Friday, December 15, 2006

judgemental sporeans emerged yet again

the asian games jsut ended. we've heard great news abt the sailing team, gd job boys. a half pg write up to sum up our winings with quotes like 'give urselves a pat on ur back..'. so thats ok, typical politically right ST as we r used to.

then the next half pg... this is where the 'judgemental sporean emerges'.
'the straits times rates team spore performance at the doha asian games'
A: golden glow...C : meets expecvtations...D:disappointing, F:fail

i was rather appalled when i saw it. these young chaps train like mad (i did sports, n really to be at their level, i say its a mind over matter thing, plus so many of them r doing Olevels n what, its really young chaps). so anyway, after rating every sport based on how they faired n whether they delievered, they of cos had comments.

things like 'Ng pei yi's inexperience told', D
'A top- notch race boat did not help elsie lim', C
'it says alot that none of the snooker and pool reps won a match',F
'out in qualifying round, without scoring once, perhaps should not even have gone', F
'no medal was expected n none was delievered,D
'choo tze almost claimed spore's first golf medal.His teammates,however failed to shine'...D

i know i didnt mention those that got As n Bs, cos its besides the pt here.
the thing is, our sportmen n women were there, trying to hard, n here we r, even b4 they came back actually, u can hear it on radios etc n talks abt team spore, they shld have won this, who n who didnt deliever as expected... n im like pls la, what they need now is jsut support damn it. not someone to tell them what shld have. u think they dont know? those who didnt do as well as hoped, coming back to sucha write up n sentiments is just... discouraging no? they r under alot of pressure cos the govt seems to be putting in alot into sports (ok, more into sports) n so, they better deliever right? hai, i jsut feel so tired for these sport pple, train so hard, go compete, if they won, lucky for them they r off the hook, if not, then they came back to a country of finger-pointing men, judging them. seriously, if its so easy, u go win la.pok.

i jsut had to say somehting. not that im THAT much of a patriot or anything.oh but i watch NDP every yr... hmmm.

but, singapore... y r we like that......


Anonymous Anonymous said...


- jia

5:59 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

jia : haha... indeed u r right.

4:11 AM  

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