Wednesday, March 29, 2006

revenge... of blogging

finaly managed to upload pics! so im back with revenge man..n im so gonna save this blog before publishing... jsut hope it doesnt somehow die on me again...

ok, here's some 'SPRING' flowers on a tree... blooming... but im like, 'where's the bloomin spring!!!!' its still damn cold la! since ive been here for a month now, the temp increased by maybe 4deg??? n they say winter's ending... ya right
anywya, on this note, last sat was the 'white night' where we celebrated the "START" ( i insist on the brackets n caps) of spring.. so shops (nn train etc) were open n running late into the night! n at piazza duomo(the one with the square n the amazing cathedral) was packes with young punks cos there was the italian mtv awards going on...
sounds gd fun ah! but i barely watched the awards tho it was live... i mean, we listen to them n like 'who was that again???"
anywya, this white night was quite nice, all springy-spirity n all... had lil stages for performance down the shopping lanes etc... like they had a jazz one with live pianist n live singer of cos.. (above pic)(tho we had to try to ignore the singer n listne to the pianist....)
but the place was so damn packed we decided to leave n head back home....

this was a tram that had pple n they were having a party in it! had running lights n loud music n all!! dunno if its a private party or jsut some ramdom funky tram...

was at proj grp mates place for project... n just thot i share the lil wc with u fellas.. haha
its wood, u dont appreciate it, but i tell u, here in the 'ending' days of winter, i wish i had them, they're so much less cold to sit on! aiyo! i always get a lil twitch when i sit on the toilet bowl, esp in the mrng!
anyway, here(as in, in italy, ok milan n rome at least) the flush is like a tap, u turn, flush till al's gone, then u MUST turn back n off the flush.. so its self controlled... not like spore or whatever other wc ive used where u at best ahve 2 (small n big) flushes...

ok we were walking towards the station after the duomo shopping, n saw this leonardo da vinci tent so we went to see-see... n there, EVERY kind of 'da vince - the REAL code', da vinci this da vinci that... everyhting that cna possibly be da vinci-fied, was da vinci-fied n was sold there....from pens to unbrellas to books of cos... eveyrthing la... thik there is a exhibition or somehting.... i bet da vinci is stabbing himself so darn hard now high up in the sky cos pple r cashing in liek siao thanks to him... n i suspect he's prob plotting dan brown;s death now...

damn funny ah! 'who cna crack the da vinci code'... flipped a few pages, i tell u, its a scam to cheat parents of their money who think they can possibly intro da vinci to their kiddos... then again, if they did flip n still bought the damn book, they ought to be cheated... ahha u scheming italains!! no way u gonna cheat me again esp after the damn roman &*^*&;%&^%&^ idiot!!

ah yes! one more da vinci book...but this less cock la... see the next picture....erm, id say gd effort la huh... n clever to cash in on the da vinci crazy despite writing abt ducks only.... i mean like, its 'HOW' related... n we so saw it coming...

ok, went back to the ferarri shop to look see look see again.. heh, brought wenfong n mum to see the shopping district of milan ma... they also asked,'simi fashion capital, more like war-torn country la...' so peps, this is the 4th n 5th person saying it, so when n if u ever come to milan n ure reading this, know what to expect ah....
anyway, this vespa, wah... damn beautiful la... the red... so nice n bright!! n the helmut! bright bright red too with leather.... really very beautiful

this one, banana n chocolate 'chips'... the fold n flip the liao into the yoghurt kind, like ski-double up in spore! (oh, speaking of which, i dont see ski here... maybe cannot make it here... ahha) but this kind, no way can beat my breakfast for champions la.... that one still the king...
anyway, think in spore 1 o such yoghurt is like 3plus bucks? here this one was E$0.39! seems a lil dubious to be this cheap (plus the lil supermarket 'pennymarket' seems a lil dodgey too) but heck it la! eat first then lao sai then see how....
anyway, i had it, n it was ok only la, muller better... this one the yoghurt not as nice... wont really get it again i guess....

this one is muller, less dubious, havent had it yet....but cant go wrong one la! muller leh! oh but less cheap, e$0.79!! but still freakin cheap compared to spore! bet my sis mel must be damn jealous, know she loves ski double up n always sneakily buy n hope my dad wont scold.. aiya dad, let her get 1 this sat at ntuc k, since she did so well for her exams... tonnes of As! well done mel!!! if pa dont buy the yoghurt for u tell me k! i ask mama to scold him... hehehhe

ok, this is chantily(feeling nostellgic gilly?haha) n banana yoghurt, obviously u knew cos u can read with ur 2 eyes...chantily's some cream for cakes i think, from what i can gather form the pics on the container... banana was not bad, banana stuff usually has a stronger flavour n usually not bad.... hee
but these 2 r small indiv portion cups, so not so economical, so doubt ill be having too much of it...
ok, its BANANA yoghurt again! but with apple this time...see hte text? i know 'mele' is apple in italian, so i guess 'mela' will do too... oh n the 'gusto!' above the banana n apple text.. like so gung-ho sounding ah, 'GUSTO!!'... but itd 'flavour' in italian la... hahah....anyway, this one, not nice one... a lil funky, the apple taste damn fako la... had one htis mrng, damn, still got another one to work thru...

ok this aint yoghurt ... finally... heh.. its white wine! on a carton box! cheapest i cld find in the supermarket la, 1plus euro... just made some yummy drink with it cos we had to clear .... just cut some fresh oranges, pour in the wine, add some sugar n refridgerate till nice n cold n siok! gd stuff man..... u shld throw in the orange peel too, so u get the pang-ness of the orange... hee


Blogger evancheerio said...

jane you always introduce all the food stuff.. makes me so damn hungry.. if only i can taste the yogurt.. haha

2:34 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

oh yes i always do! food is whats keeping me going man, seriously,it beats design... n i probably wont have to think too hard abt it... heh

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear jie!yesyes,i am jealous,ever so much.ahha.i miss that ski double up thing.only can find in cold storage la!and even that..only some cold storage have..its becoming extinct.hahha

12:29 AM  

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