Monday, April 24, 2006

coffee... n jx's cha bee hoon!

ok, my damn connection died on me again...
but i decided to blog this while i can rememeber it... heh... on my lil 'wordpad' again.. damn, dhl, pls hurry up with my cd roms from spore....thanks family!

anyway, i just made coffee, kinda outta bordem n laziness to do work(dont worry parents,ure not wasting ur money on me in milan i promise! i mean, i learnt to get my computer fixed myself... n ironed, n cooked n....)
so ok, i wanna try new coffee... ok, at least make my coffee-making time mroe entertain myself...

ive tried coffee+nutella, n coffee+goober jam(dont bother trying this really...definately not for the faint hearted)... so this time, after lynn made some hot chocolate with the chocolate powder we got, i got a tiny lil creative... lynn's actually my muse!
ok so here;s what i did..

thats the ingredients u need, ok shit, i forgot abt the milk.. ok, pls imagine a carton of milk standing next to the coffee maker...

i boiled milk on a pan, having it boiled thickens it... so its more creamy...
then i stirred in the chocolate powder...
then i stirred in n melted 1 big tablespoon of nutella... (sinful but nutella can barely go wrong even ure the worst cook,not that im a cook... then again, can anyone call him/herself a cook so long he/she stands at the stove n whip something up no matter how gd or bad?? i mean if ure gd, ure called a chef... if not a random-cook? beats me...)
ok cont....then on low heat.... jsut kept stiring till it thickened.. to like say... chocolate sauce consistency...
it was creamy n sweet n hazelnutty... very yummy i must add, lynn can vouch for that esp after her.. well, weak hot chocolate cos she aint as gung ho as me when it comes to using liao(ingredients)...
then poured into a cup n then poured in my espresso....
then wa-lah! chocolatey-esspresso... tho it wasnt as thick n creamy as my chocolate sauce, but heck, the sweetness balanced out with the coffee n it was with much much omph!
i tried to take a decent pic of it, but it didnt look gd la, so heck, leave it to ur imagination... i have better luck with that to leave u drooling than a picture....

random i know but thats a pic of the standard house hold item here in italy... esspresso machine, ok i dont know if it qualifies as a machine... its works great i tel u! i totally got 1 to bring home! n no more 3-in-1 coffees for me man! ive been liberated!

so now, im rather 'high' n bursting with energy... heh... so then i decide to take my sketch bk out to possibly get some work done... but guess what, internet is down n now all i have are some foodblogs (thanks anna!) that well... i cant stop reading(i hate to read... u all know that,if u didnt means u dont knwo me well enough so now u know...ure now 1 step closer to janeyhia's world)...
so these foodblogs r totally making me excited so i started listing down places id like to go eat based on their reviews... so thats 1 list i started... the other is a 'food to try n make n hopefully succeed' list... which has well... 2 items now.. u'll read abt it if i succeed... heh...

once again random i know, but this is jx's cha bee hoon! thot id give him 1min of fame on my blog.. heh... the pic seriously doesnt do it justice cos well, its a nokia... but he is gd with bee hoons...pre-makes prawn stock jsut to fry the bee hoon n all.. damn serious stuff k to make bee hoon...!

ok, so now im done blogging abt it, or rather typing it... im going back to my foodblogs... sketching can wait... (parents : really, ure not wasting ur money on me... :) i miss ur bbq dad... juicy medium-rare beef n lamb... n mummy's pepper sauce.....ooooo.....)


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