Monday, January 29, 2007


you know u really should reconsider your career path when :

1) instead of a sunday afternoon at Paulaner with great beer, sausages n even greater company, ure sitting infront of a computer,alone.

2) ur friends ask ' do u ever sleep?'

3) u use a light bulb to heat up your glutinous rice kueh cos using the toaster wld create too much noise n wake everyone.

4) u eagerly await the day when eyebags r fashionable.

Friday, January 26, 2007


why do pple do things like this?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

bird flu free

im was going thru some flickr with my lil tv window at the corner of my screen as it always is.. so i surf n watch (ok, listen to ) tv at the same time.
THEN, i heard this tv ad which went 'it is BIRD FLU FREE n ...' immediately i went 'WHATTA.....'. so i turned to the right n caught the rest of the ad. it was liquid eggs sold in a carton. apparently its very impt to highlight the 'bird flu free' bit to spore, but man.... it loooked terribly pale as they poured it onto the frying pan n its just... dodgy.
OH, but its bird flu free.

Friday, January 19, 2007

love the person or the idea of the person ?

ive been having some catch-up times with good friends n naturally, we talk abt relationships. things like, is the ex still bugging u? hows the current one? any scandals or omg-i-need-to-tell-you(s)? this, n coupled with coincidence? that my conversations recently have been abt relationships. after listening, digesting n formulating my friends' love lives, it has occurred to me that a) some love the person, for who he/she is, but cant cope with the lifestyle as yet. b) some love the idea/lifestyle that this person represents, but how much do they really love him/her? others, thankfully have found their all-in-1 :) [that doesnt mean they dont have other problems cos love, is truly impossibly complicated. duh]

a) they truly love the person, but cant/still thinking whether they can accept living this lifestyle with their love. in other words, u know u love this person n wanna be with this person, but u also know ur future will somewhat be in the shits. so this is abt 2 girls. n they question themselves, what abt my parents? what abt the future? so yes u can adopt a kid, but how will the kid grow up to be? can a r/s last forever if there isnt something in common (eg, a kid) to hold 2 pple together? do u have the enough confidence in believing in urself that u will be as successful despite going down this alternative road? or r we simply deluding ourselves that yea, LOVE can supercede EVERYTHING, n all u need is love?

b)this one is tricky. i only managed to formulate this after talking awhile.not many pple realise this but they love who they love, because of who/what this person represents, or that this person fits into their ideal r/s.[they usually assume they love the person like in a)]. example, is being with a man n getting married ur ideal plan n now loving a girl simply screws things up? so then, do u really love your man or the idea of a man? (vice versa)
in another eg, that this person fits ur 'ideal' bill n so, yes, he/she is the one,period. 'i mean, he's in a band n he drives a porsche!' so with this, u know ur future, but how much do u love?

so maybe all we really need is love.but what is love? its somewhat apparent that in both a) n b), there is some love. so then, can u half-love? n if u can, n have been so far, can u continue to do so? is it really worth investing ur time in it? n how much time do u have left? [its a sad truth but girls do have a shelf life :( ]
after lena, i believe more than ever that it doesnt matter what we do, but at the end of the day, we dont regret doing it, or not doing it for that matter. till u see this for urself n understand what it really means, this will always be just another cliche.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


it was damn it gd. bestconcert ever.
they ended off saying ' spore, we'll be back!'.
i say,' i wont hold my breath for it.'
im so glad i caught it. big one to u tracy wong!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

another phone.

damn tibs cabbie. dont wanna return my phone. well yes, it was a beautiful phone. it was one of the first few nokia flip phones. dont ask me for model no. i never got the hang of those. i loved that phone. terrible camera, but sleek, good weight that feels siok, simple no nonsense. unlike those 'movie maker... flash prog...' n all thsoe redundant crap. n big keypad. n now gone with that asshole of a cabbie :(

so i had to get a phone. went to those lil shops in lucky plaza.
me: whats the cheapest nokia u have? it doent matter if its 2nd hand
ah beng: that one.
me:how much?
me:ill take it.

my new gadget comes with yellow backlight. how old sch right? but i wished it was even older than this. like the very first nokia that made waves. 6210?. i loved that one too. i wld have been very pleased if i left with that.

all i can say is,
i did it again.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


its a tues mrng, yes, i actually managed to catch the mrng on a free day.
anwyay, its raining and im somewhat down with a flu n so a nice hot cuppa tea sounds gd. then i realised im in 1 of my many 'which cup' moments. too small n ill be walking more than ever to get hot water than enjoying my tea. no handle n ill have to be nimble n balance the whole cup with jsut a couple of fingers at the rim of my use the thermos so my tea will always be hot? (but its too damn small that thing...) TRICKY business i say. i usually use my starbucks mug (which i got for free with much charm :) ) but its a 'tall' size mug (means its rather small). i love it to bits cos its proportion is so cute. the mug is smaller than usual, but the handle is of the regular size (which only makes sense), so it looks like a mug with oversized ears :) but today, i decided to use the biggest of all, but no handle.

with that, it leaves me to say that mugs/cups, r somewhat under-rated. not many pple think much abt mugs/cups, n heck, they make pretty decent presents. no one goes shopping for the perfect cup/mug or dont even think its worth to pay for it cos hey, we can even get them free with our tin of milo or a carton of fresh milk. but when uve found n used 1 that is so pleasing in more ways than 1, ur mrng coffee n teas will never be the same again. drinking from my favourite mug always brought a smile, or at least, made me feel gd abt it, n the drink for that matter. i love that mug so much that twice i smashed it, n twice i glued it back. dont drink from it anymore but i use it as a pencil holder. this emotional thing that goes on between the user n their mugs/cups is really quite amazing. me.

the other thing that is under rated is a coaster, but in a different way. i can safetly say 98% of the coasters sold r useless. for cold drinks at least.
while ure enjoying an icey cold drink, u use a coaster right? yet time n time again, when u lift the cup up, its dripping everywhere. some worst, its so terrible it wets the table too. so i was in search of the perfect coaster till i found this!

its life was not meant to be a coaster but a door sign. but its the perfect (ok, just the concept, not the graphics whatsoever) coaster. cos its raised slightly in the middle, all the condensed water can be effectively collected.

ok so this doesnt condense but u get what im trying to say right? jsut give the mug a gd tap on the coaster, let all the condensed water on the mug collect on the coaster n no more messy nonsense.
the onyl thing better than this is a double-walled cup which, due to the vaccum created, doesnt create condensation at all. bodum has done it. but its so brittle the number of complaints abt receiving smashed ones even b4 they can use it is undeniable. :(

so peps, invest in a mug/cup. n for goodness sake, what gd is a beautiful cup in a box when u can actually appreciate it everyday?

Monday, January 08, 2007



Thursday, January 04, 2007

last year, last chance.

after not playing sports for a gd whole yr, plus excessive eating n drinking without thought for the whole of dec, ive finally had my fill n concluded ' jane hia, ure a lard ball. n a white one too. lets gets cracking.pronto!'
so ok, i decided to give IHG a shot, tho i previously decided not too due to my slip disc. but heck ,i cant sit ard ANYMORE. thus, i took up hockey n badminton again.

so today, was the girsl hockey carnival. yes i know my skin shade makes it confusing to imagine. we didnt get our gold, n had a heart-stopping fight for our silver for our very last match. but at the end of the day, all was gd n we left on a high. that goal our captain put in in the late 2nd half really was so memoriable. naj was so shocked n happy that she ran back to cheer with the rest of the team, forgetting to even give su (our captain) a hug. bad naj i say. haha. so my day ended with a pulled left butt (accompanied with a butt rub from gillybillie, much apreciated really, but never felt this molested ever) a bruised right knee (cos i needed it to support my butt while i swept balls with all of my life.) a smashed toe (this i have no idea how i got) n of cos, a tan.(a very uneven n ugly singlet-jersey tan).

im jsut really glad i decided to play hockey really. its a sport that i enjoy despite being soo lazy. being fully eusoff-trained, from a 1st yr freshie who simply hoped no one passes the ball to her so she wldbnt be the one that screws up, to a 4th yr last man, its been great. really.

to all the seniors who taught n ive had the oppportunity to play alongisde in the pitch, thanks for the memoriable yrs.
to the freshies n yet to leave hockey mates, its been a pleasure playing with u fellas, hope u continue n we'll get our gold back k!
to the old farts 4th yrs like me, to have written 'last yr last chance' on our stick together meant something to me.thanks to allin more ways than 1. xuewei n naj, for being forwards that ran everywhere for every ball, including the D too. for siding lorraine n polly, for taking my incessant screams n running everywhere n having faith in me as a last man. we saved hannah n guarded our D. it truely really, has been so so great defending with u fellas :)
to gilliebilly, for teaching me the works of the last man last yr, for guiding me as a defender n for rubbing deep heat onto my left ass. thanks babe. im really so gratful u took me into hall, made me do dp n of cos, showed me how to love hockey.

6 old farts n 1 gillybillie.

i cant belive, once again im putting up sucha... emo post.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


ok so its a new yr.
n ahead comes possibilities (n impossibilites that we secertly harbour hope for n refuse to let go) n we always try to subconsciously tell ourselves 'its gonna be a great/better yr..' personally, its gonna be an unknown yr. hopefully great, but still very very unknown.

so i had a house party with hall n studio (not pseudo) friends to usher in the new yr. its was more of a gathering than a countdown. while the rest of the world counted down with much anticipation n excitement, at jk, it was actually a pause in time. funny how we dealt with it tho.. haha. nonetheless, its was great feeding everyone, tho i had, for the first time, someone leaving n actually still thinking of food. ive never had anyone leave my house feeling even 'just fine'. its usually 'im exploding.. im beyond full' etc. i dont feed pple. i overfeed them. my only letdown was that i was so busy feeding pple i didnt get much time to spend it with the amazing bunch! n i thot by jsut inviting 2 grps of pple it shld be ok n my mind wldnt be too split up. argh. i need to be more efficient. this requires thinking n planning. ill work on it,till the next session at jk k. nonetheless, ive fed new pple this time, gd enough for me to end the yr :)

the yr ill never forget.
the time frame where i had my higest n lowest pts in my life till date.
producing dp, (wearing a tutu), milan n lena marks my 2006.

bring it on 2007.