Tuesday, March 28, 2006

my monday

this is so annoying! this si the 2nd itme im doing this same blog! i did till sui-sui n when i hit 'publish blog' i got bumped out n kana the 'erroe pg'.... n lsot hte entire thing! argh... so sickening....so pls ah, appreciate this blog more...

ok now i cant upload pics... its the error pg again!
ok heck it, im jsut gonna tell u fellas abt my day or somehting... maybe ill try to re-do this blog later or something..

anyway, its wk2 of sch, monday... for 1, the time here has just shifted forward by an hr cos 'spring' is apparently here, there is actually a day for spring to jump out n 'ta-daa!' so time was moved forward n essentially i lost an hr... anywya, 'spring'... im like simi spring, another fako stunt i say... today tis even colder lor! apparently here we dont quite get spring n autumn, what we have is lovely long long winters n summer... global warming is screwing the world...

so here in milan, at 137am, with socks still on my feet, n still in my adidas jacket at home...
oh ya, suppose to talk abt my day,... ok so went to sch, timetable says class starts at 915am, we were there at 915-920, guess what? half the sch is still absent... mr scarry tutor mr dagger eyes(i decided to name him as such after staring hard at me (n banging the table) last wk for dozing off n leaving highly scarred...) strolled in at 945 n class started at 10 with say... 2/3 of the students? its like that here... i know i walked the entire floor trying to find my class at 915 cos i went to the right class but there was hardly anyone n i thot i went to the wrong class...
anyway, in dagger eye;s class... had grand plans to sit farfarfar away from him cos, well, i cant say for sure i wont zzz again... but my grp mate ws seated in 2nd row, near teh centre somemore, hai, so i sat with her in case she needs to tell me anything, afterall, my italian is how gd....
so right infront i sat, with dagger eyes... but i was DAMN ATTENTIVE la!! took out my notebook n all, copy italian slides which says god-knows-what... then eyes open big big n look so damn in interested in the words coming out of dagger eye;s mouth tho its really is jsut sound to me ... then armed with my lil digital translator i was HOW BUSY keying in words to translate n all... wah, i never felt this nerdy since what.... jc?(jc i was sucha nerd till now im amazed) . so like, try to look damn interested in dagger eye;s class la, then finally after almot 2hrs it was break time! so yay! went to get lavazza coffee form the vending machine! here, coffee has its own entire machine, (okok, n 1 hot chocolate n 1 lemon tea) n it aint simi nescafe k, its lavazza... beat that! so got my does of kopi, then the other 2, or 1 of the 2 i cant rem who, prob jx la... cant be lynn... who suggested leaving since its pointless to sit in (it really is, made me so damn it tired jsut acting for dagger eyes) so jsut when dagger eyes started his lecture again, 3 of us chopchop grab our bags n zao! i didnt dare to look at him when i walked out sia, JUST WALK....heh
then went to grab some groceries, came back, used net n slept a lil before going BACK TO SCH for italian lessons(im how proud of myself)...

we learnt to count all the way to 100 today.... n some dialog liek, what is my name, where do i come from etc... so thats that.

im sorry my blog's jsut s chunk of words n no pictures, i can imagine how boring it is to read.. so ill make up by using coloured text k.... haha
ok, i tried again, still cannot....idiot

ok so now, its 152am, still with my socks n adidas jacket, n i gotta go START doing my work liao... been procrastinating... heh... before i do that, ill go make kopi first... hee...


Blogger evancheerio said...

thot they would be more punctual.. maybe u can just stick to the way we start our lesson.. start half an hour later.. haha..

1:25 PM  
Blogger Margie said...

haha..suddenly u remind me of the Jane from JC!! short, gel-ed back hair who studied at every breaks with joey (or is it joel?). haha.. I just kept forgetting we're JC classmates.. =P

1:16 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

huh i studied during breaks ah, but food was my only source of happiness in jc! ahah.. n yes, i always forget we were classmates too! plus we always sit next to each other somemore, of cos to ask u qn n get help la! remember u always teaching my maths.. those were the days man....

4:34 AM  

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