Friday, June 02, 2006


its a really nice place that id love to go back to. really cne shops selling really ncie interesting stuff.... but we didnt ahve time to shop we so jsut did the touristy stuff... pity tho, but in some pt in my life, i definately wanna go back there...

- anna franks house(we actually went into the house that anne frank was hiding in n where she wrote her diary. it was really interesting n sad too... only the father survived so u can imagine how he feels.. he lost the whoel family n all... n anne frank died jsut 1 month b4 the war ended...)
- heineken museum
- red light district n window shopping (n how they were all missing cos of world cup in berlin)
- cannabis (in chocolates,canned drinks, 'coffee shops' with palm trees pictures so somehow tell u they sell hash/pot. u know, amsterdam is one the countries witht he lowest rate of strong drug users, they were the higest till the legalised soft drugs, n no, the locals dont really smoke pot etc there. n no, i didnt eat.try.smoke any of that stuff)
- schipol airport ( 1 freakin hell mother of a airport, i walked like siao jsut to get in n out)
- fries n mayo (its sooo big there, they even have chips icon on the map in the airport)
- pancakes (like french crepes, i had cheese,bacon n ginger.. not bad! but nothign special)
- canal tour
- van gogh museum
- rembrant lived there. (his house has turned into a art gallery, of cos for his work la. its his 400th annivesary this yr if anyone is interested)
- rijks museum ( saw famous stuff there too... but it was under renovation so we saw jsut the masterpieces, gd enough for me not a artsy person)
- 14 pple in a room youth hostel ( to remind myself never to book myself into a place like that, i cldnt take it la.. but its prob jsut learning experience tho)
- ww2 memorial (which contained the soil of all the countries affected by the war, n yes there is spore soil there too)


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