Monday, March 13, 2006

im back!!! was in ROME la...

hello one n all again! jsut got back from rome last night but connect was horrible la, cldnt update u fellas so now that i can, im back with vengence!

our room.. 3 beds, 1 sink,tv...but s ahred toilet with 2 other rms.... not bad i must say, for 63 euros a night for the entire rm...doesnt come with those 2 chaps tho...

well, abt rome ... its so freakinly tourist-y its gd n bad... for one, all the attractions , pple selling food, caffes etc all can speak decent enough english that we can get ard rather easily.. milan also not too bad la...bad cos, everything is tourist price... :( here, all the sttractions r really clsoe to one another, the colosseo where gladiators fought, some imperial forum where jc (julius cesar, thats what 1 of the bars called him... so funny ah!jc.. like best friend...) had his democratic? forums, then there is trevi fountain,pantheon, n of cos vatican city... all of which we either took a 3 stop train ride or a bus that took us everywhere else... other than that we walked from 1 to another... THAT close to one another...

here, we concluded, romans r either always dying, or always creating trouble... we hear the siren of ambulance n police cars say.... every 5mins? we tried to look for local roman food n flea markets n 100 flavours ice cream parlour, read some stuff from the travel guides from the hotel... i tell u, ALL BLUFF WAN! mailto:&*%$#%^@@.... it books werent that old, abt 2002? i was EXTREMELY disappointed when i didnt find the 100 floavour ice cream, my friend told me abt it b4, either rome or venice,had stuff like egg yolk,basil , garlic... so interesting ay! it ws the first thing i thot of when i first woke up on the 1st day! '100 flavours ice cream!'.. go there then we saw one shop as located, but not 100 lor... got 50 very gd already.... so we had it ANYWAY... had bacio(which i concluded must be from the chocolate baci, which is like ferrero roche,thus like tartufo in spore), riso (rice! not bad man... quite common here appaenrly) n some rum(very sweet, yucks...)

oh, dont even get me started on the FLEA MARKETS.... bullshit wan lor.. it doesnt exist... together with the roman food... oh n in rome, be very selective n careful abt going to see attractions... we saw a few, some rumbles.. some broken colomns, some rocks... in a plot n ta-daa! roman attraction! they jsut didnt try to restore it.. VERY HISTORICAL i say...

oh! one more thing abt these romans... they put up some broken piece of a sculpture then they say its some chap's arm... or 'a piece from a male figure'... we're like 'sure or not.. dont anyhow bom leh....'

the colosseo was 1 of the better attractions other than vatican city... this is where gladiators fought together, or with animals, n sometimes they conduct death sentences there too... of cos they dont hang the buggar there, they jsut throw him there with no weapons n set the ferrocious animals to devour him while they cheer away... they did that to a few martyres(dunno how to spell as usual) n after which, when the church pple banned the fights, they turned it to a place of worship n built tabinacles n all... to honour these martyres.. but that they further changed it into a fort... after they banned the games, colosseo was a dead town before they transformed it, n they removed all the marble, iron etc n used these materials for the st peter's basillica.. dont waste ma...

these games were free to all. who ever who wanna hold a fight etc, its bascially to show off their wealth la, but they called it a 'gift' to society... (ya jsut watch pple muder one another... splendid gift i say,THIS is called reality tv man). is can sit somehting like 40,000-70,000 pple. then the seating were done by levels n of cos my class... the senates n emperor had the best view at the first level, the higher up u sit, the lower ur class. n they engraved names so u will definately know where u shld sit, the senates had their names engraved on their chairs! the fight between 2 glads were most well received.

so there is 2 of them of cos, then they will throw in another chaps to go ji-siao the 2, so most exciting... then they will have props too! like when a whale apprently appeared in italy shore(dont ask me how is that even posisble), they built a huge ass whale in the arena! n then with pulley systems n all, the whale can move n when it opens its mouth, out comes 50 ferrocious bears! so anywya, they fight till 1 loses of cos, then the loser can ask for grace n mercy from first the dude who organised the game, when the emperor is there of cos he ask the emperor la if not um-jai-xi (wanna die ah) ah... but the emperor usually listens tot he crowd n decides la... then if fought till die alerady, they will use a hot metal n scar the fellas, in case he fakes death... they really make sure u die one know... gladiators can be one out of free will, but mianly out of fame n glory la, if not they r slaves who bo pian...
its really like in the 'galdiator' movie... not bad i say! but the colosseo is mainly reconstructed... if not it'll be rumbles too... so i say... HENG AH.....

u see those rumbles, they fell from the top of the colosseo... n i guess, in gd ol' roman fashion, they leave it there for display....
cross, so show that it was a place of worship at some point of time in history....
this is a con man. n yes i got conned again.... 5- *&$%#%^-euros for 2 pics! n we took the pics ourselves! i mean, i saw many many students n pple jsut walking up to them to take a pic! how come i didnt see them paying... seriously, 5euros... thats 1 plate of guandong chow fan n 2 spring rolls in a chinese restaurant... *&^%$#@#%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! n i didnt even brush my hair to take a nice pic.....
i wanted to stab the damn roman with his own sword.... SO STUPID JANE! stupid stupid stupid... why do i always think that these pple do such stuff out of pride of their country n to give tourist a nice n memorable time???? but never again u damn roman cheats!!never again...
this is a sculpture of a dancing lady... some muse of some sort.... possibly anyhow bom right?!?!!

roman graffitti! while watch the ever so exciting gladiators fight... during time out i guess...
more views... u cant see exaclt where pple sat last time cos it was reconstructed as somehting else or sealed if not it'll jsut be... rumbles...

thats just me being funny...

from the outside... see those straigh diagonal walls? proof of reconstruction...
form the inside... its actually a sand floor but they removed most of it to show whats it like underground... where the gladiators hang out, etc...

roman cat... oh! that black jacket that i wear, i got it here! fro 19euros! gd stuff ay.... serves me rather well... :)


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