Tuesday, April 04, 2006

last supper

ok, i gotta blog this before i forget all the info!!
ok, erasmus arranged a trip to go see the last supper (original paniting of cos) for jsut 3euro! think the original price is more than 10... anyway, this is one attraction is that dman hard to see! u gotta MAKE A BOOKING at least 2 wks in advance... n u can only go on for 15mins the out u go... so can u imagine how much money they r making every 15mins for a grp of say 20pple???

ok, anyway, so we went...
n there was a guide thankfully.... i hate it when i go see some great thing n i know nuts abt it.. ok, so here it goes...
this is the last supper of jesus with his 12 fellas before he gets taken away to be crucified etc...leonado did it n it was a masterpiece the moment he was done painting. unlike the usualy fresco done, he tried a new way of painting while the plaster has dried so he can take his own sweet time (they normally paint while plaster is still wet of cos)... but becos of this, the fresco faded extremely fast... SUPER.... what we saw was after mopre than 20yrs of restoration(yes it took that long since the 1970s). they had to slowly remove the layers n layers of other paint that were used as touch ups... so this restoration was to restore the original colours of leonado.
but what u see, only the brighter coloured bits r the real paint of leonado, they rest r just added so u can actually see something... told u it faded like siao...
so anyway, the story...
from left-right, according to jane"s memory....
ok shit. i cant remember their names!! argh....ok jsut the impt fellas then...
okok, basically, leonado wanted to paint each apostle according their characters... ok, at least he tried...
the 4th dude who is leaning over to talk to someone, thats peter, and that "hand with a knife that doesnt seem to belong to anyone" belongs to peter la! he twisted his hand/wrist while holding the knife to talk to john?(ah!! i got those 2 names mixed up! okok, the knife fella is the one who disowned jesus 3 times b4 the cock crowed... goodness... n its lent now! some one help! dad?) so so the knife man, its suppose to show his macho macho side, like all strong n all, wanna protect jesus etc...
then the dark skin dude infront of the knife man, thats JUDAS! confirm! not that judas had a nice tan buy hes in the shadow of the others so leo gave him a tan... anyway, thats judas cos his right hand is holding a bag of money which he earned to betray jesus....
the next up ... is that mary magdeline????????
NO LA... at least no eveidence from leo"s time or anyones for that matter can prove it... its john/peter... i think john la... i think the knife man is peter... so anyway, leo made him look mroe gu-niang looking cos he"s the youngest of all apostles... BUT! leo never painted him THIS gu niang, its the gay-kiang subsequent painters who progressively made him this gay looking... i wldnt even say gay, id say trans! goodness... anyway, how we know? cos copy paintings of the last supper the moment it was done (n cos its a master piece) showed that john (peter) didnt look like that...
ok then there is jesus... no doubt abt that...
then the fella next to jesus with 1 finger pointing... thats thomas, the one who doubted that jesus rose up after 3 days was real n prety much alive n kickin till he touched the sides of jesus (his wounds )... so leo made sure pple remembered that thomas was the undoubtful one, so painted with thomas n the 1 finger..... ahah loser....
then the rest r the remainig apostles la...
OH I REMEMBER! the 1st dude is barthelomew....

anyway, this painting is in a church, in a dining area for priests etc... so this painting was legendary from the begining cos if u look at the backgrd of the painting, the 3 windows etc...? leo very cleverly did is such that if u stood in the middle of the room n looked at the painting (like where the priests were sitiing while eating) u"d realised that the windows" perspective is sooo good that it looks like it was really at the end of the room! like an extended room! n meals with jesus n friends! amazing ah! leo was made to look lagi clever cos at the direct opposite of the room was another fresco, big big one, on the crucificion of jesus with the 2 other pple, but he painted backgrds by simply superimposing images, like everyone else... n i think this dude quite famous one... cant rem... obviously not famous enough....

ok, then IF u ever realsied, this picture is incomplete.... realised u cant see jesus"s feet? its got this arch right smack in the centre.... what happen was the friars/priest thot this painting die liao, faded n cant be saved etc, n theyneeded a door under that painting, so the whacked that whole piece out so make a door.... i bet even god is smacking them right now....like " hello ah!!! my feet can!!!"

ok, that was abt 15mins of time that i had in there, we cldnt take any pics of cos... so pple will cont to pay to go see....
ok, thats all i can remember... oh, 1 more, i think the painting was done in the 14th century...


Blogger mumbleyjumbley said...

jane!! urgent! i want to go to milan.. but need addresses! for furniture fair or yen's hotel or somewhere to go cos i cant get wendy. stupid internet here. grr. a train leaves essen thurs night. will reach milano on fri morning. presently no accomo. only a sleeping bag, tho dr yen says may be able to get an extra bed at their hotel at 50 euro per nite. cant decide wheter to pay so much to go for furniture fair for 3 days. argh. any room for a sleepin bag? email yen's addresses to my jello acct? tks

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello ah che. just so you noe,it was peter who betrayed jesus 3 times before the cock crow.hahah.i have to say,not bad for your memory to remember this much.ahha.anyway,do take care!haha.post cards would be nice every now and then. smile che!

10:21 PM  

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