Tuesday, March 21, 2006

first day in school....

FINALLY... we had class...
we started out by poppin by from class to class asking th tutor what they're gonna teach then see if we wanted to take that, or if we can ... i mean, we odnt speak a word of italian!
so anyway, went for masters yr 1 lab (studio)... here they teach in italian of cos... so we were clueless to the max, jsut pretend to look interested when in fact, we're spacing out like siao. they also dman cock la, asked 'who dont understand italian??" in ITALIAN!! of cos we didnt respond, if we cld, we wouldnt have to answer it anyway... (we found out the tutor asked fr our class mates during the break...)

anyway, so we sat in class, stoning... n well,naturally i dosed off (my ID friends must be like... 'ah yes, very naturally for jane....) dose off never mind leh, but this tutor ah, damn niao man, cannot talk, cannot have bags n jackets on the table top, n of cos, cannot sleep! so he caught me dosing off n bang the table at me... wah lau... damn embarassing la... i was the FIRST N ONLY to zzz..... n i got dman scared after that la! he very fierce... :(
so thats part one....

then next was to get into groups for our design project... they made it such that 1 erasmus(exchange student) with 2 italians.... so we, the erasmus, who knows NO ONE.... n cant utter a single word of italian... well, we felt kinda unwanted! we were like 'i bet the italians r going 'wah lau... must have erasmus ah... this sem sure die liao... hope i dont have to get the sporeans who can speak negative italian man....''... im serious, we felt like we were cooked chicken-rice chicken, waiting for pple to come eat chicken rice so the chicken rice man will jsut finally take us off the damn hook....
oh well, so finally we were 'taken'... well not too bad la, 3 in a grp, im with 2 girls who took pity on me... n 1 from rome, can speak not bad english(relative to the rest,rome is so full of tourist, most of them r used to spekaing english), tho the other girl, already quite quiet kind, n english not very gd, so lets say i cld count the no of words she spoke to me today....

so basically, sch for us now will be essentially 15mins/lesson? ( translated lesson from our grp mates)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

youre the best i swear..sleep in the first lesson on the first day all.ahha.try to learn your italian faster la.maybe then your itaian friends wont ostracise you guys.hahaha.smile che! =D

9:20 PM  
Blogger Margie said...

it's doZed off..! not doSed off..

10:07 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

margie :WAHHA! i i totally knew that!! (no really, i did) but u see, this is where my brain n fingers dont quite work together.... its like the word 'just' i know its j-u-s-t... but the millionth time, i type 'jsut'.... heh
but THANKS man! appreciate the correction anytime! :)

6:09 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

ok i TRY to chew gum so i dont doZe(see margie!!) off, but the thing is to even realise that im doZing off in the first place.. to then take my gum out n chew... hmmm toughy...

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im sure youre not so pok to not realise youre dozing off?hahah.bring your coffee or tea or whatever that can keep you awake into the lecture hall la.haha.alrighty..take care!smile! =D

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

helo! my pok kia..how are u?

anyway i am fine la..minor injuries sustained..lucky la..heh..

well good to see u are having fun and dun sleep...hehe


5:51 AM  

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