Wednesday, December 06, 2006


my 'SURELY' finally came.
its amazing. tho the sem ended quite quietly (ok tho tonight we're going for drinks so..) but the feeling of acknowledging that my 'surely' has arrived, sure as hell makes it all the better.
despite yesterday being one of the most depressing moments in sometime, seeing how my thesis went n all, it was sucha low really. then when one of my tutors, while tlaking to me brieftly, compared me to a donkey, things actually felt lighter on my shoulders. hah. it cld only go up ... so ok, i left feeling slightly better. heh

my newfound no-need-to-do-work time has been rather productive actualy. i had great sushi for dinner yesterday. then met up for simple yet splendid lunch. then came back n did laundry, cleaned my room. i can actualyl see my table now.( tho i dont see it sustaining much). n tonight we're going drinking. so alls gd. i cant wait to find appropriate time to go music shopping. that seriously is sooo satisfying.

ok, im now gonna go catcha nap... :)


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