Saturday, February 10, 2007


as some of u know, ive been doing some relief teaching early in the mrngs. i dont have a perm class that i take, everyday i go in n take the 'MC' 's teachers timetable so every day i get a new set of classes.

these boys r from 6A/B. the most notorious class in the school. i taught them math for a couple of days earlier on. during that period i yearned for their teacher to get well like i did for bak chor mee when i was in milan. they were indeed sucha handful n my voice, i remember, was getting quite frog-like.

then when the nightmare ended, n i took shots of them prior to their game that afternoon, n now looking back at them, they're actually quite (for a lack of a better word i can think of right now) cute. they r a bunch of monkeys no doubt, but i think i actually miss teaching them a bit? the girls r easy, ive pretty much won them over ;) how hard can it be, young teacher etc... the boys, u can win over, they will do ur work, but they will STILL have to monkey ard. u know y? cos 'ure a relief teacher' n they know u wont do much to them cos we'll ure not here to stay. kids these days r amazingly clever if not simply damn rude. still rememeber when i walked into a P2 class n jsut a couple of steps in n this kid goes 'YES! RELIEF TEACHER!' .

anyway, back to these basketball boys. u shld really see them on game day. in their jerseys, they walk like they rule the world. n the thing abt boys, they aint as reserved as girls (highy appreciated in class no doubt) n can be very fun to goof ard with. these boys were the ones who asked me to take their pics n of cos more than happy to show off their skills n pose for the cam.

just looking at the pic, im going 'this one very untidy in work, this one dont hand in work, that one never does homework, oh that one, smart but very disruptive...' thats 6A/B for u. oh n if ure wondering y the whole (most) of the team is from 6A/B

me: it looks like ur whole team is from 6A/B huh...
boys: cos the rest r nerds what!! they dont know how to play basketball wan la!

the very 'teacherly' part of me had to reply saying ' no.... how can u say that? im sure they can play sports too...'. but inside me, i was sniggering cos i came from a class like theirs (without the boys fo cos) n i totally know what they r mean... haha.


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