Sunday, June 25, 2006

who said europe not HUMID?!?!?!?

wah lau, i tell u friends, ive been sweating even more than when i was in spore!! argh!! i woke up at an amazing hr of 9+am this mrng cos i was perspiring! its jsut yucky... weather is like spore, but here, NOT FREAKIN AIRCON, DONT EVEN HAVE FAN CAN!!! if i was here any longer i wld soooo invest in a fan... in spore i guess everywhere we're pretty much in aircon so we dont quite feel the damn heat, but here! oh goodness... its killing me... im rather sure ill be sleeping without my shirt in no time... way toooo hot... n mozzies!! argh! i can die... they r everywhere... n at night... they r ferrocious! n fat too... jeese... worst than in spore too.... but yea, i have noidea y but somehow its rather humid here... somehow....
anyway to battle the dman mozzies, i bought the no-smell mortein plug into the wall kind of thing to ward them off but it doesnt really seem to be working, if not the dman mozzies aint normal ones, but an entire commando batalion. we're burning mosquito coils too... do u even know that is?? i mean like, when was the last time u used it?!?!?! i think when i was at my grandma house in jurong b4 they developed it, n thats like, tress everywhere n i was probably 3-4yrs old? ok maybe 5... all my childhood stuff jsut seem to happen when i was 5.. that it made me think i had the most happenning yr of my life.....
ok, so we now dont smell like 3 walking chinese-food smelling chinese... but 3 walking coil-smoke smelling chinese walking ard.... not funny i tell u! n then to ADD.... my damn johnsons baby powder smells awfull! like some lao ah ma smell... yucks yucks yucks.... nowhere like the one i get in spore where all my hall friends have been greatly accustomed to other than my perfume...
i refuse to buy a new powder cos im leaving soon anyway n i soooo dont wanna spend that money for jsut a few days....
so now to sum up, i smell like a smokey lao ah ma walking ard. lagi great i say.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jane, i hope you don't mind me asking you for a favour here. if you happen to see/get in contact with wz, could you ask her to check her email urgently and to reply to me asap please? i've tried msg-ing her cell but she doesn't seen to be responding. appreciate it. thanks.

8:03 PM  

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