Thursday, June 01, 2006

back from my escapade n rendevous...

hey peps,
ok so i was away... on a supposed little holiday to paris to meet gill,tian,tracey,kimliang,kenneth n jeremy. it was suppose to be a 4days trip, jsut a lil escapade to have some fun etc.... then on the last day, when my lugguage n all, after hearing that tian/trace/kimmy were going to munich,berlin n amsterdam, i went to the train station n changed my train ticket !! so instead of going back to milan(for sch n work...) n headed for munich(for fun n play)!! so after munich, we went to berlin n then last stop amsterdam. prior to paris, i was planing n crackin my head to see how i can fit berlin,barcelona n budapest into something like 2wks! then the golden (with extra chingching) opportunity came when they told me they were going to berlin etc.. so i went! still remember at the train station counter asking for a change of ticekt, while waiting for the man to tell us whether there r available seats to munich tog with my 3 shun-you(bad friends... ahha).. wah, the waiting moment while the dude was checking as tracy puts it 'its like waiting for my exam results man... jane, im damn sared for u!' then when the dude said 'have'... both of us were so excited! n immediately booked without even knowing if the other tix r from munich to berlin , to amsterdam etc were available...! ok, so i did have to pay a price for jsut an exciting rendevous, tix were a little more expensive cos it ws last min... but all worth.... to the last bit... plus i didnt have to plan anything, u had 3 tour guides... 3 companions, all i had to do was jsut put myself in the picture man! woohooo!

ok so now is blogging revenge time, but i must admit, im dman lazy la... way too much... i was even lazy to take pictures!plus my olympous was working well.. it was damn cold (i was totally not prep for it, i mean, when i was packing i kept telling meself 'aiya, 4 days, no need this... no need that la... '... paris was cold, munich/berlin was colder, amsterdam was lagi zhai cold man... it was like milan 2 mths back kinda cold... jeese...

ok, so now, ill jsut randomly show u fellas some pic la huh... alot of pictures ill wait for tian trace etc so share cos i only had my sort-of dependable nokia.... (stupid stupid oplympus!!!!)
first up... PARIS!(most pics, least lazy)

moulin rouge
i expected it to be way bigger ... but oh well....

effel tower
i obviously dont know how to spell,cos it looks wrong but i cant figure... i didnt go up to look see but the fact that i saw it 'live' n not form some postcard,tv,tshirt etc... made it a tad special. other than that... its jsut a metal tower la

laduree macaroons

these my friends, were the bestest ive ever had. paid alot for it but every crumb was worth it, im so glad my tummy won my brain while deciding whether ti try them. n guess what, my tummy won twice!

hotel costes

ive been listening to so much of their music i had to go see it for real! nice place but cldnt take pics n tour around much cos it was lunch time...

rose line tag on the floor

read the da vinci code? yea, this is the thing that marks the rose line

notre dame

apparently was almost torn down till some chap wrote the story.. n no... there werent any hunchback creepin ard... no gargoyles too tho...


biggest in the world, they even have arty farty exhibitions that requires u to take a lift in ocmplete darkness... n they have sales pple of tonnes of nationality man! apparently there r 2 singpaoreans...

toyota? concept cars showroom

quite nice la...

centre pompidou

some art exhibition thing. its a architectural wonder la... saw some exhibits but none too impressed... n there is a damn damn dman fine line between porn n art man... kimmy agrees with me too... heh

beautiful gelato...

of fig and mascarpone

n for MUNICH!

BMW museum

it was sucha a pity that the museum was under renovation so we only saw a small but of it. n a biger pity that we cldnt go to the factory cos that requires u to book online or something..

BERLIN! (man, didnt realise how lazy i was in munich to take more pics!)

saschenhausen concentration camp

this was one of the concentration camps during mr tiny mousstach time... well, if u didnt know, munich was the where nazi all started... so confirm got conc camps.. there was another one, dachun, but we didnt have time to go see... its damn depressing la that place n a lil creepy... to think that this is where pple died n all... n there was a sad sotry(among many many others) abt 2 jewish kids who were tested like lab rats cos the survived some flu of some sort, so they wanted to find out what helped them survive it etc... based on the floor plan, it was an excellent conc camp cos everyone cld be seen n it was almost impossible for anyone to escape... only flaw was that it didnt have space for extra bunkers to be buiilt. guess the germans under estimated their eveilness...

another concept car by i-dont-know-who

hotel adlon

form the top count 3 windows from the right, n 3 down... thats where mr jackson dangled his junior

check point charlie

the Us sign saying 'you are leaving the american sector'

branbenburg gate n a huge ass soccer ball

world cup la... apparently they r expecting 40,000 prostitutes in berlin. n im serious, cos we were in amsterdam in the red light district doing 'window shopping' n many of them were not ard! all missing...! see la, thats what happen when all the men gather in 1 place to watch football...OH! the gate... yes, very historical n impt...

berlin wall

not much left la

big books (part of the germany-land of ideas for world cup) n behind is the hamberg? university, n this is the site where the germans burnt 20,000 books

ok, hamberg uni... is where einstein came up with e=mc2.

n lastly.... AMSTERDAM!

heineken factory/museum/brewery

this palce we had tonnes of fun... n 3 beers n a take home bottle opener thats really nice n pretty!if personally, i thot this was better than the van gogh n rembrant museum... but thats jsut me...

lantern shop

n we thot we'd only see these stuff during chinese new yr in the shape of a pineapple...

rembrant's night watch

its his 400th anniversary this yr.. so they did a 3d version of this pic in some park... there was 1 picture of an old lady that he did, n trace n i cldnt believe how realy n wringly the old lady's hands were... it was jsut simply amazing how anyone cld actually paint likt that....

van gogh's sunflower

i had to take a pic of it la... real one leh!

WALL's ice cream

in dutch.... called 'OLA'

ok, thats all folks, enough liao la, i got no time to upload tho nokia is great cos file size is small.. so rather chopchop...

thats the end of my rendevous escapade... ok, its time to go get groceries... ciaociao!


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