Monday, November 27, 2006

the ingenius 'slowly but surely'...

'slowly but surely' has been my line this whole sem.. it has helped def, esp in times of great great need... but how wonderful it is to spread the love n have my other studio mates spin off that same tag line...

so now we have....drumroll........
- $low!y@%^*$ure!y
- dying slowly AND surely
- slowly.surely?
- surely slowly
- surely slower n slower

hopefully more to come....
oh jeese... im a star! :)

still finding time to escape...

its monday report is due wed obviosuly running away for a couple of mins from my report. im waiting my new printer coming in tmr. (stupid canon printer only lasted slightly more than a yr n servicing beyond waranty cost so much im better off with a new printer). im watching 'front' now on central, great variety show on arts stuff in feeling quite happy somehow. think cos i had a nap just now. not as smooth a nap as i hoped but ANY sleep these days leaves me smiling blissfully cos im still trying to work round my insomnia. i got my knockout flu pills tho, $0.40 for 10! if i finish all 10 n still have a prob, im going to the doc , pronto.

ok i wanted to share the sorbet story to those who havent a clue what it is, but i realised i dont haev the pics! argh... till i get them... sorry ah

Sunday, November 26, 2006

for how long can u run?

its sunday afternoon... after bm, i took fri n sat to chill. quite generous as many wld consider, since thesis report is due next wed. i think i was jsut escaping. i always am. heh.its jsut something i needed to do, so i can focus after that break. for me, no pt trying to act all hardworking n get crackin immediately, cos it wld not be productive n i end up super frustrated cos i put in the time but get nothing out. ok, so as i said its sunday afternoon, i seriosuly gotta get my damn ass to it. jsut grab it by the damn horns n do it! argh! (ok, the rain DOESNT help, neither does the smell of fresh sheets.. :) )

but in anycase, u f**king thesis, here i come! 1.5wks more... ms janeyhia can do this!
n to all my studio mates n their F-thesis, u hang in there too k. HANG IN THERE. when its all over, it will be sorbet story time.... :)

Friday, November 24, 2006

bmw finally over...

ok, this is the sec time im posting this, i am HOW annoyed. n i was almost
done aleady just now.lagi tamade annoyed.

the whole bmw saga is finally over n boy r we glad we managed to pull it through. its been madness for 3mths, n now, hohoho... its over. despite all the crazy moments, temper explosions, no sleep, macdonalds n foam... it was a great project where we all def have learnt alot n i did have quite a blast. of the many things we learnt, the best must be 'to keep one another awake n get crackin on our model, we shout n scream 'SHUTUP LA U MORON... DONT BE LAZY LA MORON!...'indeed it does sound mean n horrible ubt man, we laugh n laugh n scream n scream... n still we totalyl get things done.

this proj is abt emotional addressing. we r all given a fixed box size to work with, n create a only-white space using forms etc to deliever that particular emotion we have chosen. my grp did seduction.. others were, zest,wonderment, harmony,romance,lightness,dynamism,curiosity,enticement n soothingness.
after this proj, bmw is gonna ship these boxes back to munich, their headquaters for their designers, to inspire them?

final model making in the process... slowly but surely..

the mrng at 530am, jsut b4 bmw presentation/exhibition at 2pm. we finally finished out model n was, well, def on a high... thats alec my boss, then zq-the-lucy, n me.

bmw exhibition at sde foyer. air filled with relief n satisfaction...

chris bangle (whom dr y, refer to as CB...) is the cheif designer of bmw. what took us 3mths to figure out how to evoke seduction, he took 3mins to regurgitate to us exactly what we did. no wonder he is where he man.

happy friends, all smiley... me, lucy,ly n sam.

jane n 'jane'. proof of hardwork(till u dont have time to go home n change), friendship, n oh come on, STYLE man.

our model fromt he outside. which looks really different from the inside...

the 3 of us, goofying ard AGAIN.

finally, we present 'seduction'.

team seduction. must be one of the best grps ive ever had...alec, ure a wonderful boss.ive learnt alot.n zq, u bring the shits out of me la u... :)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

final countdown man...

ok, so we've got 1 last day to finish up bmw, n this time, its do or die. no extension of deadline,n no bullshitting at the end. u show what u have at the end,period. so ok, my grp is doing pretty alright, we're almost done, yay! jsut hopw nothing else screws up, like the pieces coming in later come on time n come in the right dimensions etc... pls dont fuck with us now... plssssss
then after that, if we finish early, we can go lend our 2 hands to others so we all can finish up n not let dr. y look bad.. heh

well, im in early today, managed to get back early last night, leaving studio b4 midnight feels so damnit gd... n after a whole wk of insomnia n bad sleeping patterns, i finally managed to get to bed at 1plus, n actually slept pretty well, till i woke up at 545am n oh-oooh... cant sleep already. so tossed AGAIN till 7ish n i was like 'oh heck it, im just gonna head downn start work...' we're meeting at 10am only see... so now ive done some, made a trip to the hardware stall n greeted 'zao an aunty, you shi wo lai le....'. then im back n having hall bfast, ( i finally found normal bfast time to be able to get bfast, even if its jsut 1 more bfast, at least stupid hall wont earn that 1 bfast's money...damn u). so jsut had my bfast, n once again, im left feeling oily n yucky in my tumtum yucks, pui!

ok,im gonna stop now, gonna start clearing up some trash so we all have more space n hey, maybe we'll live a little longer too...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

too many unglam pics on the wolfgang's bmw website...

this is too..... i dont even know what to say....
i think ANYONE outside studio who sees these pics r gonna wonder if i EVER take classes seriously...

class photo also cannot pose n smile properly... can die or not tell me

3 wks....

in 3 wks, everything depressing will end.
like i mentioned, at that time,it wldnt matter how it all ended, but the thing is , IT ENDS.
slowly but surely friends.... indeed it will all end.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

still slowly but surely?

im trying to start on my thesis report now, but the more i do, the more i realisd how fucked i am man.. tamade chialat.
i just hope somehow in the next 4wks i manage to come up with something. this is too depressing... :( n now, all i wanna do is run away n go for holiday. ok, so im giving myself thots abt a holiday at the end when all these shits end (HOW it ends, doesnt matter, it just has to end. ill worry when the results r out n see whether i tapao-ed this sem...)

to cont abt my worries, tell me how im gonna write a 40pg report when i even have problems writing a proper spelling error-free, grammatically right blog post. tamade-tamade-chialat.

but any case, i find other stuff to entertain myself. i watch channelnews asia half the time im at my com. its pretty gd stuff u know. other than news,there stuff like japan hr, dynamic korea n random small news like how koreans have cooking classes for dog food, so they make beatiful cakes n what not to pamper their lil woof-woofs. PLUS, they have series on 'whats that abt' (sat, 830pm) which is awesome! i jsut caught a repeat on it n do u know that a toast(say, with jam, butter ...) will always fall with the spread-side down?(its apparently not due to the jam, but due to the table height) n what gives the potato chips its crunch is tiny lil air bubbles escaping?(imagine a balloon, when u poke it, it pops... now imagine tonnes of those in ur lil piece of chip)
brilllant show. to whoever who says watvhing tv is degrading... 'every min im watching this stuff, its making me smarter..HAH!'. told u tv is the world best invention, beats aircon k.
oh, another show thats quite fun watching is 'isaac', by isaac mizrahi who is just funny in his own way.

on another note, im getting more n more lazy when it comes to cooking my meals... so i settle for instant mee, which is bad i know! but heck, i dont evenhave to leave my room to get a meal. oh well, not that i eat that stuff 3 times a day... just once really... cos now my bioclock is such that i eat every 12hrs... n can get by with jsut a meal a day ( thats when i sleep the other half the day away)

ok, i think ive run away for long enough, i obviously blog so i have 'something to do ' b4 i get my white ass to work....
ok, thats now then.