Saturday, April 22, 2006

my 10days temporary apartment

well, ok, if u fellas didnt know already, we got booted out for 10days cos the landlord screwed it up, but we knew abt it even before we came here, so we jsut had to suck it la huh....
but now that we have shifted back... wehave a even bigger aprt!!! yay!!!
in this 10days we were here, we had many visitors due to the milan fair... all my id friends of cos, had terence for 3 nights, then elias n sarah for 2, then lynn,alec,wend,gab came over for dinner... n a lil of lynn belated bday celebration.... we made char bee hoon for them, took forever to get thru 3 packs of been hoon la!! jx fry till he had to rotate his neck n all, damn chia lat, n esp when u dont have a wok n all.. so we fried it in a pot...
in the end, all was gd, ate like mad as usual.... n was nice to meet the rest... :)

ok, this is the living room, nice place la, its like a condo, maybe abt 16-20 storeys, very new of cos, there aint too many of these aprt here, usually 4storeys max... but this aint like spore condos, got swiming pool la, gym la, etcetc... here its jsut a building...

my 2 landlords... on the left is fulvio, n the other dude, i never caught his name.. this is a picture of a picture so its lagi blur...that painting behind is mande my fulvio... both r engin students at the uni. the best bit is they go home every fri n come back on monday afternoon, so when we were there, jx n i pretty much had the place to ourselves alomsot half the time!
these 2 r nice n easy going chaps la, when we arrived, fulvio even offered us his shower gel n hair spray! he prob felt bad the toilet was empty... heh... these 2 barely look like students, not a single sec we were there did we see them do any work, nor even a glimpse of their lappies...they werre watching soccer n fulvio was jumping n screaming thru out! of cos supporting ac milan... yet to catch a game here,but definately will.... so... overall, glad we had them!

thats my bed, or rather my corner of hte room.. small rm la, only had 2 beds. but they brought in a table n a rack for us...there werent any blankets,sheet or pillow, so i brought my lil red heart! i was totally on my entire trolleybag jsut to zip up the damn pillow but all worth it!

my initial inflatable pillow, for airplane trips la, its was cold n plastic-ey, so i wrapped it in my tshirt... in the end, my lil heart worked better as a pillow for my head n the other for me to grab... my mum packed this airline pillow for me, didnt think id use it but hey! gd stuff! thanks mummy!

this is jx's corner... oh after the 1st night of sleeping like a prawn, we went back to our usual apartment n got blankets form our neighbours, they all had extra! oh n a lil heater too... so that really saved us...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAHAHAHAHAHA sleeping like a prawn!?!??! who says that?!?!?!? neighbour i swear u have ur own version of the english lang man aaaha! but if u thk abt it it makes sense la haha... not like IN a roll eh! wahahhaa! but the english lang according to janey hia is too funny so keep it up heh!

oh and tt pic of ur landlords is hilarious too lah! like a photo of 2 random people tt u grabbed off the street haha! keep up the blogging revenge neighbour i will try my best to comment to all the posts k! see i'm not an ungrateful young punk hahahahhahahaha!

1:26 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

haha thanks anna!
the prawn phrase came from jx really... so credits go to him!
but yes, u can comment! i luv readin comments! ahah
n i tell u, im never gonna get this in a roll thing man.... test me when i get back for our food tour k!!

4:09 AM  

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