Monday, March 13, 2006

food in rome... or rather what we had...or saw... and some from today's supermarket shopping

ok, just to show u fellas more food n all... heh..

normal but beautiful tomatoes... here tomatoes r really fresh n sweet, they even come with a gaurantee card! the cherry tomatoes here r soooo sweet! its seriously doesnt taste sour at all... my new fav man... but the picture shows normal ones, not the cherry tomatoes...
mutated tomatoes... very ugly... rather green for some reason n more expensive than the normal n beautiful ones...
long tomatoes... think even more expensive than the ugly ones.. i cant quote rem, i jsut go for the cheapest... the beautiful one! heng ah, not the mutated ones, ill be rather scarred if i had to eat those....

so interesting ah! they actually sell macdonalds ketchup! they shld sell mos burger ketchup la, that one is really the best.....

i dunno y the picture is so bllue-ish... but anyway, these r cadbury snaps! just like pringles potato chips! we managed to resist it today.... but not for long i tell u.... i mean, it has tiny lil bits on it too!
(rome) apricot juice n peaches... apricot juice to satisfy our curiosity.. peaches for ice cream! had some dinner that we didnt eat much cos too expensive! so we went to the supermarket, got a tub for ice cream n peaches!! we wacked the whole tub that night... ok, we had to la, where to keep u tell me... no fridge... i was already pushing it but keeping my yoghurt outside on the window ledge hopefully the coldness wld help.... well, kept for 3days? here, whatever that cant fit into out lil fridge goes next to the window...

(rome) some strawberry cream jam... looks damn gd la.... but the price looks dman chia lat.. of cos never buy la.... not to worry xing papa n mama...!!

italian twisties.. heh...unless its one of those fako immitation la.. but shldnt be la.... but ive only seen 1 flavour here tho... hmmmm.... (sorry for the tilt again, nokia la... heh...)

espresso n a jam tart i had on the last day in rome... jx n i now only go for espresso... ok, n hot chocolate for me too la... but espresson is the way to go man! dont waste time with cappucino or worst, caffe latte (here u order latte they will give u a cup of steam milk, n then laught at u so i heard.. haah) anyway, the espresson, aint caffine packed! cos it apparently uses very high pressure steam to get only the flavour of the coffee but not the caffine! so jx had his first cup without a heart attack so espresso all the way from now!! hohoho... the cheapest we found was 0.70euro a shot... yumyum....
the jam tart, my downstairs pastry shop better... heh...

no, we didnt eat this, but when we were in rome, first day, we realised alot of pple selling this yellow flower.. from milan n even in rome! so we went to some cheap small chinese restaurant ( no we didnt splurge there, we had simple stuff like $3 guandong chow fan kind, i mean, a sandwich here cost on ave $3 too, might as well eat fried rice ma...) anyway, in the chinese restaurant, we asked the shop lady, chinese of cos... n she said it was some day where guys r suppoes to get this flower for girls, its called mimosa, italian i guess... heh...

so its like some girls rules day... oh but the chinese name for it is jsut weird! its called 'san ba fu ni? jie' something like that la, but the 'san ba' is confirm... oh well....

(rome) these r damn pretty pasta that we found in some shop that sells cheese, ham olive oil la etcetc.... we got our lunch sandwich there, we found out such shops sell cheaper sandwiches which r even better! freshly cut cheese n ham which u can choose which particular cheese n ham u want! can even try the cheese before hand... heh.. anyway the pasta was so pretty i had to take pics, tho, damn pai seh k...

vanilla yoghurt... yumyum... i cant live without yoghurt now... can someone tell me how fattening it is, or is it not? cos im suddenly eating hell lots, if its damn fei fei... then i better watch man... today at the communist supermarket, i got a new flavour of yoghurt! its coconut! ill keep u fellas posted as to how gd/bad it is k! my next flavour wld be chantilily... heee...

kinder bueno is HUGE here i tell u... this hippo one is jsut one kind.. they have it in chocolate filling too. then there is kinder cereal bar, n kinder this kinder that.... n basically, its cos HAZELNUT is lagi huge here...they have quite a bit of hazelnut spreads here n all.... i show u the size of nutella they sell in the supermarket below... its siao one lor! the small jar is the bigger ones that we find in spore... not the largest la, but the bigger one aleady... n the couple paying after us, they bought the mother huge nutella...

(rome) this is some funky san pellegrino drink with cobras on the top which we decided to be advanturous n try... its weird ass man... its black in colour for one n lynn says it tastes like 'kiam-serng-ti' (suan mei) drink... jx n i cldnt take it, lynn drank it all up....

(rome) thats me having hot chocolate with cream... here hot chocolate is real thick n nice n warm n not fake tasting like those we get in spore.. this is like... real stuff man... n its not sweetened...
here they serve with freah whipped cream which is cold, n firm n nice! so i drop a dollop of cream into my chocoloate, n use my teaspoon n scoop some cream (b4 it melts) n some chocolate.. its devine i tell u... cold cream n hot chocolate... yum... i had to get extra cream! n me, being a xiao-di xia shou (young dude killer... haha) he not only gave me a bigger bowl of cream...
he later gave us another bowl of a different cream! sweet, with a tinge of coffee flavour...said this was the cream of all creams... n then gave us a lil wink... HAHAHA..... once again devine.... ill def be having more hot chocolates here!!

(rome) thats the ice cream we had.... spore;s gelato standared.... same... so dont worry u spore fellas! same gd stuff!!

ok, after supermarket shopping n a lil trip to chinatown, we decided to have fried bee hoon for dinner... so i had to chop the carrots into thin slices... wah lau... i wnted to jsut chop my fingers off n walk away.... its dman difficult!! those above r obviously damn thick still but i dont care already la!

so anyway, my point of showing ur my awefully chopped carrots to so i can show my auntie silo n suba that i chopped carrots! ok, n garlic too...

aunty silo n aunty suba : thanks for all the bee hoon n fried rice u cooked for me all these yrs... n especially for all the thinly chopped carrots, ill promise to eat all the vegggies in the bee hoon when i get back...never knew they needed so much work! i miss ur fried rice n bee hoon know... :(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wahahahha neighbour u r such a retard lah too funny!!! and dammit the food looks DAMN BLOODY GOOD! hurry go try the cadbury snaps and report back to us ok so we can live vicariously thru u haha...and the hot chocolate.... omg i thk i'm gg to die lah haha so jealousssssss!!! yummmmmmmmm!!! and not a big fan of the rome tourism industry eh i see wahahaha!

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok i guess that's anna.

I HATE YOUR BLOG. esp when it's late at night. just makes me hungry. and hungrier. and worst of all i got no neighbour to cook with! argh.

and i tell you, i really "ren" all your horrible english spelling, "ren" until siao lor. but i really cannot take it when even your hanyupinyin cannot make it.

"xiao-di xia shou"????

i let you go figure out what's wrong yourself.



11:38 AM  
Blogger janey hia said...

gilly :

i dunno how to correct the xiao di xia shou... maybe 'xiao di sha shou'?? wo bu zhi dao la....

u can correct all my english k! ok, n yes hanyupinyin too..

mdm wong : thanks man! i feel less pok now... heh...
ill get the cadbury snaps next trip n ill do an autopsy on it k!
for yoghurt, u shld try n see if u can find 'muller' brand... its yummy!

3:20 AM  

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