Tuesday, March 20, 2007

mosaic music festival part 2

well, after listening to rachel yamagata on my newly bought cd, i got to listen more closely to her lyrics. not that im getting a lot more of what shes trying to sing now (which i might be thankful for cos it might just be too depressing n i like being happy the way i am), but a little bit more. Prior to the show i heard her songs were all abt break-ups n depressing stuff. i obviously cldnt catch any of that during the show due to the inherent fact that i have a concentration span and focus level of a 5 yr old. i can never get all these lyrics thing. dont even get me started on that VERY SAD jay chou song ( i dont know the name of it.)

the tokyo ska paradise album,is definately a far cry from the live performance, n can be a bit boring after awhile... sigh. but i wanna find out whats the opening song that night. it was RIVETING.

another album i got was 'Yo La Tengo', their 2006 album. this is one act i wish i caught! damn. the esplanade website giving sample songs for the various acts were somewhat not very accurate. thus i missed yo la tengo n shld have caught 'the tower of power (?)' too. argh.

so for now, its goodbye mosaic, helllloooo arts fest!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wanna watch arts fest too!
(eh btw is this what you wanted to talk to me about?)

4:59 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

heard of any gd ones for arts fest lemme know k :)
im not sure if its what i wanted to ask u. im thinking now that i might have imagined that i needed to ask u something cos i STILL cant figure out what..

9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i remember e jay chou song u were talking about .. during yr 1 or something.. its called an jing.. hahah..

9:36 PM  
Blogger janey hia said...

haha!i wldnt know even if u bluff me.. but yes, i rememebr we had sucha conversation... haha

11:22 AM  

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