Friday, November 24, 2006

bmw finally over...

ok, this is the sec time im posting this, i am HOW annoyed. n i was almost
done aleady just now.lagi tamade annoyed.

the whole bmw saga is finally over n boy r we glad we managed to pull it through. its been madness for 3mths, n now, hohoho... its over. despite all the crazy moments, temper explosions, no sleep, macdonalds n foam... it was a great project where we all def have learnt alot n i did have quite a blast. of the many things we learnt, the best must be 'to keep one another awake n get crackin on our model, we shout n scream 'SHUTUP LA U MORON... DONT BE LAZY LA MORON!...'indeed it does sound mean n horrible ubt man, we laugh n laugh n scream n scream... n still we totalyl get things done.

this proj is abt emotional addressing. we r all given a fixed box size to work with, n create a only-white space using forms etc to deliever that particular emotion we have chosen. my grp did seduction.. others were, zest,wonderment, harmony,romance,lightness,dynamism,curiosity,enticement n soothingness.
after this proj, bmw is gonna ship these boxes back to munich, their headquaters for their designers, to inspire them?

final model making in the process... slowly but surely..

the mrng at 530am, jsut b4 bmw presentation/exhibition at 2pm. we finally finished out model n was, well, def on a high... thats alec my boss, then zq-the-lucy, n me.

bmw exhibition at sde foyer. air filled with relief n satisfaction...

chris bangle (whom dr y, refer to as CB...) is the cheif designer of bmw. what took us 3mths to figure out how to evoke seduction, he took 3mins to regurgitate to us exactly what we did. no wonder he is where he man.

happy friends, all smiley... me, lucy,ly n sam.

jane n 'jane'. proof of hardwork(till u dont have time to go home n change), friendship, n oh come on, STYLE man.

our model fromt he outside. which looks really different from the inside...

the 3 of us, goofying ard AGAIN.

finally, we present 'seduction'.

team seduction. must be one of the best grps ive ever had...alec, ure a wonderful boss.ive learnt alot.n zq, u bring the shits out of me la u... :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wahaha i'm really gonna have withdrawal symptoms lah! definitely agree about the one of the best groups thing. *clap clap clap*


6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha sweet post! awwww.... made me laugh loads too... this proj rocks!


9:27 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

lucy : u will always be the only lucy i know i tell u.. n yesyes best grp!.. clapclapclap..!!

sar : go post ur pics too!everyone wld love to see them... esp the process of how it all came tog.. :)

9:52 PM  

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