Wednesday, June 28, 2006

last few days in milan...

ok, so ive got say... less than 10days in milan? n of these 10days, i actually have to finish my work n submit, ok ill submit for sure, jsut hope ill finish it... ok, ill finish it, just how finished it will eventually be... jsut so u know, i actually forced (with lots of effort) myself outta bed and dragged my ass to school's com centre just to i have no choice but to do work... somehow, after returning fr that short spore trip, i kinda lost my momemtum to do work, tho when i mentioned that jx replied, 'what momentum?'. ok so, i never quite had that much to start with n its seriously nothing like in spore but hey, i still get decent work done... :)
the thing abt doing work now is, i cant sit still... for real, ive got some ridiculous ache from my right butt to down my right calf... its not the usual muscle ache whatsoever, its very... serng (kinda like an itchy achey kinda feeling)... ive had it for some time, like slightly b4 i returned to spore... till now.. thats like at least 3wks...!jeese... its a heng-suay thing, sometimes i get it, sometimes i dont.. but i think, it usually happens at night especially, n thats when im home n suppose to do work! maybe its some psycho reaction n allergy to work that my right limb apparently has... u think ive got rheumatism? its weird isnt it! i mean, im freakin 22yrs old, n rheumatism on my butt?? rheumatism at 22 is bad enough, but no, ill top it by haivng it on my butt... i think the sin-sey will fall of his chair laughing when he hears of it.... does ANYONE know whats causing it? or what i can do to stop it? i gotta fly more than 12hrs back in no time, n if i cant sit... jeese.... OH! maybe ill try a sob story n try n ask the air stewardess if they can upgrade me to 1st class 'cos ive got a nerve problem from waist down..' u think? ok drats, im flying KLM, they're probably not gonna give in, SIA might still give me some hope...

OH! i cant rememeber if i told u fellas this, i was in amsterdam ( ithnk) n someone asked where we were from, n when i said 'singapore', he replied.... 'what a great way to fly....' in that sia ad tune n alll... i was stunned to the max! n thot it was damn funny too la... NO ONE has ever replied like he did... jeese... ok, story told.

anyway, im having guest here now, namely sj.. n wz is coming today.. so gonna be rather crowded... n hey, i get to hear yet another familiar voice... cooked dinner for lynn n sj, made some simple tung hoon salad with grapefruit carrot in some oriental dressing i anyhow made... n stir fried some brinjal n beef in black bean sauce just so i can clear both the brinjal n the beef... i didnt think it tasted quite right, but sj (who dont eat brinjal) was willing to eat mine...

so now that i have numbered days left in milan means ill be heading back to spore soon, but i shall DECLARE that i wont be buying nice little presents for all u peps there... im sorry...
first, such stuff r just too political, get for 1 dude, u gotta get for all man, then even worst if i get for everyone, n even counted to be sure, yet ill forget some poor chap(in good ol' janeyhia style) while everyone else has their lil share. but that chap will jsut say 'oh its ok, dont worry abt it... :)' but ya right, its never ok... cos that chap will feel that moment of awkwardness for not getting anything, n ill jsut be terribly apologetic abt it...
2nd, i gotta think WHAT to get, its seriously not easy, i hate getting sickening stuff like those like clip on koala bears wearing lil straw hats n a blue velvet vest saying 'australia' (all too familiar huh??) cos its jsut absolutely patronising... n what on bloomin earth r u gonna do with somehting like that! thus ill so kindly spare u the worry in the first place...
UNLESS i see something worth getting ( its the weight i tell u, over-weight charges is one thing, the trip from my place to the airport is hell if u remember my 1st fews entries) then hey, ure 1 lucky chap... but seriosuly,if i ahvent seen anything in 4mths, u think ill see somehting in less than 10days? think abt it.

so! the gist is, ill be back soon n ur gift from milan will be me... good ol' janeyhia (with extra pounds n italian lard inside).


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1:39 PM  

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