Tuesday, November 21, 2006

final countdown man...

ok, so we've got 1 last day to finish up bmw, n this time, its do or die. no extension of deadline,n no bullshitting at the end. u show what u have at the end,period. so ok, my grp is doing pretty alright, we're almost done, yay! jsut hopw nothing else screws up, like the pieces coming in later come on time n come in the right dimensions etc... pls dont fuck with us now... plssssss
then after that, if we finish early, we can go lend our 2 hands to others so we all can finish up n not let dr. y look bad.. heh

well, im in early today, managed to get back early last night, leaving studio b4 midnight feels so damnit gd... n after a whole wk of insomnia n bad sleeping patterns, i finally managed to get to bed at 1plus, n actually slept pretty well, till i woke up at 545am n oh-oooh... cant sleep already. so tossed AGAIN till 7ish n i was like 'oh heck it, im just gonna head downn start work...' we're meeting at 10am only see... so now ive done some, made a trip to the hardware stall n greeted 'zao an aunty, you shi wo lai le....'. then im back n having hall bfast, ( i finally found normal bfast time to be able to get bfast, even if its jsut 1 more bfast, at least stupid hall wont earn that 1 bfast's money...damn u). so jsut had my bfast, n once again, im left feeling oily n yucky in my tumtum yucks, pui!

ok,im gonna stop now, gonna start clearing up some trash so we all have more space n hey, maybe we'll live a little longer too...


Blogger janey hia said...

wah lau, i think i kana spam.. idiot
so dont anyhow click ah...

4:52 PM  

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