Wednesday, March 29, 2006

waiting for food to disgest a lil so i can sleep...

ok, so, as mentioned, im waiting for food to digest just that lil bit so i can go nap... heh..
just went over to my neighbours to eat a lil.... he whipped up some pasta, thin sliced eggplant (which he taught us the right way to do it.. thats what we're gonna do for dinner...yay!), n a plate of cheese which he microwaved till all nice n melty (like racklets in marche... yum..) n together with some chilli powder n pinches of bread! here they eat many courses but tiny ones... but yea.... ok, so thats pasta....

then before he came over to invite us for food, i was boiling green beans to make , well of cos green bean soup... so came back, cont the fire n over boiled the damn thing again! oh heck, taste pretty much the same anyway... so green bean soup was done, n i was feeling cold (tho the sun's really shining today, thats milan spring for u man) so erm... i had a bowl of green bean soup! tho i was far from hungry... anywya, green bean soup here is basic, green beans,water, sugar... not like when i get from the food court man, with DURIAN...... ooooo.... so anywya, i wanted to try adding condense milk to try n make ti milky n see how it taste like, but i added sugar already!(so much for planing...) ok, so never mind, wanna add fresh milk, but my milk is COLD, then it'll defeat the purpose of eating green bean soup in the first ok, no fresh milk either... then ... guess what i found in my fridge.... KAYA!!!! yay!!! no pls, milan no kaya... they got bee hoon very gd already.... i brought this from spore.... which probably adds to my lugguage over weightness at changi, yet needed to buy more thigns than lynn n jx here in milan....
anyway, so i got a spoonfull of kaya n into my green bean soup! yumyum! dont know y i was never this creative when i had green bean soup that was boiled right by aunty silo/aunty shuba n had kaya sitting in my fridge for the longest time... n my kaya is home made somemore! by my macpherson mama...
i miss kaya toast man.... with butter gao gao... n eggs.. oh i miss the half boiled eggs....
so anywya, now im dman full, n feel a lil guilty go straight to bed n nap... heh.. so blog lor...

oh, abt my macpherson mama, i called her using skypeout the other day, she was so excited! of cos la, her granddaughter call from milan leh.... here i use skypeout to call my grandmamas whom i dont even call when i was in spore... skypeout is cheap man, e$10 can call anywhere n talk for abt 4-5hrs... a e$10 calling card lasted me only 30mins.... but the thing is, skypeout kinda depends on ur connection n heng-suay la, sometimes damn clearn no lag, sometimes(more oftern than not) its choppy n laggy... but still can talk, no prob... just need to open ur ears bigbig n listen more more...
n my mama was telling me very excitedly that she was going to phuket for a wk, so dont call her during that 1 wk, ( i now suspect i have to call her every 3 days...) but then i heard from my xing papa that she hurt her leg n now staying in jalan kayu with us... n in jalan kayu, this wkend my dad n i have booked a msn video conference date so my mama can see n hear me all the way from milan! think she's be so so so excited! n i am too! i mean, ive seen friends, mum n dad n family, aunty silo/shuba has seen me(but not the other way cos my family jsut got a webcam).. but this is hte grand mama man!
she's very cute la she... on the day i was flying off, we met her for lunch before flying at night... then after lunch she called me at home (i was still packing frantically of cos) to ask what time flight n where etc, but didnt say she was going... but i so suspected she was gonna go la...
then at the airport at 9plus pm, there she was with my aunty! n she said to me 'we were here in 6pm! we wanted to surprise u!' i was midly surprised of cos, but very very very touched... so sweet ah... think they went early to get dinner there.. so after my surprise, she asked if i wanted bengawan solo kueh, tho i wasnt craving for any, i said 'wah okok mama!!!' so she went to buy n got me somehting like 10 kuehs to bring! but i didnt get a chance to eat them till i got to milan which was somehting like 17hrs later? n its was too funky to be eaten already.. so i had to toss them... makes me sad to think of it man.... didnt get to eat the 10 kuehs my mama got me... haiya...
teach u fellas.... with grandmamas n gong-gongs, must ask them questions u sometimes already know answer to,so that they can 'hand down knowledge to u'..... they ask u whether wanna eat, u damn full also eat like its damn yummy.... the thing is, u must make them feel very impt in ur life n highly appreciated... they probably already have this mindset that they r too old n dont fit in our 'youngsters life' etc... so u must do these lil things like ask qns la, ask for food la etc.... understand not!
hello hia chaps who are reading this, dont tell mama i didnt eat the kueh ah!! she'll be very sad!

ok, i think, its time to go zzz... hheh... nice n warm under the blankey ma...
ok, till next blog.... wan an!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweetie you always adding funny stuff into your food - goober into coffee and now kaya into green bean soup......
i finally got back into reading your blog! and i cant wait to see you july here in the big smoke woohoo! empress xxx

6:54 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

heya dear empress!
man.... never thot id see ur comment here! thot ure prob just too busy.. anyway, i thot kaya n green bean soup not THAT weird la, goober in coffee, that was way funky man... eeeks...
well, cant wait to see u in july too!
eh! quick tell me which airport shld i fly too!!

8:38 AM  

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