Friday, June 02, 2006


- reichstag (political house)
- hitler's bunker site
- brandenberg gate
- hotel adlon
- berlin wall
- check point charlie ( border check opt between the east n west n the cafe where they do all their spying)
- red/green traffic light man of east germany. (these r really cute, when west took over, the east said that the west can remove everthing but not their traffic lights! the westees thot they were cute too so they kept it, so sometimes u walk n see the normal looking traffic light(west) then sometimes u see really nice cute ones!(east!)
- dunkin donuts (tried butternut, its was great, tasted like hum-ching-pang)
- sachsenhausen concentration camp
- jewish museum (architectural wonder, if u look from the top, the building is shaped like a lighting bolt, all zig-zagy. beautifully done i say!)
- stasi museum (saddest museum we went, all in german, but it cld possibly have been interesting. its a museum of the spy stuff n what they were doing)
- hamberg university
- currywurst ( sausage with crispy skin, tomato ketchup n some curry powder. 1 had curry sauce thing n when we ate it, we all thot it tasted jsut like mac's chic nuggets. they r rather famous for it apparently, but i wasnt too impressed id go for a bratwurst anytime)
- liver dumpling soup (it was gd, but i was haviong 1 hell of a pukish felein the whole day i cldnt eat it.. but everyone enjoy it to boot)
- holocaust memorial park ( beautifully done n i enjoyed it,they held a competition n entries were quite amazing, like a fish bowl filled with blood, or to smash the brandenberg gate n re piece it at that site.... u get hte pic la)
- world cup stadium
- tv tower (dressed as a football in white n pink. serious. n yucks.)
overall, i enjoy quite a fair bit of berlin;s architecture, since 90% was bombed in ww2 its a rather new place. they really ahve many intersting buildings.

holocost memorial

its something u eally gotta go see urself n experience it la, i can explain to the bes tof my efforts, but it aint the same la

the grass patch is exactly above hitler's bunker

where he hid in his last few days n where he got married finally n took his cynide pills n shot himself with a gun to be sure he's dead. the germans dont wanna built anything there cos they dont exactly wanna rememeber their horrible past. plus they dont wanna built anything so the neo-nazi can come here like a pilgrim. but on hitler's bday n stuff, u'll see flowers n all...


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