Wednesday, February 21, 2007


i had sucha exciting night im gonna buy 4-D tmr.

so after a somewhat usual CNY, im back in hall, ready to teach tmr mrng.there i am sitting infront of my com n suddenly i felt something small n light fell on my head. in that split sec, i thot it was my usual not-so-sticky post-its, or little slips of paper that god knows where i left them that fell on me. the next thing i knew, this RATHER HUGE crockroach jumped from my head to my keyboard! first instincts was to boot out n scream much expletives, which i did. after that, i pluckered up, got my oh-so faithful magic mop, waited for the right time, n smashed that BUGger( haha) flatflat. n tho very triumphant, its still very much sick in the knee to clean up a murder scene like that. n trust me on that, i had to WIPE up leftovers. THEN i had to pick up the carcass. with my face n hand at most extremes, i walked to the main bin outside the toilet, exclaimed 'yucks, pui!!', n then threw it in.

so ok, that was done n im back in my room, back on my com...
after 20mins, in the beginings of an msn conversation...

G : r u there?
me : yesyes!
me: but im trying to deal with a f**king huge ass butterfly in my room now.
me: its bigger than my hand i swear
G : wahahahah!
G: butterfly or moth?
me : ok i stopped dealing.
me:cos i dunno what to do with it.
me: n no way im going near that thing to 'try n catch it'.
me: oh god
me: ok u asked if butterfly or moth right, its butterfly la, quite pretty, but brown brown leh.
me: so moth ah?
me: hope not... pls dont have me start a rash pls
G: ok when it rests on a surface, does its wings open or close?
me: open.
me: i have a bad feeling abt the open wings now
G:MOTH LAAA!!!!! chase it out!!!

ok so as established, i had a mother moth in my room n it was resting on my blinds.

me: (its) on the blinds so its not like i can open the blind n shoo it away i pull that thing n i swear the mother moth will shit on me.

n then, as i was dealing n telling gilly abt the damn roach i encountered earlier, i managed to killed that bastard. talk abt multitasking.

G: how did u?

( n jsut before i start my thriller, B (the macho man i was hoping to come save me, the damsel, in ultimate distress) replies my msn plea with 'hey! im here now!'. ill leave u to imagine my face there n then.)

me : sorry, im back. had to clean up the murder scene.
g: hahahah
g: ok i await your fascinating story

n here it goes...

me : i took my magic mop (my no 1 pest killer), n the taped DUCT TAPE backwards, so that the sticky bit is facing outwards.
me : then even stuck a ball of tape at the rotating bit so that its firm n will stop rolling ard n hopefully not fail me
me : then i slowly (ok, the mop, slowly) approached the moth n then with a quick flash-like action n flattened it to my blind
g : sounds gross
g : was it strugggling like crazy?
me : thenof cos, not sure whether it stuck to the duct tAPE RIGHT? then had to ch3eck n it tamade was still alive n not stuck! the main bit at least, the body
me : then i tried to smash it even more but the damn blinds were so soft!
me : then i moved it till the body was on the other side of th blind, then i was like 'oh, if i sweep the whole thing out, maybe it will jsut fly away'
me : so i closed the blind, sweeped it out. n that bugger DIDNT FLY, n FELL BACK INTO MY ROOM
me : i wanted to DIE i tell u
me : lucky it was rather unconscious
me : it was on the edge between my fridge n bed ( MY BED! bloody new sheets, ARGH)
me : so then in trying to kill it on my fridge, i failed n squeezed it between the bed n fridge( i did move the fridge a lil, while holding onto the mop on the moth) n it fell into the floor
me : so i chopchopkalipo wrapped my magic mop in that cleaning thing, n smashed it
me : once
g : eeewwwww
me : even used my big toe to give it extra pushpush
g : but its damn funny
g : cos im trying to picture an unconscious moth
me :n the rambo STILL NOT DEAD KNOW!
g : hahahaha
me : wah i was tamade pissed!
g : aiyoh!!!!! so poor thing!!!
me : so lagi 1 times big smash.PIAK!!! me : so it sorta died i guess
me : then i use the cleanming paper n with my pure-white-silky-soft hands, picked up that now dead rambo ( i cld feel the crack in the wings cannnnnnnnnnn) n then walked straight to the toilet bin with my hands stretched far out.....
g : so did it leave stuff on the floor
me : of cos. its body jup
me : so i used wet ones to clean the floor...
me : now u picture all of tht hapeneing, with the addition of expletives sprouting from my mouth here n there. n very loud ones too...
me : oh n the occasional screams.... heehee
g : hahahahahha
g : i can g : trust me
g : the CAPS words were enough
me : n there i was, in my head, picturing, a moth stuck beautifully on my duct tape,so i can very swiftly bring it down n smack it onto newspaper which i prepared.
me : oh goodness
me : OH. then in the midst of the murder, a stupid ladybug DARE TO FLY ONTO MY PILLOW. barely giving a sencond look i picked it up firmly n scream even more expletives at it n tossed it out the window
g : in those silent movies
me : can die ornot u tell me
g : you looking at the bug firmly clasped in your fingers
me : i think my heart rate trippled
g : screaming at it with mouth wide open
me : oh yes, exactly like that

after abit more into the conversation, we decided i MUST BUY 4-D. n while thinking of numbers... gilly came out with 3210.
3 insects
2 died
1 got scolded n kicked out
0 left in my room.

pretty neat huh? shes getting 3210 too.n in that rotation/permutation thing that they do. ill prob get another number with the date.
told u it was mother of a moth
bottom right corner, lies the treacherous rambo ....

the erm, duct tape, which got stuck onto the blinds instead. BUT it did hold the moth in place for a tiny while...
3210. u better let me fa some cai man.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you killed a moth? an innocent creature (notice i'm not defending the cockroach)! how could you?!!

2:57 PM  

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