Tuesday, April 25, 2006

my milan life...

ok, i was doing accounts since i havent done it in the past 3days! (thats is VERY BAD already..i used to do everyday, but no my table so small so i put the $diary somewhere else n when i dont see it i dont record it...) but nonetheless, got it all jotted down... since i keep receipts so i can still somewhat counter check my expenditure....

anyway, after doing accts, i flipped to the back n saw my note my sister wrote to me when i left.. she's damn sweet la, so all nosteigic n i all, i decided to read it again...
then she was all encouraging n said never to give up no matter what happens...may i quote 'dont give up even if u dont understand what ur lecturer is saying,dont give up if ur computer breaks down n u cant do ur work,dont give up if u have no friends there,dont give up if the weather is too cold n all ur pisai is stuck up in ur nose n u ran out of tissue paper....'

i tell u, other than the 'dont give up even if u have no friends there', ( which is awfully sad but luckily i chao-chao still got jx n lynn.. heh...) everything has happened to me... my com died, i fell asleep on my first day only to have the teacher bang the table at my face n scar me for life n the pisai part, when i read it, i twitched my nose n guess what?! got pisai! mei, now im starting to wonder if u were cursing me when i left... hai, but i know u wont, im ur favourite and only jie... so im jsut gonna say that ure quite a bit a of a fortune teller ay! ok, in my case, misfortune...
but to add to her list, my computer didnt jsut break down, it changed its race(now who can predict that!). i use my nokia becos my olympus is cranky n waiting for warrenty card fr spore so i can get it fixed here, i jsut realised i dropped/lost my travelling pass together with my student card, my internet is only available when im outside my apartment,my umbrella,tho a pok one, is missing...i jsut had a major pimple outbreak which i havent had this badly since 2yrs ago? i almost lost my passport n got a huge ass scare n scar me for life yet again...oh n i bought 2 bedsheets instead of 1 bedsheet 1 conforter cover n they werent exaactly cheap (tho already ipercoop brand)...

wow... i think i didnt quite pay $$ to come here n study ay... but oh well, guess all these will SOMEHOW teach me a thing or 2... liek recording expenses which i tried once but after 2wks... i never touched it again n my mum has been bugging me to record my expenses (lets jsut say im rather gd at spending...tho my dad wld probably beg to differ n say 'she's bloody gd, not rather gd...')

the other stuff thats a plus is i make it an effort to call my grandmamas... yet to call my kongkong in aussie tho...the thing is, in spore i didnt call at all! not even my macpherson mama... now, i call her, i call my shanghai mama n soon ill call my aussie kongkong too (ok, jsut typing that it sounds llike i have globe trotters for grandparents). its all thanks to skype. no they dont ahve computers, i use skypeout to call their house... its really cheap.. like 1cent/min n thats in sing dollars...
anyway friends, u all shld call ur grandmamas n kongkongs too man... :)


Blogger Margie said...

HAHAHA..! Jane! I love this post man..super funny lahh..
Btw, you might wanna consider posting jx's (dunno what this abbrev stands for but yeah..haha) pictures instead cos the food picts sure look good man!

P.S.: You all go there to learn design or cooking ah?

9:57 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

margie : jx = jiaxu (this dude thats my design pal here too). well, jx hates to take pics, so.. toughy man... but when he does take a pic, n a nice nice one, ill show u k!
hey, we r learning design k,n erm... jsut a tad more cooking?

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

che!!!haha.just so you noe,and to comfirm,i didnt curse you la!ahhaha.but not bad right?future fortune teller.heh.do take care yes?and..erm..better watch what youre eating mann.unless my eyes are failing,i think you look a little chubbier. :X heh.anyway,dont give up!
when your fellign depressed and defeated,just remember that you were once the strongest and most powerful sperm of your daddy.. so.. GO SPERMIE!GO! ill be cheerin you!! [remember this?heh.]

smile!and the world wil seem brighter. -mary-anne hia [yes,i came up with this,and it works!]

10:16 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

mei : OH MAN!!! u remember the spermie!! i love that line!!! n yes, i am chubbier... damn it, but heck,i jsut checked this mrng, i still have my centre abs line...yay! BUT if u see me getting even chubbier must tell me hor!

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how you expect me to noe if youre getting chubbier if all the photos you put on your blog are food?hahahha.anyway...do learn some nice funky recipe sp you can home and teach us.been long time since ive tried something new.heh.do take care!and try not to be so blur.heh.smile always!

12:11 AM  
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8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:12 PM  

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