Monday, March 12, 2007

i cannot eat anymore crappy ice cream

ive been doing some ice cream testing for my thesis. in a nut shell, i had to test effectiveness of ice packs on keeping ice cream chilled. n with every 5mins of into the experiment, i gotta eat a teaspoon of the damn ice cream to taste for texture etc... i got the nestle milo, only cos it comes in the right sized cup n it was cheap(er). (i spent more than $15 on 12 cups? of ice cream for this). this ice cream is crap i tell u. it made me bloated from all the air trapped inside it! (all ice creams have trapped air, the less air trapped, the better. its also how they concluded that hagen daaz gives u 5 times more fat in a scoop, cos well, it indeed is dense). i could only finish 2 experiments n had to continue the last one the mrng n so more nestle milo ice cream.. for breakfast.... yucks. pui!
after the last experiment, i felt like puking. the thought of the ice cream alone gives me shivers now. it'll be some time before i can truly enjoy ice cream again...
the puke inducing iceee ccrrreeaaaammmm.....

1 of the tests


melted ones r simply the WORST to consume... eeeyerh...


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