Friday, June 02, 2006


well, this is one heck of a beer place...
tonne sof beer halls, with tonne sof pple, drinking beer of all sorts, n eating 1 mother of a pork knuckle... n the german wurst... munich was clean tho, no graffitti etc... i think after going ard abit, milan is still the ugliest city....

- olympic village (we walked thru it, nice n big, there was a 'walk on the roof' of the stadium tour but got making prior booking etc so cldnt)
- glokenspiel (dunno how to spell) (its the huge ass clock tower that has many bells that ring terribly. they didnt tune, maybe cant, they apparently change the tune every month or somehting but its sooooo bad, no one can guess what tune it was so they had to put signs to tell pple what tune it is.this thing is a, go to munich, u gotta see thing, but its way overated la... seriously, we watch n laugh at how amazing bad the tune is)
-BMW museum
- v-something market, which has durian!
- hofbrahaus (1 of the many beer halls, there standard beer size is 1 L, n they have this beer with lemonade, gd stuff, easy to drink.hof=royalty, it was the brewery of the royal family but they eentually sold it to public cos the country was getting too poor... n indeed it was a gd idea)
- bavarian history ( was previous bavaria, now part of germany n they totally disassociate themselves from the germans)
- blue n white : bavarian colours
- icon : a little 5 yr old boy with a little book(not bible but the constitution)
- place of origin of the oktoberfest (they seriously sit there the whole day eating n drinking, THE WHOLE DAY, for 2wks?)
- paulaner ( more familiar? another 1 of the beer halls htere,beer really is a religion there,in lent, the priest will brew stronger beers to drink while they abstain from food.its more filling)
- nazi origins
- deutches museum (science n technology museum, its amaizng the stuff there, form food technology to mining,materials,everythign la)
- pork knuckles (tasted like a whole chunk of sio-bak... gd stuff... but we had our share of not so nice ones...)


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