Sunday, October 29, 2006

my little hideout

ok, so i spend jsut abt every min here in my hideaway, cept when im in sch working my ass off, or the occasional dinners :) ive been home abt 3 times in 10wks? thats cos ive just had so much work (n more to come damnit) that i just dont quite get to go com n work stuffs in hall so when i go home,its really not a work place... simply n seriously, a place to nua.
so ok, this is my life.where i live most of my time...
i have 3 shelves of food, but can barely fill half with work.ive got like 4 design bks, the rest still at home. (ive not touch 3 of them) n 2 borrowed bks fr the lib, whcih is sucha feat i tell u. sam wld know, right sam?
my table is cluttered with mess, which i grew to work ON it. realy, i work with papers, postit pads, rulers etcetcetc under my hand when im typing... cadding ... i used to clear the mess in yr1, n overtime i gave up. it comes back in less than a day so y bother right? its a mess but i say organised-mess. i can find my stuff so y bother packing huh.

thats a close up.

i finally read the news papers. i never seem to be able to find it in hall.. n just nw i happen to see it in the kitchen so i grabbed it.

im using this prdt that i did in milan. some proj abt office stationary. so i did a notice board pin holder.which since i got it made via RP(rapid prototyping) in milan cos it was jsut tooo much work to make my own n after spending all that money buying materials n all, oh heck just get someone to do it for me. well, its red oviously, n works pretty damn gd for me man! yay!

thats my bed, which i ALWAYS see no pt in making after getting up cos well, im gonna mess it up again what. BUT, i do change my sheets.every 2 wks? ok sometimes 3 when i forget when the last time i changed them.hah

next to my bed is my picasso, which, was suppose to be hung up like 10wks ago when i shifted in,but never got to it cos i dont have hooks.ive decided sometime back to jsut leave it as it is.. like artyfarty way of hanging it? ya, like real. oh, but i did think of hanging it in gilly's room, which was my previous room, which had hooks. like, 'dont waste teh hooks man...' i did buy them what... but then again, im tooo lazy to even bring it there.hah

thats my hotplate. ok, n my shoes... i obviously dont have a shoe rack, cos well, the hotplate kinda took over its place. last yr, my shoe rack was a wooden plank of wood on a a4 carton box cover.obviously over time, the rack collasped, but not like i did naything abt it.

thats gilly cooking dory. during 1 of our lil cooking session. most of the time , we jsut cook in my room :) somehow smell hasnt been THAT big of a prob. n convenience it SOOOO the word. i jsut make half a turn, n boil water. half a turn back n go back to my com.5mins later nmake that half turn again n pop in the instant mee... n stir stir abit n then turn back. n at my next turn, id have dinner!

oh, thats 1 of our nights produce, sambal dory. looks pretty gd, but tasted a tad funky. thanks to stupid maggie n their supposedly sambal in this tiny packet. it was SWEET! not hot.

ok, im done now, reporting abt my mini life. its a sad life. hai... but oh wel, i like my little hideout where since i live alone,i dont have to bother too much! yay!


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