Monday, February 26, 2007

watching oscars

its hardly ever abt who wins (ok, to me at least, cos guess what? everyone forgets abt it the next day) ... its abt all the sideline entertainment. dont know if u caught the sound effects choir. i was flabbergasted to bits! n i was always particularly excited when the shadow making dancers came on, n when they finished their lil segment, id nod n clap for a job so well done. n of cos its was abt seeing angelina jolie too. but that didnt happen. (unless when i was in the shower... hmm)

snap shots from my tv on my com. damn i cant remember for which movie this was done! argh... ok i think its for 'the departed'. quite fitting right?

Friday, February 23, 2007

procrastination nation

ive got some portfolio submission next tues. i obviously havent started. nevermind that. cos there is a crit the following tues,n its going to be another scarry session. i havent touched my thesis for some time. i had a reason for a short while, but now that that is done, im SUPPOSE to get my white ass crackin, but ive yet to.
NOW, i finally sat myself down, only to start doing random things like colouring my cell. zebra marker does what spray paint doesnt. gd shit. n now THIS. im obviously running away. i just need to graduate n get the hell out of here. ive never been that big a procrastinator, till now. of all yrs, of all semesters, the one that matters most, i up my capacity for procrastination. im getting too jaded for my own gd. not gd at all.

ok. im.

(i think there something wrong with my blog again. my title n whatevers on top disappeared. damn u blogspot. see what u did after forcing an upgrade.)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007



i had sucha exciting night im gonna buy 4-D tmr.

so after a somewhat usual CNY, im back in hall, ready to teach tmr mrng.there i am sitting infront of my com n suddenly i felt something small n light fell on my head. in that split sec, i thot it was my usual not-so-sticky post-its, or little slips of paper that god knows where i left them that fell on me. the next thing i knew, this RATHER HUGE crockroach jumped from my head to my keyboard! first instincts was to boot out n scream much expletives, which i did. after that, i pluckered up, got my oh-so faithful magic mop, waited for the right time, n smashed that BUGger( haha) flatflat. n tho very triumphant, its still very much sick in the knee to clean up a murder scene like that. n trust me on that, i had to WIPE up leftovers. THEN i had to pick up the carcass. with my face n hand at most extremes, i walked to the main bin outside the toilet, exclaimed 'yucks, pui!!', n then threw it in.

so ok, that was done n im back in my room, back on my com...
after 20mins, in the beginings of an msn conversation...

G : r u there?
me : yesyes!
me: but im trying to deal with a f**king huge ass butterfly in my room now.
me: its bigger than my hand i swear
G : wahahahah!
G: butterfly or moth?
me : ok i stopped dealing.
me:cos i dunno what to do with it.
me: n no way im going near that thing to 'try n catch it'.
me: oh god
me: ok u asked if butterfly or moth right, its butterfly la, quite pretty, but brown brown leh.
me: so moth ah?
me: hope not... pls dont have me start a rash pls
G: ok when it rests on a surface, does its wings open or close?
me: open.
me: i have a bad feeling abt the open wings now
G:MOTH LAAA!!!!! chase it out!!!

ok so as established, i had a mother moth in my room n it was resting on my blinds.

me: (its) on the blinds so its not like i can open the blind n shoo it away i pull that thing n i swear the mother moth will shit on me.

n then, as i was dealing n telling gilly abt the damn roach i encountered earlier, i managed to killed that bastard. talk abt multitasking.

G: how did u?

( n jsut before i start my thriller, B (the macho man i was hoping to come save me, the damsel, in ultimate distress) replies my msn plea with 'hey! im here now!'. ill leave u to imagine my face there n then.)

me : sorry, im back. had to clean up the murder scene.
g: hahahah
g: ok i await your fascinating story

n here it goes...

me : i took my magic mop (my no 1 pest killer), n the taped DUCT TAPE backwards, so that the sticky bit is facing outwards.
me : then even stuck a ball of tape at the rotating bit so that its firm n will stop rolling ard n hopefully not fail me
me : then i slowly (ok, the mop, slowly) approached the moth n then with a quick flash-like action n flattened it to my blind
g : sounds gross
g : was it strugggling like crazy?
me : thenof cos, not sure whether it stuck to the duct tAPE RIGHT? then had to ch3eck n it tamade was still alive n not stuck! the main bit at least, the body
me : then i tried to smash it even more but the damn blinds were so soft!
me : then i moved it till the body was on the other side of th blind, then i was like 'oh, if i sweep the whole thing out, maybe it will jsut fly away'
me : so i closed the blind, sweeped it out. n that bugger DIDNT FLY, n FELL BACK INTO MY ROOM
me : i wanted to DIE i tell u
me : lucky it was rather unconscious
me : it was on the edge between my fridge n bed ( MY BED! bloody new sheets, ARGH)
me : so then in trying to kill it on my fridge, i failed n squeezed it between the bed n fridge( i did move the fridge a lil, while holding onto the mop on the moth) n it fell into the floor
me : so i chopchopkalipo wrapped my magic mop in that cleaning thing, n smashed it
me : once
g : eeewwwww
me : even used my big toe to give it extra pushpush
g : but its damn funny
g : cos im trying to picture an unconscious moth
me :n the rambo STILL NOT DEAD KNOW!
g : hahahaha
me : wah i was tamade pissed!
g : aiyoh!!!!! so poor thing!!!
me : so lagi 1 times big smash.PIAK!!! me : so it sorta died i guess
me : then i use the cleanming paper n with my pure-white-silky-soft hands, picked up that now dead rambo ( i cld feel the crack in the wings cannnnnnnnnnn) n then walked straight to the toilet bin with my hands stretched far out.....
g : so did it leave stuff on the floor
me : of cos. its body jup
me : so i used wet ones to clean the floor...
me : now u picture all of tht hapeneing, with the addition of expletives sprouting from my mouth here n there. n very loud ones too...
me : oh n the occasional screams.... heehee
g : hahahahahha
g : i can g : trust me
g : the CAPS words were enough
me : n there i was, in my head, picturing, a moth stuck beautifully on my duct tape,so i can very swiftly bring it down n smack it onto newspaper which i prepared.
me : oh goodness
me : OH. then in the midst of the murder, a stupid ladybug DARE TO FLY ONTO MY PILLOW. barely giving a sencond look i picked it up firmly n scream even more expletives at it n tossed it out the window
g : in those silent movies
me : can die ornot u tell me
g : you looking at the bug firmly clasped in your fingers
me : i think my heart rate trippled
g : screaming at it with mouth wide open
me : oh yes, exactly like that

after abit more into the conversation, we decided i MUST BUY 4-D. n while thinking of numbers... gilly came out with 3210.
3 insects
2 died
1 got scolded n kicked out
0 left in my room.

pretty neat huh? shes getting 3210 too.n in that rotation/permutation thing that they do. ill prob get another number with the date.
told u it was mother of a moth
bottom right corner, lies the treacherous rambo ....

the erm, duct tape, which got stuck onto the blinds instead. BUT it did hold the moth in place for a tiny while...
3210. u better let me fa some cai man.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

' hokkien mee, bak chor mee n chicken wings OR beastie boys?'

well, i just got back from good vibrations ( or rather,supper at newton) n im waiting for my hair to dry.

gd vibrations... it just wasnt as gd as i hoped. there at abt 730pm n the bands n DJs then were pretty gd with the electronic stuff. the big boys were only on later in the night with the long awaited beastie boys starting at 12mn to end of the show. 'too phat' disappeared n totally didnt play at all, n jurassic 5 came right after. BUT there was a major technical glitch n that whole glitch took up the entire 'too phat' segment n ultimately, an hr later, jurassic 5 started at their stipulated time. we really waited for an hr. i was bored stiff. to a pt, stepping on empty beer cans seemed somewhat fun. i think i jsut needed something to do. finally, the show started again.then i know im not huge ass fan of jurassic 5 n beastie boys but decided to give them a shot right, but by end of J5 n mid of B-boys, it ultimately came down to 1 question.
' hokkien mee, bak chor mee n chicken wings OR beastie boys?'
the former won. despite the latter being the highlight of the entire concert. we left at abt 1245. it ended at abt 130. i think they really werent my kind of thing . so too bad. PLUS, my friend n i were sooo sure we aint gonna be able to snatch a cab with everyone else shld we leave when it ends, n at that pt, if we dont get our hokkien mee, we'd go mad. it was really haunting us the whole night i swear. all becase we overheard another friends conversation which brieftly mentioned 'hokkien mee'.
so finally at newton, despite the hokkien mee being not very gd ( by normal,non-haunting days), the first mouthfull was so f**king gd..................... BCM (bak chor mee) stall wasnt open tho :(
at the end of the day i guess u can say our gd ol local newton circus hawker centre beat aussies gd vibrations, n thankfully saved my night.
now very full n tired, im gonna hit the sack now. out.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


damn u msn.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


i finally finished the damn programme booklet! it REALLY sucked the life outta me. ALOT of work. very very tedious work sicne i decided to be nice n put indiv shots of pple instead of a sit-down-like-1-big-happy-family shot. that wld have saved me tonnes of time but oh well, had to make sure i produced a prog bklet that pple wld actually wanna flip n read. sieving thru 1000s of pictures jsut to find a decently nice shot of 1 chap, then edit n fit it in. then, despite feeling very triumphant after that, i jsut slump back to my chair n sieve thru to find chap no2.did this mroe than 100 times easily. to a pt i actually shudder when i sit infront of my com b4 i start work at it again.
well, im finally done with it. after 2wks? (i there i was initially thinking i cld finish over a wkend) im quite happy with it, jsut ok la. know im not king at doing layouts n things like these so just try what i can right? im jsut glad it over n done. :)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

interesting school fact # 3

never name ur son friedrich.
he will end up being called 'fat dick'.


as some of u know, ive been doing some relief teaching early in the mrngs. i dont have a perm class that i take, everyday i go in n take the 'MC' 's teachers timetable so every day i get a new set of classes.

these boys r from 6A/B. the most notorious class in the school. i taught them math for a couple of days earlier on. during that period i yearned for their teacher to get well like i did for bak chor mee when i was in milan. they were indeed sucha handful n my voice, i remember, was getting quite frog-like.

then when the nightmare ended, n i took shots of them prior to their game that afternoon, n now looking back at them, they're actually quite (for a lack of a better word i can think of right now) cute. they r a bunch of monkeys no doubt, but i think i actually miss teaching them a bit? the girls r easy, ive pretty much won them over ;) how hard can it be, young teacher etc... the boys, u can win over, they will do ur work, but they will STILL have to monkey ard. u know y? cos 'ure a relief teacher' n they know u wont do much to them cos we'll ure not here to stay. kids these days r amazingly clever if not simply damn rude. still rememeber when i walked into a P2 class n jsut a couple of steps in n this kid goes 'YES! RELIEF TEACHER!' .

anyway, back to these basketball boys. u shld really see them on game day. in their jerseys, they walk like they rule the world. n the thing abt boys, they aint as reserved as girls (highy appreciated in class no doubt) n can be very fun to goof ard with. these boys were the ones who asked me to take their pics n of cos more than happy to show off their skills n pose for the cam.

just looking at the pic, im going 'this one very untidy in work, this one dont hand in work, that one never does homework, oh that one, smart but very disruptive...' thats 6A/B for u. oh n if ure wondering y the whole (most) of the team is from 6A/B

me: it looks like ur whole team is from 6A/B huh...
boys: cos the rest r nerds what!! they dont know how to play basketball wan la!

the very 'teacherly' part of me had to reply saying ' no.... how can u say that? im sure they can play sports too...'. but inside me, i was sniggering cos i came from a class like theirs (without the boys fo cos) n i totally know what they r mean... haha.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

interesting school fact # 2

never use big words to scold primary school kids.

k( in a loud n angry tone) : ... if u cant behave urself, ill make u stand at the quadrangle and...
some kid(raising his hand n with the most innocent look ever) : mr yeo, what is a quadrangle?
k : -_-
and he continues scolding...

of cos he knew better than to explain what a quadrangle is. cos THAT would totally make u look bad.

interesting school fact # 1

i marked a mental sums book belong to a girl called ' Saki Pay'.
i sorta burst out laughing when i saw it. im terrible, i know... she apparently has a jap mum. saki's sister, fortunately, has a more decent jap name (which i cant remember at this moment but i do know it sounds like 'mizuno'. i mean, how to beat 'saki' right?)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

ps cafe at demsey

THIS, is my new favourite saturday morning breakfast place. it so lovely it doesnt matter if i didnt get enough sleep, id still get up looking very very much forward to it! for one, this place feels totally serene n away from all those city pple. (i hate city crowds, makes me wanna bulldoze pple infront of me. its not the city, just the crowd) n somehow it seems like they have endless number of cute kids running around n enjoying their breakfasts ( or half a breakfast, while the daddy cleans up the leftovers) which sorta sets the mood. the best part, they always have me leaving very satisfied with the meal (breakfasts & dinners) . n as im sure some of u will know, having a great breakfast simply starts the day so perfectly well :) it gets even better when after a heavy n awesome breakfast, u go back n snuggle back into bed....

we had the big sandwich (very aptly named as u will see), which was something new for us. but i think ill pass it the next time, nothing SO memoriable. dont get me wrong, its not that it wasnt good, but its just something u need to ahve once.

the big sandwich

we had the portabello stack that mrng too. this, is one dish that my friend simply cannot let go.

me: so, what its gonna be today?
she: erm.. i really like the portabello stack. it was really good wasnt it....?
me: yea, it was really good. but u get that everytime we're here! dont u wanna try their onion flan... or pancakes? waffles?
she: but the portabello is reallyyyyyyy goood...
me: oh forget it. jsut get it then. we'll just come twice as often to try everything else. (giving a huge ass smile.. )
she : OK! yay!( returning a even wider smile )

THE portabello stack which doesnt look very much here but is indeed.. glorious.

oooo the runny eggs..... i LOVE eggs. n runny eggs... melts my heart...

the next breakfast there, we're getting the steak sandwich. ok, IM getting the steak sandwich. im a huge fan of steak sandwiches :)

ok, just some more pictures.

i cant wait till next saturday. hopefully our schedule permits us to have our perfect saturday mrng. oh how i love slow n lazy breakfasts..........

Friday, February 02, 2007

teaching RULES

no, literally, rules.
K has just started teaching with me for abt a wk now, n yes,we have recess together everyday :)
he's taking a more premanent class of english starting today n here's his written set of rules for the kids, n a mental reminder to himself that, 'MY RULES <->PUNISHMENT <-> LOVE'
i was obviously very tickled that he had all of this written out. actually, i still am. haha