Friday, December 29, 2006


damn the hols r ending. this is definately one of the most enjoyable hols ive had, despite the fact that i remained inland throughout. (1 of those things that happen when u dont plan, dont wanna plan, n wait). more enjoyable probably cos i absolutely cldnt wait any longer for the previous sem to come to an end. no, really. i know everyone cldnt wait too, but last sem sucked the living daylights outta me. n there is added novelty when i know time is precious, b4 next life-sucking sem starts. n for once in uni life, my dec isnt filled with back to back dancepracticesntrainingsessions keeping me busy, tired, in hall n ok yes, slim too. i say im slim when i can see my abs, hee.
so this time, ive got time. to do things i wanna do, like meeting up with pple ive missed, or never had time for. spending time with friends, which took sometime for a head-smacking revelation to happen, i now believe is underated,at least in my life. coming from a grp of close friends who dont call dont text n meet up maybe 5 times a yr,yet still close as ever, it seemed perfectly fine to continue like that. esp me being how bochup abt million n one things right? i dont wanna start going thru all the thots in my head abt how n y i get to this, cos really its pure logic n nature yet somehow its something that till u see it urself, u'll never quite digest it well. if u dont get what im saying here, i hope, for ur sake, u get a head-smacking revelation too.

on another note, time lets me chill more here n there,n while chilling, i think abt stuff. im not 1 of those who sit ard alone n think hard abt stuff. its way too intense for me. i think abt stuff on the go n yes, wait for head-smacks here n there. its probably almost a split sec for me. 1 of the things that occured to me for example, is that i think id wldlike to work at starbucks n be a barista when im done studying. its cos 1)i wanna learn how to make coffee n 2) wanna meet different pple everyday.not dead set ill do it, but its a thot n one that comes with lotsa explaination to do too.

ok, now im starting to wonder who actualyl wld wanna read my stuff abt my life n brain n the works. i used to give informative stuff while i was in milan cos really there was alot more to report on. but now.... hmmm.
blogging is weird in the first place.for someone like me.i NEVER thot id be one of those... goodness what have i morphed into! but started blogging cos its serisuoly the most efficient way to update pple when i was away. i knew i was entertaining then, cos really, i report on cock stuff, but now, nothing entertaining n ive become this self absorbed blogger.
(ok, i just realised i JUST had a head-smack moment there. told u it comes suddenly n here n there)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

whats christmas...

before anythign else, hope ur christmas has been merry. if not, no worries, u still have say, 13days to make it right :) amazing how forgiving we r abt holidays n somehow down the line of humanity n tradition we make sure we get to ensure that our festivities r in order.

so then what exactly is xmas to u, or the next breathing thing next to u? from an absolute generic pt of view, xmas is abt allowing urself to eat n drink abit more (or alot?), n share the love man.... share the love by means of spenidng time together, making effort to meet up with pple n relatives u see say, twice a yr(the other occasion being CNY, in my case at least), n of cos, the old practice of getting presents. im terribly ungrateful during xmas truth be told. every yr i complaint abt gettting trashy presents, ok less of a complaint but jsut a passing comment since im how used to it after 22yrs. but the fact is, alot of effort goes into getting the presents, even tho u know not much thot was put into getting a box of essential oils n spa foams. nonetheless, the sheer effort to mall hop n pick gift after gift for everyone, n then to queue in line forever to get them wrapped (or even just the wrappers).n then , to carry the loads of shopping bags n walk in orchard rd alongside a whole mass of fellow shoppers, all too preoccupied with gettting the next gift than they r of pple ard them. then to spice things up, we have rain that never ceases, or be tricky n difficult by pouring for 2secs n then let mr sunshine take over for 5secs, only to come back with greater revenge n evil laughs.

so, to put it all in perspective. we get gifts cos its the right n polite thing to do. u dont wanna be caught with ur pants down when some sweet friend who got u somehting yet u have nothing in return. so xmas is now abt being polite. i bet u the 3 wisemen could never have expected the impact their gold, frankincense n myrrh would ever have up till 2006yrs later.

then to add, we have starbucks who embraces the festive mood to boot with their gingerbread latte,n sinful peppermint chocolates n even dressed them in festive cheery red take away cups. to start a cold n rainy mrng with a cuppa hot peppermint chocolate simply melts my heart n give me suchs boost i feel i can save the world for the day :) im sucha sucker for this peppermint hot chocolate that i get it every possible chance i can esp since its only for the festive period! damn u starbucks!

so ok, now that the shopping madness of everyone else has pretty much simmered down, im gonna start getting presents i owe. i refuse to shop with everyone. the mass of people i constantly face depletes any shopping mood since i can only think of buldozing the poeple infront of me. plus i hate getting presents for the sake of getting them, or worst to meet some sort of a deadline for it. how forced i say. presents shld be given when u actually mean them, n really, the best ones r those that r least expected. cos it means u were actually thinking of them, sincerely.

till the next christmas, ill try to be even less ungrateful n more forgiving abt presents, esp since i know im tremendously difficult to buy for, even my best of friends go half mad crackin their heads.ive obviously been complained to.

nonetheless, i thank everyone for everything for the past 22yrs. id like to believe it not cos its christmas, but well, maybe its this mrng hot chocolate. im not abt to list for who im thankful for n for what, u know who r, n know that i do think of u.

till new yr where we make pseudo resolutions cos its what pple do yet again, enjoy the holidays :)

Saturday, December 23, 2006

dinner at garibaldi

i just got back from a pretty darn gd dinner at garibaldi (purvis st) . i went there with pretty high expectations cos apparently its the bench mark for italian food in spore. i didnt take much pics on the the food we had, which was a gastronomy tasting menu with all the hotter items on the menu pieced together. all the dishes didnt disappoint! tho none blew my mind away, but at least i was satisfied with all of them, so thats really quite good. well, how we rate restaurants/eateries etc ultimately boils down to 1 question - 'will u come back again?'. dont need to talk abt service, ambience food quality blahblahblah... just get to the pt. if they have done enough right, u'll come back. period.
so, for someone who has been spoilt rotten, n willing to come back,garibaldi indeed does deserve some mention. places on my 'ill-be-back' list r really far n few between.

mojito done well. very well actually. not that im a mojito expert or tester, but this is really the best one ive had. so good, my company for the evening ordered 1 more so we wont have to share. hah

dining in 2s. the pics u get will naturally be indiv shots, sadly. but of cos the attentive waiters will offer to take a pic for u together, but really, either its jsut bad luck time n time again or they really do suck at taking pictures. im sorry.

finished meal ended with molten lava chocolate cake with hazelnut gelato for her, n aged parmesan with balsamic for me. n of cos, the almost-customary trip to the ladies b4 leaving. why is it that females have to pee so much? a smaller bladder than our male counterparts? or is it that we r just really that worried that we might need to pee later? n y is it that men dont seem to have this habit? gender differences in the smallest of ways, yet nonetheless very intrigueing.

some random shots on my way back. ive been playing ard the cam n learning a bit more (tiny biiiiiitttt) abt how to manually adjsut stuff. i always asked abt these things over the yrs, but never asked-n-took-action. so naturally i forget n head straight back to sq 1. these aints gd shots etc, but heck, its my tiny first step to taking better pics! n it indeed is damn fun. even my companion got interested n started snapping here n there. (not to mention that she took a pic of the lady's hairdo over at the table behind me n asked if she cld cut like that too. handy cam ay...)

Friday, December 22, 2006

random things

i am terribly sorry for even sharing sucha cock pics. cock as in disgustingly bad in resolution.i mean i know how annoying it is to look at a blur pic. its like somehting polking ur eye n it does something to ur brain n ur insides... to a pt, sometimes revolting.
BUT, u see, its a cam off my hp. i had a pretty decent 1megapix cam phone, but i had to (in gd ol' janeyhia fashion, keeping very true to myself obviously) drop it into the toilet bowl. it was a very young phone, barely 6mth f**king months old but served me well nonetheless. (rest in peace phone.. im sorry i drowned u.) ANYWAY, this phone i have, is one of those now-considered-old ones n the camera is maybe 0.005megapix if i had to guess. so,once again, im sorry.
its the reason id wanna change phone, (to get a kick ass cam cos i love shooting random stupid things i see)but i refuse to pay again for a new one, n i really like this really-not-that-old but no fuse hp my mother handed down to me. (she got a snazzy blackberry one.)

i know u cant read the text so ill type it out... it actually said

' FULLY SOLD, THANKS BE TO GOD' , no kidding

i was driving at the newton round about, n jsut b4 i got into it, i saw the banner n was like' they actualyl said that!' i cld have taken a better pic but really, i was enterting the round about. n THAT round about, if u drive, u'd agree that i shld keep the damn phone n jsut drive. it was peak hr by the way.

this is a 70+? yr old uncle at mos. n im not talking about the burger joint. the pics is horribl also becos i had to zoom zoom zoom cos no way i wanted to walk up to him for a pic. he amused me to bits i tell u! i actually had my first encounter with him at the entrance where he happily walked pass the door bitch saying ' special entry for me huh, no need pass...' in a very cheeky tone of cos. thsi uncle,dressed in polo tshirt like all uncles in spore do n with id say, extremely retro glasses, was dancing ( with young girls of cos ) n occasionally blew his whistle. NO. LITERALLY, his whistle. peep peep peep! pple in mos is a bit weird. i told myself the next time im there, im gonna bring my real cam n take pics of pple. till then.

i wonder....

is it me, or r there more n more singaporeans these days who are wearing woolen scarfs??? cos really, ive seen it b4 i was thinking, ok, just 1 very off lady. but today, i saw this young teen girl with this woolen scarf, (not very woolen but nonetheless) wrapped round her neck. n im saying this cos upon seeing that girl, im thinking its like a new trend of some sort. possibly inspired by the non-stop rain? but man, its very very strange to me, this new trend, if it is to start, or started?

ok, i jsut saw 2 more somewhat younger ladies wearing woolen scarfs today. its a new trend i say.the xmas mood im quite sure, has a part in this too.

Monday, December 18, 2006

toast season

ive laid off bread since i got back from milan. i did eat alot of those jsut b4 i left, n of cos hwen i was in milan. the bread there is HOW gd. anyway, now that ive got sometime to actually enjoy a bit more of leisure dining in the comfort in a320, ive gotten back my 'bread days'. its toast actually. always enjoyed it. all i need is a gd jam n im sold. n butter of cos. butter saves the world i tell u. but these days, its been toast with sunny side up eggs! i love sunny side ups, those runny yolks r simply... divine. :) just fry up my eggs, very careful not to break the yolk, i just did with my last meal n i was how upset :( , then sprinkle some japanese rice seasoning? n a drizzle of sesame oil n im gd to go. of cos the toast with buttter, which i use to whip clean my plate to make sur ei get every bit of runny yellows.. yummy to boot i say. oh, then the other time i stir fried some bak kau with some ginger n onions instead of my jap seasoning, yummy to a bigger boot i say. so for now, eggs n toasts to save the world.

just a pic of my jam that im currently enjoying. i grabbed it from home, but ive had it b4 i remember it was gd. n indeed it is! not soo sweet n with chunks of strawberry. the way i like it. :)

my family n our meat

ok so my family had a bbq last wk. ive missed that stuff, since ive not been home for almost 2mths while sch contimues to torture me slowly. so bbq, n as always, we mass order meats n stuff from our wonderful QB supplier.
just some pics of the amount we order...

thats minced beef, id think its 2kg, but looking at the amount, im not too sure anymore.

a mother of a slab of beef. 1 piece is maybe 5kg? we gotta cut it into slices ourselves tho. too bad the lamb chops didnt come thru that day, had some order miscom. i was looking forward to it tho, but oh well, im sure we'll be having another bbq sometime soon. we always do. :)

n bacon. 2kg. finally something i know the weight of. we eat so much buying in bulk is never a problem. we jsut need a trusty freezer (my family runs on 2 fridges n a freezer box enough to fit a human inside) n b4 we know it, its time to order away again! we save tonnes ordering from them. comparing meat prices to cold storage, i think its abt 2/3 the price at QB.

Friday, December 15, 2006

judgemental sporeans emerged yet again

the asian games jsut ended. we've heard great news abt the sailing team, gd job boys. a half pg write up to sum up our winings with quotes like 'give urselves a pat on ur back..'. so thats ok, typical politically right ST as we r used to.

then the next half pg... this is where the 'judgemental sporean emerges'.
'the straits times rates team spore performance at the doha asian games'
A: golden glow...C : meets expecvtations...D:disappointing, F:fail

i was rather appalled when i saw it. these young chaps train like mad (i did sports, n really to be at their level, i say its a mind over matter thing, plus so many of them r doing Olevels n what, its really young chaps). so anyway, after rating every sport based on how they faired n whether they delievered, they of cos had comments.

things like 'Ng pei yi's inexperience told', D
'A top- notch race boat did not help elsie lim', C
'it says alot that none of the snooker and pool reps won a match',F
'out in qualifying round, without scoring once, perhaps should not even have gone', F
'no medal was expected n none was delievered,D
'choo tze almost claimed spore's first golf medal.His teammates,however failed to shine'...D

i know i didnt mention those that got As n Bs, cos its besides the pt here.
the thing is, our sportmen n women were there, trying to hard, n here we r, even b4 they came back actually, u can hear it on radios etc n talks abt team spore, they shld have won this, who n who didnt deliever as expected... n im like pls la, what they need now is jsut support damn it. not someone to tell them what shld have. u think they dont know? those who didnt do as well as hoped, coming back to sucha write up n sentiments is just... discouraging no? they r under alot of pressure cos the govt seems to be putting in alot into sports (ok, more into sports) n so, they better deliever right? hai, i jsut feel so tired for these sport pple, train so hard, go compete, if they won, lucky for them they r off the hook, if not, then they came back to a country of finger-pointing men, judging them. seriously, if its so easy, u go win la.pok.

i jsut had to say somehting. not that im THAT much of a patriot or anything.oh but i watch NDP every yr... hmmm.

but, singapore... y r we like that......

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


well, if uve been reading enough of my sort of self-absorbed blog (which i hate the fact that i just went on n on complaining, so teh), then u wld know that sch hasnt been kind last sem (yes! i can finally say that) n it aont gonna be pretty next sem either. i hope the 'miso' (read it backwards, i did it so i dont get sued, but its funny how it turned out to be miso doesnt it? ) collab doesnt come thru, cos really, they r still functioning on a chinese-business-man mentality n simply gonna rip our research on 'cmf' jsut so they dont have to put resources into it themselves. so i say, no miso for me.

anyway, im been havin me-time. thnking about stuff thats post-grad cos really if i dont, then id be thinking 'someone jsut kill me already'. well i wanna do pottery, always wanted to, but that stuff doesnt come as cheap as i hoped for it to be.damn it. i wanna travel more. kimpok mentioned that he might be going to japan for a yr to jsut live there for a yr. n now im thinking i wanan do that too. doesnt have to be japan, jsut somewhere foreign. not sure ill eventually have the guts to do it since i like being comfy, where things r stable n right. but somehow or rather,its got my interest. i gotta get soem money first. im horrible at saving,n i bet some of u reading this must be nodding profusely at that sentence. then i think i wanna do the riding for the disabled too, helping disabled kids on a horsey going thru a some obsticle course of some sort. the only thing holding me back on that is the fact im not sure i can sustain. i dont wanna go for awhile n then maybe lose interest n then disappear. we shldnt do charity work like that, messes pple's schedule n lives.

so, many plans n more to come.

for now, short term goal is to pass this sem. long term goal is to pass next sem.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

LG e-book

everytime i see this post on core77(a design website) it makes my heart melt. its Beautiful, with a capital B. not only that, its rather amazing in saving the world.

- ecological laptop concept

- fuel cell batteries

- organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display technology.

- batteries of the LG e-Book use natural gas, methanol, and other eco-friendly liquid fuels. The fuel is stored in a transparent cylindrical hinge.

- uses organic light-emitting diode (OLED) panels for display instead of the current liquid crystal display (LCD) panel. Unlike LCD, OLED does not need a frame around it, and it consumes less electricity.

- HOWEVER, under this current technology, it’s extremely expensive to build such a laptop. But it’s possible,”

its not said when they will produce it but i think its a matter of time.

beautiful n can save the world. what more do u want?

Saturday, December 09, 2006

a day of enjoying time

its a sat, i have no plans to do anything or meet anyone n im quite fine with that. ive been sitting, ok, slouching, in very bad posture even for someone who doesnt have a slip disc, in my chair n watching episodes of heroes (which is apparently very gd, but i think its ok only, not exciting or intrigueing enough,heh) n now season 5 of 24. BUT, the problem lies now that the bloody tv-link doesnt load up 24 as well as it did for heroes! argh. if u were somewhere in my room without me knowing ur existence, u wld have seen my 1 too many attempts to strangle the damn monitor, or curse a little at it n then sigh in despair. argh. load pls LOAD. it seriosuly kills to leave pple hanging like that u know.damn u computer n the world of internet.

now think abt it. how we as a human race doing allt eh great wonders that we do ever since i dont know when , yet we allow the damn internet to be this carrot that is hanging infront of us. where we go, its always abt getting connected. when we;re in sch, the moment we get to a com, the first thing is to get msn up n running b4 anything else.y is this so? have we become sucha slave to the tech world that this is what we have become? ok, not that posting this wld actually change my life of not having msn to be the first thing running, but its just one of those , 'lets jsut stop to think'.

anyway, i jsut realised ive diverted from my title. heh.

in anycase, i meant to say that its been some time ive had sucha day. it actualy quite nice. in my own world( 'like since when jane isnt in her own world', ok i get it.) n hall is realy quiet this wkend. ive been here for most wkends so id know.

ok, now that 24 isnt loading up as well, im starting to think what i shal have for lunch/dinner/supper? my clock is still regretably a tad screwed.

just a random pic at o bar with studiomates. random n not trashy that is. right zq?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


my 'SURELY' finally came.
its amazing. tho the sem ended quite quietly (ok tho tonight we're going for drinks so..) but the feeling of acknowledging that my 'surely' has arrived, sure as hell makes it all the better.
despite yesterday being one of the most depressing moments in sometime, seeing how my thesis went n all, it was sucha low really. then when one of my tutors, while tlaking to me brieftly, compared me to a donkey, things actually felt lighter on my shoulders. hah. it cld only go up ... so ok, i left feeling slightly better. heh

my newfound no-need-to-do-work time has been rather productive actualy. i had great sushi for dinner yesterday. then met up for simple yet splendid lunch. then came back n did laundry, cleaned my room. i can actualyl see my table now.( tho i dont see it sustaining much). n tonight we're going drinking. so alls gd. i cant wait to find appropriate time to go music shopping. that seriously is sooo satisfying.

ok, im now gonna go catcha nap... :)

a new low...

i typed 'indeed slaccis' while on msn...

its supose to be 'indeed classic'...

i managed to swop all 'c' for 's'.

new low, i say.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

3.5hrs more to presentation, 6hrs more to freedom

its 5.22am. im STILL doing my panels. the only reason y i still have time to blog its cos im waiting for my renders.

ive never procrastinated this much ever.
(a wonderful line abt procratination that ive heard :
'procrastinating is like masturbating. u start of enjoying it but end up screwing urself' HOW good is that......)

this is when u know uve hit the limit. there is this horrible DEADline, but there is absolutely no stress. i came back from my paper (of which i can only hope my crap is better than other pple's crap) at abt 3-4pm. then got a call to go for coffee n i barely gave a 2nd n thot, n replied 'ok sure!'. so went to get some dinner, some coffee (starbucks hot chocolate actually, its magical i tell u), then went grocery shoppin too! finally made my way back, abt 7. the the better of me decided i shld take a nap. but it was a short one. it got too hot to sleep further. yucks.

(ok, rendered wrongly, gotta re-render)

so ok, i got up, showered cos i was soo mung-zhang. then finally got started a tad. then kimpok called n asked if i wanted to go get a drink at fs, n once again, the stressless side of me said 'ok, sure kimpok!'.. lucky we didnt take too long at that...

so finally, at 11pm, i started work FOR REAL.n have been very consciously doing since then k.
well, im getting a lil stressed cos i saw the 'sample panels' from the past yr n man... totally spoilt mkt to the max. damnit. ill just gotta see how it goes la. but no matter what by 815am latest, im getting out of here tog et my stuff printed in sch. this presentation is do or die. have or dont have. so.

(ok i jsut finised the most essential of the panels! yay! now to do the reseach bits n all.. :(

anyway, since im done rendering everything, i shall head back. n hey, guess what, in less than 6hrs, ill get my SURELY! HAH!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

sorbet story

ok, i said ill share abt sorbet story when i get the pics. the thing is, i always had them! jsut
cldnt find it the last time... silly me,but none too rare of me ,too.

ok, so whats the excitement abt sorbet story? its this fantastic ice cream thats really the ebst in the nestle box at the engin co-op, we've made a bit of our rounds with that box n yes, sorbet story wins, we all conclude. its a peach sherbet (i think, it seems like it does have some milk in it cos the texture is different from the usual icey popcicle kind) on the inside, n coated with white tea sorbet on the outside (the icey popcicle kind).its a bit tangy n oh-so-siok.

BUT, this is not y sorbet 'STORY' is making waves in studio. just read the text on the wrapper n u'll get the gist of what im saying....

always cracks me up when i read that crap. its how cock! with the guest starring 'white tea n peach'... n that oscar award bracket that says 'made with REAL FRUIT JUICE' but really, the winner of it all must be the fact that '1 fruit fell too far....... n only one tea leaf can bring her back......' jsut kill me alreday. hahah

but ok, nonetheless, it got our attention, n we totoally enjoy sorbet story. a tad less for the story, but the sorbet is wonderful. :) its $1.30 ( gone r the days when IC was $0.20 for lion stick). i ive only seen it at the engin-archi co-op. never tried the 7-11 at fs, but if its a nestle box, chances r they might have. so go get urs today!

ok,i obviously took time off to blog just so 'i have something else to do'. 60% paper tmr, its a 1pm paper i jsut found out. hai. ok, back to reading.out

Friday, December 01, 2006

a little bit more..

i jsut counted,my little bit more is somehting like 5 day! WOOOHOO! slwoly but surely jane... slowly but surely... i did FINALLY finish that damn thesis report of mine, sucked the living day lights outta me, but oh well, i finished, its done, n im glad it over. not too sure i did that gd a job, but oh well, we'll see how. heh.

im currently trying to read up for my paper on monday. just got my freshly photocopied readings this afternoon.its a pain to read. i hate reading. prob cos im not a gd reader. i read stuff n half of it goes away, if not it doesnt even register into my brain at all to even go away. i never had the habit of reading books. pple say this bk that bk si SOOO gd that they simply cldnt put it down,i read da vinci code (quite b4 the whole craze started), read memoirs of a geisha,some of harry potters... those were suppose to be kickass gd, but heck, i totallymanaged to put them down the moment my eyes got a tad heavy. so ok, i never had the habit of reading. i learn so much more fr tv :)

im now looking forward to actually going home, im quite sure it has been prob 2mths now, its like a mini exchange in sad. kato, (my cat if u rem) prob thinks im dead or gone from this face of the earth, but not like he wld care. hai

ok, im gonna get back to reading. yucks. i need to digest a lil more. its open bk.the least i cld do to make sure i get the S (instead of U ) is to know where to flip on monday. oh shit. i dont even know what time n where is the exam. of cos i dont know my seat no. damn