Wednesday, December 13, 2006


well, if uve been reading enough of my sort of self-absorbed blog (which i hate the fact that i just went on n on complaining, so teh), then u wld know that sch hasnt been kind last sem (yes! i can finally say that) n it aont gonna be pretty next sem either. i hope the 'miso' (read it backwards, i did it so i dont get sued, but its funny how it turned out to be miso doesnt it? ) collab doesnt come thru, cos really, they r still functioning on a chinese-business-man mentality n simply gonna rip our research on 'cmf' jsut so they dont have to put resources into it themselves. so i say, no miso for me.

anyway, im been havin me-time. thnking about stuff thats post-grad cos really if i dont, then id be thinking 'someone jsut kill me already'. well i wanna do pottery, always wanted to, but that stuff doesnt come as cheap as i hoped for it to be.damn it. i wanna travel more. kimpok mentioned that he might be going to japan for a yr to jsut live there for a yr. n now im thinking i wanan do that too. doesnt have to be japan, jsut somewhere foreign. not sure ill eventually have the guts to do it since i like being comfy, where things r stable n right. but somehow or rather,its got my interest. i gotta get soem money first. im horrible at saving,n i bet some of u reading this must be nodding profusely at that sentence. then i think i wanna do the riding for the disabled too, helping disabled kids on a horsey going thru a some obsticle course of some sort. the only thing holding me back on that is the fact im not sure i can sustain. i dont wanna go for awhile n then maybe lose interest n then disappear. we shldnt do charity work like that, messes pple's schedule n lives.

so, many plans n more to come.

for now, short term goal is to pass this sem. long term goal is to pass next sem.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heya babe.. i've been trying to think abt stuff too! but somehow TV serials and novels get in the way. heheh
if u're running away from sg for a while after grad, count me in... its hard thinking wad to do wad to do wad to do..
i say NO to miso also


11:15 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

sar : ok if i run, ill call u.n if we really run, then maybe shld plan plan a bit. then i can take up a 3rd lang or somehting. (extremely hopeful here...)

12:02 PM  
Blogger evancheerio said...

count me in too!

9:03 AM  

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