Tuesday, March 07, 2006

grocery shopping

this is how all 3 of us look leaving the supermarket...
we TRY to buy a wk's groeries so we wont have to go back there time n time again, n we end up looking like that cos its simply toooo heavy to carry!!
we gotta walk from the supermarket to the train station, which is not far but when ure carrying... NO JOKE. like damn eternity to get there. then after 1 train stop, we reach our place, n gotta walk back home. this one, lagi chia lat, walk even further.... n along the way we hope the bag doesn give way... they give very few bags, n u gotta pack the stuff in urself... n when we ask for a lil more, they give us the 'dagger eyes' ...
then this trip, we decided to get juice, 4x2L cartons, thats 8L of juice... cos it was on offer for E$4.65.. cheap ma, n sure will drink b4 it expires... so lug it back home like SIAO. jx had to put 2 cartons into his bagpack if not no way we cld get home.
we throw all the veggies into 1 big bag n just anyhow hug n go... we gotta hug our groceries la, its too damn heavy on the fingers... lucky we decided to put the washing powder back.. it was the huge ass box kind...
ok then here's the best part, after buying n buying for a wk, we now find ourselves stuffing ourselves with tonnes of veggies la, this la , that la.... cos we're going to rome tmr till sunday n all the food, well, wont last.... ARGH! last min planning i guess... HAIYA. i jsut had so much chai i shat quite immediately... plus we had ommelette, with tonnes of chai inside too of cos...
oh well... we eat well at home, so nothing to complain la huh...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wanna go rome too!!!!!

4:36 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

hello anonymous...
nice to hear from u...
cld u leave a name? so i know who wld like to go to rome... :)

8:20 PM  

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