Wednesday, March 15, 2006

vatican city

the st peter's basillica...
ariel view (is that whats its called or spelled for that matter? i think i got the spelling wrong? looks the the name of the little mermaid man...goodness.. this damn blog simply displays how pok my language ability is, heng i do design, dont need to write so much...gill, or everyone pls corrent my spelling so i can learn along the way, jsut post a comment! thanks ah)
anyway, vactican city is the smallest country ever. they have their own postal service which i tell, is making HELL (ops blasphemous in this context? heh) lots of money! a postcard is abt 1 euro, a stamp is ALSO 1 euro to send to spore... to a damn postcard cost me $4sing!! n of cos the stamps here all have the new pope;s face...

this is after climbing 200plus steps to the bottom of the dome...

this they call the door of death. its the door that late popes will be brought thru into the basillica... think if rem from the recent one, the pope is laid outside for awhile? so when they bring him in, they walk thru this door....

this is the basin they use for baptism... i think they actually DO use it....

this is some painting in the basillica, actually, it aint a painting, its made of mosaic tiles abt 0.5cmsq! the mosaic it so its easier to maintiain i guess n the original is int he vatican museum. we were HOW STUNNED to realised it was mosaic man, we thot all of htem were paintings till we evesdropped (ok, overheard) some tour guide... it was so well done, plus it was rather dim... we wldnt never have known if not for our gd ears...

this chair, was made for st peter(who was the very first pope ever) by michaelangelo i think. its abt 5m high... then the 4 pple carrying the chair r representatives of the greek n romans, 2 each, so if u look up(once again not in the pic) the inscriptions on the right r in greek, the left in roman. my dad said behind this chair, there;s a secret dooor (ok, maybe not secret) that leads down to a chapel. he went down cos his friend-priest brought him there! (did i get u right dad?)

ok, this is veronica, the lady who wiped the face of jesus while he was carrying the cross... so if u see the 2nd pic closely, u can see a carved pic of a face... details man.... details...

thats st peter. sorry if the pics r blurry, had to take without flash if not dman ugly n when i do that i gotta be DAMN steady, which i guess im not... he's hold a set of keys (to heaven la...) in his left hand... n his right hand in some preaching pose... there, everyone walk pass n rub his feet, so 1 feet u can see his toes, the other he looks like he;s wearing shoes (sorry la, pic cant see)

this is the ever so famous sculpture by michaelangelo, when he was 23 freakin yrs old... thats me next yr, n no way i can even carve a finger or a nose...this is original by the way... think the da vinci code bk made some mention of it?

this is the late pope john paul's tomb...took me awhile to figure that out, jsut saw alot of pple taking pics, then i also took then later i saw a post card on it... heh... this is underground, together withh all the other many many tombs of the other late popes... but not errie la, they did it up nice n neat...

this is also some dead pope, i dont mean to be disrespectful n called it a dead pope but i really cant remember his name... there r a few of them in the main basillica itself... this jsut one of them... they put a metal mask on the face... quite interesting la

lynn n i after climbing 500 over steps UP (not 2 way.. i repeat...NOT 2 way) to the top of hte st peter's basillica...we smile as if we spend $3euro more to take the damn lift but neh... we're jsut gd at looking gd...

ps : here my friend's blog, she records more in detail as to how we live here etc... n have other pics about other stuff so u fellas can see-see also... she has more pics n arranged in a much neater fashion...


Blogger evancheerio said...

it's aerial.. dun worry we'll help u along..
anyway jane fyi i like the way you write.. it's very personal and entertaining.. how i wish i'm in italy now..
enjoy urself!!

1:10 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

haha! thanks wz for correcting me! i learn new things everyday! well, glad ure enjoying it... bet u can jsut imagine the exact words coming out of my mouth!
thanks janeyhia for u man...

4:33 AM  

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