Tuesday, January 09, 2007


its a tues mrng, yes, i actually managed to catch the mrng on a free day.
anwyay, its raining and im somewhat down with a flu n so a nice hot cuppa tea sounds gd. then i realised im in 1 of my many 'which cup' moments. too small n ill be walking more than ever to get hot water than enjoying my tea. no handle n ill have to be nimble n balance the whole cup with jsut a couple of fingers at the rim of my cup.to use the thermos so my tea will always be hot? (but its too damn small that thing...) TRICKY business i say. i usually use my starbucks mug (which i got for free with much charm :) ) but its a 'tall' size mug (means its rather small). i love it to bits cos its proportion is so cute. the mug is smaller than usual, but the handle is of the regular size (which only makes sense), so it looks like a mug with oversized ears :) but today, i decided to use the biggest of all, but no handle.

with that, it leaves me to say that mugs/cups, r somewhat under-rated. not many pple think much abt mugs/cups, n heck, they make pretty decent presents. no one goes shopping for the perfect cup/mug or dont even think its worth to pay for it cos hey, we can even get them free with our tin of milo or a carton of fresh milk. but when uve found n used 1 that is so pleasing in more ways than 1, ur mrng coffee n teas will never be the same again. drinking from my favourite mug always brought a smile, or at least, made me feel gd abt it, n the drink for that matter. i love that mug so much that twice i smashed it, n twice i glued it back. dont drink from it anymore but i use it as a pencil holder. this emotional thing that goes on between the user n their mugs/cups is really quite amazing. ok.to me.

the other thing that is under rated is a coaster, but in a different way. i can safetly say 98% of the coasters sold r useless. for cold drinks at least.
while ure enjoying an icey cold drink, u use a coaster right? yet time n time again, when u lift the cup up, its dripping everywhere. some worst, its so terrible it wets the table too. so i was in search of the perfect coaster till i found this!

its life was not meant to be a coaster but a door sign. but its the perfect (ok, just the concept, not the graphics whatsoever) coaster. cos its raised slightly in the middle, all the condensed water can be effectively collected.

ok so this doesnt condense but u get what im trying to say right? jsut give the mug a gd tap on the coaster, let all the condensed water on the mug collect on the coaster n no more messy nonsense.
the onyl thing better than this is a double-walled cup which, due to the vaccum created, doesnt create condensation at all. bodum has done it. but its so brittle the number of complaints abt receiving smashed ones even b4 they can use it is undeniable. :(

so peps, invest in a mug/cup. n for goodness sake, what gd is a beautiful cup in a box when u can actually appreciate it everyday?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehee.. this is quite an industrial designer post u've got here :) i concurr, nothing like a big mug to save me trips to the kitchen...

10:47 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

mumbley : occupational hazard,esp coming fr me, no wonder uve gotta mention it. hope uve got ur fav mug :)

9:18 PM  

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