Tuesday, April 25, 2006

sneak preview to 'food-cooking-&-photography'

oh man this si so exciting!
ok, jx n i are on this new project to take pictures of the food we cook (nice pics of cos) and then do some multimedia thing with it! (flash, website,dvd etcetcetc)...!
it all started cos i needed credits so wanted to take this multimedia module here, but i had no grp formed so asked if jx wanted to take the module so we cld do it together but he didnt want to but said he didnt mind doing the proj with me....
then yesterday anna (ure how famous in my blog man) send me some foodblogs n ther was one with rather nice pics n so it hit us! to take pics of our food n do some multimedia thing with it! i mean its perfect! both of us love food (it takes abt 80% of our conversation) n we love cooking.. plus jx in really into photography so it all makes splendid sense!

ok, so let the preview begin!
1st up... jx's dinner...

jx's pasta with mince beef and celery
i pretty much leave the photography to jx.. he's gd la, i just know nuts... i mean, i shoot with a nokia! so oh well, i jsut put in mroe effort in the cooking, which i love.. so no problemo!

jane's mushroom & cheese toast

next is my lunch, baked the famous jalan kayu mushroom n cheese toast! for those who have tried, u know it never fails... but today when i did it i used alot less mayo.. other than it being fattening, i didnt quite have as much mayo as we do in terms of jalan kayu quantity... our mayo-kong is so huge at home!...i think we cld scoop ladels full out of it...what to do when u feed an army at home...

jane's cornflakes with maple ,butter and raisins

and lastly this... i baked it last night... wanted to test the microwave n it apparently can bake! ok, at least it managed to brown my toast n this...i always wanted to make this cornflakes thing but i never knew how! till pris mentioed the other day that its jsut cornflakes n honey! so ok! in my hyper activeness (thanks to the coffee i had, read previous blog) so i decided to try it out! i had to try n error a lil tho, initially they cldnt stick tog, then i remember they had to be bashed up n added mroe maple syrup.. oh! n i added butter.. i mean, i love butter... n how can maple n butter go wrong right...

ok, so thats all for now folks! ok, now we aint sure if we cna make it into some multimedia... we might do somehting else... but oh well, seems like we'll still cont to do this' food-cooking-&-photography' thing... we really enjoy it man! now the trick is, we have limited plates bowls etc... so we gotta figure out how to make it work if not it gets damn boring man....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg omg neighbour now i know why u were so excited abt the entry wahahaha!!! so exciting!!!! and i totally know which is the blog tt u were inspired by eh!!! wahahahaha! but wow good job lah everything looks damn pro!!!! and yummy too of course haha! i'm sure it won't look boring lah, the 'designer' site (according to u haha) also always uses plain cutlery what no meh! and u can erm funk it up in some retarded janey hia way too lah wahahahhaa! i totally support ur venture lah so fun cook and take photos and get credits, tt is so the way to go wooohoooo hahahhahaha!!!

12:37 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

anna : yaya!! so exciting huh! welll, at least u finally got to read it... dman lag la!anna, i really cant wait for our food trip when i get back!!!

7:07 PM  

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