Tuesday, October 31, 2006

drugie n a cat

its 420am, i still have problem sleeping, but now a tad less due to stress, but no thanks to a bad wk that simply killed my sleeping bioclock. to force sleep,i take my relaxants.. which now has been promoted from my shelves to my bedside. its horrible la, i knwo ishldnt take, but heck, i need to sleep when i have time to! oh, n the fact that my freshly-grad pharmacy friends tell me that it causes gastric.. chialat la. plus now, my day has evolved to me having 12hrly feed each day n ive gotten alot more temperamental.yucks. i get so sian in a split sec n sometimes i dont even know what caused it.
for now, i just keep thinking of the end of the sem (if i think abt the journey to the end of the sem, id be in depresion in NO TIME), of which, im still trying to see how i can find some short trip somewhere b4 i can head back to sch again. iwant to go for holidayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.........

ps : do kindly help urself n stop reading this blog if u find it too depressing. i ASSURE u, its not gonna get any merrier. (confirm plus guarantee chop, n chop till 2nd pg can still see....)

ok this is totally random, but this is my cat, kato. ok i know i said this blog aint gonna get my merrier, but i jsut felt like putting my cats pic up. kinda miss him tho i know he doesnt really love me. damn.anyway, he's a piece of nua sai i tell u. whole day sleep sleep sleep. he looks like a cat, but seriously i doubt he knows hes a 1. u see, my aunty suba picked him up when he was really tiny. his eyes werent open yet! so rbought to the vet n all, to nurse him n what not, n finally 1 fine day his eyes opened n who did he see? the hia family. so really he thinks hes human n we're his mother/father/aunty/grandma/cousin/sister/brother...
certain things hes damn clever. like, when we have aircon in the living rm, he will sneak in n sprawl all over the couch n sleep half a day. if no one watching tv(so no aircon) then he'll go sleep in aunty silos rm when the fan is switched on nice n big. other than that, i think my aunties say he doesnt really sleep. OH! n he knows how to choose his human i tell u. he wldnt dare to be too funny with my aunties cos they will spank him. some pple he wldnt care if we died, like erm me. hai. but others like my brother, wah this stupid cat will never scratch him lor! ok, so ben has too soft a heart to spank him, then again ben doesnt have to clean his shit n pee....
anyway, other times, hes jsut plain stupid. like when he saw another cat, the first thing he did was to turn ard n run for cover! (hello, talk abt making friends...) then he got a tad better n braver when there was this tiny lil kitten at out backyard. n all he did all day was to hide n watch him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey girl, it can only get better... hang in there okie?


12:24 AM  

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