Wednesday, March 15, 2006

interesting stuff in rome

other than food, i love taking pics of such stuff man... so entertaining! ok la, so that u fellas can se italian life too...

this is some antique bread toaster we saw at some fako "flea market', it turned out to be a shop... stupid guideless book...anway, thot it was dman retro n all! n neat too... of cos i thot of getting it, but its 50 euros man! which is 100sing...n dunno if it works at all... plus not like ive got such money to spend... i so can do with a toaster here, i currently stand infront of the stove, toast my bread on the pan, n toast 1, eat 1... so i kinda have bfast at the stove...

this is one mother huge of a salami la.... u compare with the pple standing behind...

here, in milan/rome... they have rather amusing pictorial signages man... ok, to me la...

wah! this one ah, when i saw i wanted to die laughing!! so much for being mona lisa i say!! this was found in the souvenior shop at the colloseo. i think they purposely wan... cos like all the books had the red sticker right smack in the face...!! purposely or not, its damn funny u italian punks!!

busking in rome... all these fellas jsut dress up n stand damn still... most r not too bad, some u look at them n im like 'pls la, go invest in some gd face paint can...' my fav is the running dude! he has the power eye browns la! every time someone throws a coin in or somehting, he'll twitch his eye brown! n that smile! aiyo... just damn funny...! then kids will go up n strike a running man pose just next to him so their mummies cna take pics!of cos they throw 5cents before taking the pic la... as for the egyptian dude, there r quite a few... its like a syndicate man...

this uncle uses his fingers , wears gloves with tiny lil costumes n let his fingers dance away! quite amusing i must say, esp when he does the michael jackson as seen above... then his table has some special mechanism that allows him to step on some peddle n smoke(or powder probably..) comes out from the table top! so he bring his michael to the 'smoke spot' then WHAM! michael dances with smokey effects man!! best bit, this uncle even recorded his performance n sells DVDs for somehting liek 8euro... DVD s leh, not VCD...

this trio's really quite good.... enjoyed listening to them....

this is in piazza navona.. or somehting like that la... its has a real nice atmosphere.. this is where i get the running man, oh there was 1 of the egyptian syndicate fella n the musicians.... n tonnes of artists selling their work! but i tell u, some fako one lor! they were PRINTED! u see! jsut like the damn 5-&*%$#-euro roman cheat!! i didnt even wanna call him a soldier...but i must say, some r really quite nice, n once again, the price also very nice...

then here we have a food truck or vehicle or lorry or somehting la.... its everywhere in rome! every corner there's one... they sell sandwiches, snacks,'very cold drinks' n 'gelato'(u tell me who wants very cold drink now....n they print like DAMN BIG somemore...). anyway, its real neat man this thing. when we first saw, we cld barely figure where the driver's seat was!then we saw 1 dude setting up his stall, ok, he was adjusting his parking within this lot for the longest time, park, come out check, park again, check again... absolute precision man.the lot was small i guess.. but anyway, spore's food van... absolutely not fight at all! this lil truck, u see already u wanna buy somehting from there kind... (i didnt k! cos i was strong......very very strong)

then here's our hotel's lift.. very old school man... got grill gate n all... here, sometimes we dont see 'door close' button.. u only press the 'level' when ure all in n snug, n when u do, thats the signal for door close...n here, they go by level 0, then higher up wld be 1,2,3,.... n anything below wld be '-1,-2 ....'

then petrol kiosk can be damn mini n along the side of the road, totally self service... here cars park everywhere along the sides.. so long got space they park, n it barely matters that some of their cars r half way on the pavement.. n the things is, cars here r DAMN DIRTY... all black black dusty dusty one... ur jacket swipe pass only... hohoho....

then here i found a calendar, not with roman landmarks or the pope(he has cards n pictures everywhere its like those F4 or backstreetboys kinda thing man,jx calls it the 'ou-siang-ka'(idols cards)). anway, this calendar gives u receipes! quite clever ah! so every month u can cook a new dish!

cant see very clearly cos its blocked by the lamp post but the left most shop, its name is called 'sabo'... (can click on the pic to see it upclose)

here, they make sure u see the RED light... the red bit is like what... twice the size of the green n amber? wonder how muc of a diffierence does it make man...

THIS! goodness.. i enjoyed this quite a bit...its an ad for scooter n vehical rental as u can see... but the fact that they made use of that ever so famous michaelangelo pic (which i saw in hte sistine chapel in the vatican museum n on postcards n posters n bruce almighty...) is jsut damn funny.... gd ad i say! cos of me, more sporean know where to get scooters n bics!

this was in some castle we decided to give a shot at, cost us 5euros(i tell u, anything 5euro i can almost be sure now its bad) n we pretty much regret. NOTHING to see lor... cep for some dude's painting exhibition which was not bad... but the thing is, its freaking dubious la this place! u look at the door with the painting of curtains drawn to make way for the door...with marble frame n all somemore.... n this is some ancient castle can.... i doubt those old farts were THIS funny k.... we actually came to a conclusion that they purposely put pple in the rooms to tell u NOT to take pictures with flash just so u FEEL like ure in some very precious place but its actually all ANYHOW reconstructed.there were a few other dubious looking things but i didnt get a pic... this shld be more than enough la

this is a phone booth of cos.. but its 1 hell of an odd ball la... so modern n spacey looking in hte midst of an ancient city with rumbles... n those connectors with lil balls.. some r placed for fun i think cos they dont seem to connect to anything....n this structure is like jsut anyhow out somewhere kind... hai...then whats worst? i htink milan has them too...

ok, thats all folks! hope u had an enjoyable time reading this bit of my blog as i enjoy recalling the moments... tho i did feel a lil retarded laughing myself just now


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