wah, in spore its like what 200-300plus?)

ok abt the food, its was good! lotsa feta cheese, since i like cheese, how wrong can it get... there were dips n all, n u eat with bread or this bagel looking hard biscuit... man it was HARD...

ok, this is ouzo.. 38% greek traditional booze... has a liqourice taste to it... dont fancy it...oh, but what was interesting was that i realised that it turned a lil 'chalky' when we added ice/water. - like co2 in limewater, damn primary sch ah!) im gonna assume its the drink, n not chalky h2o

i found a splendid way to cook corn! it anyhow pom n now, i can eat 3 times a wk!
i got corn from a can, not cream corn! its corn like 'cup corn'..
chop tomaotes
big onion
mushrooms (optional)
white wine(its cheap here la, $2euro can get a bot)
butter ( i like tonnes... very well with the white wine i say!)
pinch of salt
anyway, i teach u ah... damn simple....
jsut throw in butter,onion n mushrooms, n fry fry...till mushrooms look rather cooked...
then wine,tomato n corn,salt... n stir stir stir...till its warm n hot n nice to eat!
dont cook the wine too long tho, it more siok when its hot n a lil 'alcoholy'... heh
as to howmuch of everything, jsut wack la.. u like mroe corn then more corn lor... u hate butter then dont use... (tho i must add, if u dont like butter, something is wrong... n no butter comes from milk! not cow fat! wont say this is for who... )


Blogger evancheerio said...

dear jane.. sprouting potato cannot eat. the eye is poisonous.. not so sure abt sprouting onion though..

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello hello!wah..with all that food and your 'champion' breakfast.i think ill see a fat jie at the end of 5months.ahahhaha.oh.think you can bring some of the cadbury chips home?looks good... =]

11:11 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

naj :
WHAHHAHAHA!!! i meant like alcohol-ley... alcoholic was what i wanted to say leh.. haha.. anyway, from now on ill check for spell n all before i upload k!
but u know, im prob the only who has sucha pok blog! how special!

8:56 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

wah! poisonous ah...! thats damn scary... i knew there was something abt those lil sprouting things man...thanks man, ill definately take note!

8:57 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

mei :
the chocolate snaps not very nice leh... liike normal stuff... not worth me carrying back! but ill find some other food i guess.. heh

8:58 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

naj again:
ok, i jsut typed 2 responses to after urs n to check spelling n make sure my spastic fingers aint spastic, is damn difficult la.....

8:59 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

naj again again :
oh man! i already got typo for ur 1st response! i meant...' alcoholic WASNT what i wanted to say...'
shit this is gonna be way harder than i thot...

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hoi! finally opened ur blog to see wats u been up to! damn good read man...esp when u r in the office trying to mark crappy books. take heart that ur spelling aint as bad as te stuff i get to read! ahahah. if u do pasta right, its nice. Try this: the curly colourful pasta (dunno call wat) stir fry with the smushed olives (think ka na cai, sundried tomato, olive oil and basil. simple but yumyum!

10:55 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

noelle :
oh yay! new recipe! thanks babe... u hang in there n keep urself sane... :)

8:22 PM  

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